Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 20: Kanroji Mitsuri's Troubles

Kanroji Mitsuri has been troubled recently.

She was almost at the age of marriage, and girls of the same age were getting engaged one after another, but she remained silent.

She has been different since she was a child.

The more you eat, the stronger you become, and your body becomes terrifyingly strong.

When she was a child, she was proud of this, but as she grew older, this specialness gradually turned into an annoyance.

She was stronger than all men, so much so that no one dared to like her.

As a girl, she hopes to marry a husband who is stronger than herself. This wish seems to have no possibility of being realized.

Although her parents did not dislike her and told her that it was okay not to marry, but how could a girl not marry?

She actually longs for love!

Thinking about her troubles, Kanroji Mitsuri walked out of the town unknowingly and came to a dense forest on the outskirts.

When the light disappeared and her vision dimmed, she suddenly woke up.

"Oops! I accidentally walked so far, I have to go back quickly!"

Ganluji Mili covered her mouth and turned to leave.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just then, a strange noise came from the dense forest. She stopped and looked inside curiously.

"what sound?"

Unfortunately, the forest was too dense, blocking the sunlight, and the field of vision was too poor to see what was going on inside.

"What should we do?"

Kanroji Mitsuri blinked, feeling a little curious.

"Well... how about we go over and have a look?"

She looked around guiltily and walked quietly inside.

She wasn't worried about her safety.

Her powerful body has brought her a lot of troubles, but it also has some benefits, and safety is one of them.

She fights really well!

Even a sumo wrestler is far from her opponent.

As we go deeper into the jungle, the strange noises become louder and louder.

Climbing up a gentle slope, the field of vision suddenly opened up. Kanroji Mitsuri raised her little head and looked forward curiously.

The next moment, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

Aoki stood in front of the boulder and performed the Aoki style.

"Aoki-ryu, death calamity!"

He moved instantly.

Jabs, kicks, sweeps, the moves seem irregular and not fast, but when combined, they form a strange rhythm, like turbulent sea water, one wave after another, continuous and endless, Suffocating.

"Aoki-ryu, storm!"

Aoki's moves suddenly changed.

Fists, elbows, knees, and feet, every part of his body instantly turned into a deadly weapon, violently hitting the boulder in front of him with a complex but not chaotic rhythm.

Boom, boom, boom!

A drum-like sound exploded in the air.

The boulders became pitted and cracked on the surface.


The boulder was torn apart and turned into countless rubbles, flying everywhere.

"It's done!"

Aoki couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

The formation of two killing moves means that he has finally mastered the basic moves of Aoki-ryu, and it also means that his combat system has taken initial shape.

"The rock is broken?"

Ganlu Temple covered his mouth with his hands, shocked and excited.

Her muscle density is eight times that of ordinary people. Her strength exceeded that of a sumo wrestler when she was a child. So far, she has never seen anyone stronger than herself.

However, she couldn't break such a big rock.

is this real?

Are there really such powerful people in the world?

She wanted to see more clearly, so she stretched her little head forward, and suddenly her hand tilted, and her face came into close contact with the ground.

"it hurts!"

"Who?" Aoki turned around suddenly.

"Oops! Found out!"

Ganluji Mili walked out, a little embarrassed.

"Hello sir, we meet again! I didn't mean to peek at you, I just heard some strange noises and wanted to take a look."

"It's you!"

Aoki rubbed his forehead.

Too careless!

Ganlu Temple Mili was so close, but he didn't even notice it.

If she were the enemy, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although this was mainly because all his energy was focused on "Death Tribulation" and "Storm", it also sounded a wake-up call for him.

This world is full of his enemies, so he cannot let his guard down at any time!

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Aoki said: "Hello, Miss Ganluji, nice to meet you."

Ganluji Mili's eyes lit up: "Eh? Do you know me?"

"I've heard of Miss Ganluji's name," Aoki said.

The Kanroji family is not far from the Aoki Dojo. Kanroji Mitsuri is a celebrity in the neighborhood. Most people know her as a girl with a big stomach and strange strength.

Kanroji Mitsuri was crestfallen: "It turns out it's those bad reputations!"

"Bad reputation?"

Aoki picked up the ghost wine gourd and sunshade hat, and said casually: "Miss Ganluji, being strong is not a mistake. Others' criticism of you is more out of jealousy and fear!

In fact, what you have is a very powerful talent. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the chosen one. "


Kanroji Mitsuri looked at him blankly: "What's the use of this kind of talent? Would anyone like me like this?"

Aoki looked at Kanroji Mitsuri and chuckled: "You can be more confident, compared to you, everyone else is just an ordinary person!

As for the effects of this talent, there are so many. You can earn several times more than ordinary people by doing hard work! "

He didn't want to have a close relationship with Kanroji Mitsuri.

Otherwise, when she joins the Demon Slayer Corps in the future, they may face the trouble of turning against each other.

Totally annoying!

However, he would not shy away from someone like a snake or a scorpion and deliberately stay in the cold.

It is very foolish to worry too much about something that may not happen!


Ganluji Mili laughed out loud, her eyes turned into crescent moons: "Compared to you, sir, I am just an ordinary person!"

Aoki shook his head: "It's different! Most of the other strong people become strong through practice, but you are born strong."

"Cultivation? Can ordinary people practice to be as strong as Mr. Ganluji?" Ganluji Mili asked curiously, pointing her finger at her chin.

"Just call me Qingcun."

Aoki said: "Actually, there are people stronger than me. However, being able to practice and become stronger is also a talent in itself."

The breathing method also requires talent, and there are very few who can reach the level of Zhu.

"It turns out there are such strong people in the world!"

Kanroji Mitsuri felt that the world suddenly became very bright, and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Qingcun, do you want to continue practicing? Can I go with you?"

"No, today's training is over!" Aoki shook his head.

"Then let's go back together!"

Kanroji Mitsuri was not disappointed at all, with a bright and sunny smile on her face.

"I have been very worried about my body recently. It was actually because of this incident that I mistakenly entered Mr. Qingcun's training place today. However, I am very happy now..."

On the way back, probably because it was the first time she saw "the same kind", Kanroji Mitsuri was very excited and talked about her own affairs.

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