Aoki followed Butterfly Kanae to an inconspicuous small town.

He looked around curiously.

Rows of buildings are neatly located on both sides of the road. There are very few pedestrians on the road, and there are sounds of barking dogs and roosters.

"I thought the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters would be somewhere deep in the mountains and old forests, but I didn't expect you to live in such a dignified manner in a town."

Butterfly Kanae said: "Sometimes, towns are safer than mountains and forests, and my lord has more than one residence."

Aoki nodded and said nothing.

It is normal for a cunning rabbit to have three burrows.

The Uyashiki clan, the Demon Slayer Corps and Demon Slayer Muzan have been entangled for hundreds of years, so naturally they understand this truth.

The two came to a courtyard on the edge of the town.

The courtyard occupies a vast area and the gate is closed.

Butterfly Kanae knocked on the door, opened the door and walked in without waiting for a response.

Aoki followed closely behind.

As soon as he stepped through the door, eyes fell on him.

Either wary, curious, or hostile.

Aoki's expression remained as usual, and with a glance, he had a panoramic view of the scene in the yard.

There are quite a few people in the yard.

Directly in front of him was a house with curved eaves. At the door sat a black-haired young man with a hideous scar on the upper part of his face. Next to him sat a beautiful white-haired woman.

Not far away from the two, there were two children playing.

On their right side, four young men with powerful auras stood.

Ubuyashiki Yōya, who had hideous scars on his face, stood up with a smile on his face: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Aomura."

"I have long admired my name, the head of the Utsuyashiki clan!"

After Aoki said that, he looked at the four people staring at him closely: "Are there only four pillars here? Oh, no, there should be five including Miss Kanae."

Ubuyashiki Yoya's gentle smile made people feel like they were in peace: "Actually, I thought it would be nice if Kanae brought you here, but these children insist on coming."


Aoki looked at the four people.

They are all acquaintances.

The first young man has an open chest, a body covered with scars, and fierce eyes, the pillar of wind, the immortal Kawa Saneya.

The second person has a stern face and wears two colors of haori, Mizuashi, Tomioka Giyu.

The third one is tall, strong, white-haired and handsome, with a sound column and Yu Zhuan Tianyuan.

The fourth one is taller, dressed as a monk, blind in both eyes, standing on a rock pillar, mourning on the island and wandering in the dark.

He could feel that the four people were looking at him with strong hostility and fear.

Both sides looked at me and I looked at you without speaking, and the atmosphere gradually became weird.

After a moment, Qingmu said in surprise: "Aren't you going to do it?"

He thought that these people would not be able to resist testing him, or try to give him a blow.

Especially the irritable guy Immortikawa Saneya.

Ubuyashiki Yoya said sincerely: "Mr. Aomura, we sincerely want to cooperate with you. These children are only worried about my safety and have no harmful thoughts towards you."

A smile appeared on Aoki's face: "It doesn't matter, I think everyone is very interested in me, let's discuss it! In fact, I am also very curious about breathing techniques!"

Immortal Sekawa Saneya couldn't wait to say: "My lord, since he said so, we shouldn't refuse, right?"

His eyes were wide open, as if he were glaring at people all the time, and he exuded a stern and violent aura.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan took off the long knife from his back, stared at Qingmu with burning eyes, and followed closely: "If we want to cooperate, I also think it is best to find out each other's strengths first!"

Mingyu Xingming clasped his hands together and shed two lines of tears on his face: "I agree too, Amitabha."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki didn't speak, but he put his palm on the handle of the knife and clearly expressed his attitude.

The atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became tense.

Aoki said: "Looking at the sincerity and courage of the head of the Uyashiki family who came with his family, I will not hurt your lives!

Of course, you don’t have to worry about it, you can go all out! "

All four of them looked unhappy.

This is pure contempt.

However, angry as they were, they would not refuse this proposal.

For them, being able to kill ghosts is the most important thing.

If they put down some dignity, they can gain an advantage in fighting ghosts, which is what they want!

Ubuyashiki Yōya pondered for a moment, then looked at Butterfly Kanae: "What's your opinion, Kanae?"

Butterfly Kanae looked at Aoki: "Since Mr. Aomura agrees, then I have no objection."

"Okay! Since you all have this intention, I won't stop you."

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya didn't waste any more words, and took his wife and children with him, and retreated.

Immortal Sumiya, Kanae and others dispersed in tacit agreement, surrounding Aoki in the middle.

Aoki looked around: "Are you ready? Which of you will take action first?"

The eyes of Immortal Kawa Saneya were bloodshot, with murderous intent on his face: "We already have the numerical advantage, so let you go first..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression changed drastically.

Aoki, who was still in the middle of the encirclement just now, suddenly appeared in front of Immortal Kawa Saneya, his fists ready to go.

"Then I won't be polite!"

"So fast! No, it's not just fast, you don't see the movement trajectory at all. Is this the kind of ability Kanae said?"

Immortal Kawa Saneya roared in his heart: "Draw the sword! Draw the sword! Hurry up and draw the sword!"

Although his head didn't react, fortunately, his tempered body reacted automatically, and the light green blade suddenly unsheathed.

"Breath of wind, six types, black wind and mist!"

The black and green sword light suddenly appeared.

However, Aoki's fist cleverly deflected, missed the blade of the sword, and hit Immortal Kawa Saneya's chest hard.


Immortal Kawakawa Saneya took a step back and spat out a large mouthful of blood, but his movements did not change at all.

"Breath of Wind, Three Types, Qinglan Wind Tree!"

In the transparent world, Aoki clearly captured the changes in his muscles, accurately judged his movements, stepped forward, and like a prophet, his fists and elbows fell like lightning.

The first punch hit Immortal Kawa Saneya's shoulder, breaking his sword move, and then a heavy knee hit his stomach. Immortal Kawa Saneya's body instantly bowed into a prawn.

With the last elbow strike, Immortal Kawa Saneya spat out a large mouthful of blood again, his face facing down, and his whole body was slammed to the ground.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air came from behind, followed by two hurried footsteps.

Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared.


The broadaxe wrapped around the iron chain slashed across, but only hit the air.

Yuzhuan Tianyuan and Tomioka Yiyong also missed the opportunity.

Aoki appeared next to Xingming on Bei Mingyu Island.

"What a powerful physique, he is indeed the strongest in the Demon Slayer Squad today!"

Wei Mingyu Xingming stepped on the iron chain, and the meteor hammer at the other end slammed towards Aoki's head.

"The breath of the rock, the shape of two, the sky is shattered!"

"I seem to know your weakness!"

Aoki's eyes moved, and his figure disappeared again, but this time he did not stay away from Ming Ming Island, but appeared diagonally above the opposite side, in an absolutely unexpected position.

The palm of his hand was like a knife, cutting down silently.

"Aoki-ryu, let's go to the funeral!"

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