For Aoki, the actual combat training was just a small episode.

If it weren't for Keisuke Akiyama, he wouldn't even participate.

After coming out, Aoki heard that someone was looking for him.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw the girl with cherry-colored pigtails who was sticking her head out and looking into the dojo.

"Miss Kanroji, why are you here?"

Seeing Aoki, Kanroji Mitsuri's eyes suddenly lit up, and she trotted over and raised the food box in her hand.

"Mr. Aomura, I prepared cherry cakes, let's taste them together!"

Aoki pondered slightly: "Then go to my room."

Sakura cakes are impossible to eat, so you can only use the excuse of practice to avoid them.

Kanroji Mitsuri picked up a piece of cherry cake and took a small bite.

The fragrance of cherry blossoms, glutinous rice and bean paste blended from the tip of her tongue into her mind. She squinted her eyes happily, ate the whole cherry cake in one breath, then held the cup with both hands, drank a few sips of tea, and looked up.

Aoki's expression was serious, and he practiced the basic moves of Aoki Style in a serious manner.

When practicing indoors, he had to be very careful to control his strength, which not only helped to improve the control of strength, but also allowed him to feel the details of Aoki Style from another angle.

Seeing him stop, Kanroji Mitsuri blinked: "Mr. Aomura, you said that practicing to become stronger is to rely on this kind of martial arts?"

"Of course not, you can become stronger by relying on martial arts, but you can't break the limit of your body." Aoki replied.

"Then how to do it?" Kanroji Mitsuri picked up another piece of cherry cake and stuffed it into her mouth, her face was puffed up.

"Breathing method, only by breathing method can you become a real strong man." Aoki sat down next to him and poured himself a glass of wine.

Kanroji Mitsuri asked curiously: "Where can I learn breathing method?"

"Breathing method is in the hands of the Demon Slayer Corps." Aoki said.

"Demon Slayer Corps? Are the people there as strong as Mr. Aomura?" Kanroji Mitsuri asked in a daze.

Aoki thought about this question seriously for a while before saying, "Most of them are not as good as me, and a few may be stronger than me."

He thought that his strength should have reached the level of the lower string at this time.

No one below the pillar should be his opponent.

As soon as Kanroji Mitsuri left, Akiyama Keisuke came to him.

"Junior brother, your performance in today's actual combat training was really outstanding!"

There was still some shock on his face.

Aoki said, "Senior brother, you are too good! It just so happens that I also have something to say to Senior Brother Keisuke. I will not attend the future courses."

"Why?" Akiyama Keisuke was stunned.

"Because I am ready to leave." Aoki said.

He would stop to integrate forces and sort out the combat system. Now that the goal has been achieved, it is natural for him to leave.

"What?" Keisuke Akiyama was shocked: "Is Junior Brother Aomura dissatisfied with the dojo?"

"It has nothing to do with the dojo." Aoki shook his head and said: "I was just passing by. It's been a long time now. It's time to leave."

Keisuke Akiyama was still a little unwilling, and gritted his teeth: "But Junior Brother Aoki's killer moves have not been learned yet!"

"For me, these basic moves are enough." Aoki said.

Those killer moves were created for humans, but they have no meaning to him.

Hearing the determination in his voice, Keisuke Akiyama no longer insisted, and said dejectedly: "Okay, then I won't bother Junior Brother."

After saying goodbye to Aoki, Keisuke Akiyama went to see his master.

But before he could speak, Kengo Mizuno said: "He refused, right?"

"Master, how do you know?" Keisuke Akiyama said: "But, in fact, I didn't have time to speak."

He told Kengo Mizuno about their conversation.

Mizuno Kengo's expression was a little complicated: "From the moves that Qingcun used during the day, it can be seen that he has already mastered the Qingmu style and walked out of his own path. Naturally, he does not need to continue to learn our Qingmu style."

"Walk out of his own path?"

Akiyama Keisuke was shocked.

Isn't he already a master?

He knew that Junior Brother Qingcun was very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

"That's good. For a genius like Qingcun, learning fixed killer moves will only hinder his growth."

Mizuno Kengo said: "Although he has walked out of his own path, no matter what, he is also from my Qingmu style."

Akiyama Keisuke looked at it and found that the teacher's spirit was okay and did not seem to have suffered too much. Only then did he slowly put his mind at ease.

However, Junior Brother Qingcun was leaving, and all the previous ideas were in vain. If he wanted to cheer up the master, he could only think of other ways.


Night fell.

Aoki quietly left the dojo and flew across the roof like a dragonfly skimming the water.

He planned to work hard these few days and make a final effort to see if he could find the evil ghost.

If he really can't find it, he can only give up.

He can't spend all his time here.

At most, he can find an opportunity to quietly tell the news here to the Demon Slayer Corps.

After a busy night, he got nothing.

Aoki sat cross-legged on the eaves, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The ghost couldn't be caught today, and before dawn, he decided to start another task first - find someone to "borrow" some money.

These days, he has actually been doing this, but it's not very smooth.

No matter how thieves and prostitutes are behind the scenes, on the surface, those rich people are cleaner than one another.

Of course, this is also because he is weak and spends most of his energy on finding ghosts.

What he is thinking now is, whose card should he turn?

Aoki suddenly thought of today's actual combat training during the day. His opponent was Shigeyoshi Fujita. To be precise, it was his last name.

"I remember that I found out before that there is a Fujita family in the city, which runs a steel company. It has strong financial resources, great influence, and seems to have a good reputation.

Well, today’s lucky guy was born! "

Aoki's previous investigation targets were mainly families and wealthy people with bad rumors, and philanthropic celebrities like Fujita were not included in the selection.

After all, a rumor may come out of nowhere without a reason!

However, he also knows that people cannot be judged by their appearance. How could the true face of a huge family be as simple as it appears on the surface?

Aoki's figure disappeared silently.

There are bright lights, numerous buildings, and guards at every corner.

The entire manor was like an iron barrel, not even a mouse could sneak in without permission.

But today, the strict Fujita Manor received an uninvited guest.

Aoki stood on the roof of a three-story building, looking down, his figure almost blending into the night.

"The financial resources are indeed strong!"

Judging from the size of the estate, the Fujita family is the richest family he has encountered since he started investigating.

However, this also brought him a problem.

There are so many houses, where should I start investigating?

Aoki had no good idea but to start with the more important houses.

As for which houses are more important, you can tell based on the status of the guards.

Important rooms either have guards standing guard at the door, or the door is closed. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to sneak in silently.

But for Aoki, as long as there is a slight gap, everything is unimpeded.

When the search for the third house was found, it finally paid off.

Aoki leaned against the wall, holding a letter in his hand and looking at the big bed in front of him.

In the middle of the bed was an astonishingly fat man, and the other three were all young girls who looked like they had just grown up.

Interestingly, only one of them is yellow, and the remaining two are a blond white guy and a curly-haired dark-skinned hottie.

Have you learned a foreign language in this era?

Really good at playing!

Aoki looked at the letter in his hand again.

The content of the letter was very simple. One of the people named "Muto" asked Fujita to have tea.

What’s interesting is the place for tea, Yejisha.

"I remember Yejisha is an art museum?" Aoki said silently to himself.

Going to an art gallery for tea?

Aoki put the letter back, glanced at the fat man on the bed, and disappeared quietly.

PS: Vote, gentlemen! Woohoo, it’s really important. In addition, I sincerely request everyone not to keep books! ! In the new book period, the most important data is reading, which determines the life or death of a book.

Turn over the cards and kneel down to the great men!

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