After both parties introduced themselves, the atmosphere in the room became more harmonious.

Tamayo told Aoki about some of her research, and Aoki told her about his recent actions.

Suddenly, Tamayo's beautiful face showed a little hesitation: "Mr. Aoki, you are now, um..."

Aoki looked at her expression and quickly reacted: "Miss Tamayo wants to ask me about cannibalism, right?"

Tamayo pursed her lips, intellectual and gentle: "After I became a demon, I once gave up on myself for a while and ate many people.

However, later, through the transformation of my body, I not only got rid of the control of Muzan Kibutsuji, but also no longer needed to eat people. I only needed to drink a small amount of human blood to survive.

Yushiro is the same, and he needs even less blood than I need.

If Mr. Aoki is willing, I can also try to help you..."

Aoki interrupted her directly: "I don't eat people."

Tamayo was slightly stunned.

"I don't eat people." Aoki emphasized again: "I have never eaten people, and I don't need to eat people."

Tamayo was surprised: "Mr. Aoki, do you mean that you have no desire for human flesh and blood?"

"Yes." Aoki nodded: "I don't eat people, but eat ghosts for a living!"

"Eat ghosts?"

Even Yushiro, who had been peeking at Tamayo and was absent-minded, looked up at him.

"Don't believe it? Do you want to try it?"

Aoki raised his palm and activated "Swallowing Ghosts" and stretched it towards Yushiro.

Yushiro frowned, dodged his palm, and faced Tamayo's inquiring eyes, explaining: "When his palm approached, I felt very uncomfortable."

"You are quite sensitive!"

Aoki praised him.

But Yushiro didn't appreciate it very much.

Tamayo pondered slightly: "Is this Mr. Aoki's blood ghost technique?"


Aoki answered vaguely.

It's better not to let others know about the system.

Tamayo didn't ask any more questions, but chuckled: "Mr. Aoki has this ability, and he may become a thorn in the eyes of Muzan Kibutsuji."

"It has already been."

Aoki said: "I killed the Lower String Five a few days ago. Oh, by the way, his experience is somewhat similar to Muzan Kibutsuji's, so Muzan took special care of him.

Muzan Kibutsuji should be furious now."

The two looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

The more unhappy Muzan Kibutsuji was, the happier they were.

Yushiro's teeth were almost broken when he saw this scene.

Aoki's expression became serious: "Ms. Tamayo, I hope we can become allies and help each other in dealing with Muzan Kibutsuji."

"I couldn't ask for it!"

Tamayo sighed: "It's a pity that we can't contact the Demon Slayer Corps. If we can unite with them, the possibility of killing Muzan Kibutsuji will be much higher."

Aoki did not comment.

The current Demon Slayer Corps, especially the pillars, are very hostile to demons.

In the original work, the Demon Slayer Corps was able to cooperate with Tamayo and Yushiro because of the precedent of Nezuko, and the situation was extremely serious. The pressure from Muzan Kibutsuji forced them to put aside their prejudices.

The Demon Slayer Corps is not so easy to talk to now.

He didn't intend to stick to other people's cold butts, so he didn't intend to have any intersection with the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Ms. Tamayo, I know you are proficient in medicine, so I hope you can invent a drug that can inhibit Muzan Kibutsuji's ability to split and escape!" Aoki said.

This is the most important purpose of his search for Tamayo.

The biggest difficulty in killing Muzan Kibutsuji is his ability to split and escape to save his life.

The reason why Yoriichi Tsugikoku failed to kill Muzan Kibutsuji was because of this trick.

Muzan Kibutsuji does not have the persistence of a strong man. Once he realizes that his life is threatened, he will escape without hesitation.

If you want to deal with Muzan Kibutsuji, you must first find a way to restrain his ability.

In the original work, it was Tamayo and Kocho Shinobu who cooperated with each other in research and invented medicines with multiple effects, including suppressing Muzan Kibutsuji's splitting, which played a crucial role in the final successful killing of Muzan Kibutsuji.

Although Kocho Shinobu is missing now, Tamayo has more time.

Tamayo said: "In fact, I have been conducting similar research over the years, not only for the ability to split and escape, but also for other poisons that can weaken Muzan Kibutsuji.

However, due to the lack of enough Muzan Kibutsuji's blood, there has been no results."

"I'll find a way to get the blood!"

Aoki said without hesitation.

Tamayo's face showed a touch of joy.

This is the benefit of having a powerful partner.

But soon the smile on her face disappeared again.

"Mr. Aoki, Muzan Kibutsuji is very strong. With his physique, any poison can be decomposed as long as there is enough time. It is impossible to kill him with poison alone."

Aoki said calmly: "Ms. Tamayo, you just study the medicine, and leave the rest to me!"

Tamayo looked at him deeply and smiled gently: "Okay! I believe Mr. Aoki!"

Aoki remembered something and asked: "Ms. Tamayo, is Muzan Kibutsuji in Asakusa?"

Tamayo nodded slowly: "Yes! As far as I know, Muzan Kibutsuji has multiple identities and usually lives in Asakusa more than half of the time."

"Is it okay for you to live so close to him?" Aoki frowned.

Although in the original work, Tamayo and Yushiro have been safe and sound.

But he will not believe in this development.

Now Tamayo is his important support to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji.

There must be no mistakes!

In fact, the reason why they can survive under Muzan's nose is that Muzan Kibutsuji did not regard them as a threat.

He never looked for them carefully.

Although Yushiro's ability is useful, it is not absolutely traceless.

This stupidity and arrogance eventually became an important driving force for his burial.

"The reason why I have been staying near Muzan Kibutsuji is actually because I have always hoped to find an opportunity to kill him."

Tamayo's expression was a little complicated, and then she smiled gently: "Now with the help of Mr. Aoki, there is really no need to take such risks. Later, we will find time to move to a safe place."

"That's the best." Aoki nodded slightly.


The two chatted all night.

Tamayo has lived for hundreds of years, gentle and quiet, intellectual and elegant, which makes people feel impressed.

Aoki comes from the information explosion era. Although he is not as experienced as Tamayo, his vision is no less than Tamayo's, and he has a vision that transcends the times.

Most importantly, because of their same positions and identities, the two of them have a natural sense of closeness.

In the end, they both felt that they had met too late.

At Tamayo's invitation, Aoki stayed temporarily and decided to leave after the New Year.

After running around for a long time, although he was not physically tired, he was also a little tired mentally.

It was a good opportunity to take a break.

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