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No days to work, comfortable and relaxed.

Qian Jia has not cooked for a long time. Since Ye Jing stayed in the last month, no matter how busy he is, he will take time to make every meal. Ye Jingzhi's craftsmanship is really good. The simple home cooking has a taste in his hands. Yi Jia was raised his appetite by Master Ye. The next day he personally cooked a meal and found that the taste was very general. .

A few dishes made by Yi Jia, Ye Jingzhi also did these days. When he lived alone, he never felt that he was not good at cooking. However, there can be no contrast in everything, and after comparing with the dishes of Ye Jing, Qian Jia actually felt that the food could not be swallowed.

At the dinner table, the young man in charge of the spoon took the chopsticks and poked the rice in his bowl absently. Opposite him, Master Ye eats very seriously, as if eating something.

Looking at Ye Jing's focus on eating, Zhao Jia's face: "...Master Ye, I am not very good at doing."

Ye Jingzhi put a large chopsticks of greens into the bowl, and some looked up at him with a stunned look: "It's delicious."

Yan Jia: "Ah?"

Ye Jing’s eyes are sincere, not at all like lying. Qi Jia suspiciously clipped a chopsticks and sliced ​​it. He chewed it twice. Although he ate it, he panicked. It was obvious that the salt was put more.

Seeing Ye Jingzhi still eating happily, Qian Jia tried to ask: "Master Ye, do you really feel good? Is it better than you?"

Ye Jingzhi seriously said: "It's delicious, it's better than me."

Between the talks, Ye Jingzhi has already had a bowl of rice. In the past, Ye Jingzhi only ate a bowl of rice at a time. This time he was moving fast, and he still had a bowl of bowl. If it is only perfunctory, there is no need to act to this extent, but he really finished eating all the dishes, and there is not even one left in the rice cooker.

Yan Jia: "..." is over, is the taste of Master Ye's taste a problem...

At the end of the meal, Jia Jia simply put down the tableware and only saw the leaves of the mirror. Master Ye did not have a gentle taste of eating, but he would not gorge himself, but he seemed to be having a good time. If you make a table dish, someone will be so happy to keep eating, I will always feel very comfortable.

Yan Jia held his chin with one hand, and there was a smile in his voice: "Master Ye, would you continue to cook tomorrow?"

The mirror of the mirror was in the air, slowly looking up and looking at Zhao Jia. After a long time, he asked: "Do you still cook for me?"

Yi Jia nodded.

Ye Jingzhi’s mouth twitched slightly and did not speak again.

After the meal, Ye Jingzhi refused to let Yan Jia wash the dishes. He stood in the kitchen and stared down at the pool. He carefully cleaned every corner of the tableware. Yi Jia did not deny, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

This kind of life is very dull, not too much ups and downs. Just like any pair of ordinary cohabitants, you are responsible for cooking, I am responsible for washing dishes, everything is very ordinary, but my heart can not help but warm up.

While watching TV, Yi Jia involuntarily turned his eyes and looked at the person standing in the kitchen. From his point of view, he can only see the back of Ye Jing, his body is thin and thin, but he is tall and thin. This person has suffered a lot, perhaps more than he has suffered.

In fact, it is good to live with Master Ye.

The idea quickly flashed through the mind of Zhao Jia, and he immediately frowned and put aside this unrealistic thought.

Just looking back, Zhao Jia heard a rushing voice in the TV: "Now we have come to the scene in the Qihu District of Sioux City. At 1:32 in the morning, the police received a report and a murder case occurred in Qiushu District. The scene is extremely fierce, let us follow the reporter and see the specific situation..."

Zhao Jia looked at the TV, only to find that he accidentally transferred the channel to the Suecheng local channel.

On the TV, a young reporter is conducting an interview. He stood in a newly built high-end residential area. Many residents in the community saw the cameras of the TV stations and gathered around. The reporter just asked questions, and these onlookers talked very eagerly.

"It’s awful, it’s really a bad thing. I slept well that night, and suddenly I heard someone in the community quarreling. You said that the little couple quarreled at the bedside and it’s normal, we also I am used to it. They have been quarreling for hours!"

"No, I heard that they were quarreling at eleven o'clock. I have been arguing a little more. The woman's knife hacked his male man. I saw it with my own eyes. Police|When it was lifted out, all the blood on his face was blood!"

"Too scary, scared me not to fall asleep at night. I heard people say that his family's death is particularly miserable, and the eyes are falling out!"

After listening to it for a while, Yi Jia frowned and changed channels and watched the entertainment.

Although Sucheng is one of the relatively large prefecture-level cities in the country, it has always been safe, and few major criminal cases have occurred. Last year, there was a drunk driving incident in Sucheng. The party drove a luxury car and drunk into the bus stop. Five people were killed on the spot. This incident has been raging in Sioux City, and it has also been on the whole network.

In that case, there were five people who died, but only a drunk driving case. This kind of case can be discussed in Sioux City for a while, which shows that the life of Sioux City is stable, the people are safe and peaceful, and criminal cases of poor nature rarely occur.

Zhao Jia was not interested in managing the case. He just changed the station, but he heard a low voice from behind him: "Is it a murder case?"

Zhao Jia was the first to look at Ye Jingzhi: "Well, it should be the couple quarreling, the woman is impulsive, killing the man."

Ye Jingzhi gently "Hmm" and sat down on the sofa. He sat on a single sofa, his back was straight, and he turned his head to watch TV.

On the TV is a very common variety show, and there are not many laughs. Yi Jia is just taking a look. When he saw half of it, he suddenly heard Ye Jing carefully asked: "Can I... sit on your side?"

奚嘉微愣: "?"

The eye of the mirror is reddish and explains: "I am sitting here, not very convenient to watch TV."

When Jia Jia was at a loss, he nodded with a smile: "Master Ye, you just sit, the sofa is big."

Master Ye had permission, and he got up and sat down. The two continued to watch TV at a distance of half a meter. Ye Jingzhi’s gaze stayed on the TV screen for a while, and he turned his head to see Jia Jia. Whenever Jia Jia moved a little, he immediately turned his eyes nervously, did not know what to do, and did not know what to say.

After watching TV for a while, Ye Jingzhi sneaked his gaze again. He just turned to half, and Jia Jia clap his hands and said: "Yes, Master Ye, I told my child last night that he already knows the book. Simplified Chinese characters, you may only need to spend a few more days to read the language textbook. But math and English are a bit difficult for him, especially English, he does not know at all, I want to buy a dot reading machine to give him, feasible ?"

Ye Jingzhi was so scared that he turned his head immediately. After listening to this, he asked in confusion: "Reading machine?"

奚嘉颔首: "Yes, the dot reading machine. That is where you won't point."

Ye Jingzhi: "...where is it not going to be?"

Qi Jia didn't know how to describe it at all. He thought about the advertisement he had seen before, and looked at Ye Jingzhi, imitating the little girl in the advertisement: "It is that...soeasy. Master Ye, you don't know. ?"

Ye Jingzhi shook his head: "I have never heard of this kind of thing."

Yi Jia simply turned on the mobile phone and searched the photos of the dot reading machine on the Internet to explain it to Ye Jingzhi. "...I am more concerned about it. After burning it, can this dot reading machine be used? The dot reading machine is an electric appliance, but it also needs electricity. Can the baby be used on the side? After the dot reading machine is burned, Can I recharge it?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "Tiangongzhai has studied such things, using yin instead of electricity to power the appliances."

Yi Jia said: "Why are they studying this?"

Ye Jing’s patiently explained: “Every year, the Tianshi Congress is open for ten days and ten nights, and there are very few things that can be brought. In the last three days of the meeting, basically everyone’s mobile phone has no electricity. Tiangongzhai The predecessors wanted to find out how to convert yin into electricity. After that, if you use Lingshi to store some yin gas, you can play the mobile phone forever at the Tianshi Congress."

Yan Jia: "..."

Yi Jia once heard about this Tianshi Congress. He also thought that the people in the metaphysical circles were very serious. They actually gathered together every year to open a high-level conference. Later, he learned from Yu Yukou that this Tianshi Congress was purely a face-to-face project. Even the chairman of the conference, Xiu Xiuzhenjun, promised at the meeting last year: "They of the Taoist friends must be anxious, and the poor road will have a lifetime. Heavenly Masters Congress!"

As soon as this was said, I immediately got a lot of applause, and even Master Ye had applauded with approval.

Therefore, you can't hold any hope for these unreliable gods, they will only refresh your lower limit again and again.

For a long time, Qian Jia asked: "Is this problem solved?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded first and shook his head: "At that time, Tiangongzhai issued a reward order. If anyone solved the problem of conversion between yin and electricity, he could get a hundred points. Later, the master of Tiangongzhai Metrics and Taoist friends set up a research team to solve this problem, but..."

"but what?"

"But no seniors will actually use this method to play mobile phones at the Heavenly Masters Congress."

Qian Jia asked: "Why?"

"Because the yin gas is converted into electricity, it consumes a lot. The yin of a hundred years of ghosts can convert up to one degree of electricity, and the conversion efficiency is very low. No predecessor can find so many ghosts, so many yin, so After the measure of the Taoist friend took the reward order, the study was put on hold by Tiangongzhai."

Listening to Ye Jingzhi's words, Yan Jia's face is constantly changing. After a long time, he asked: " said, we are energizing the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, is this feasible?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yi Jia thought again: "You have to give the first imperial mausoleum a net, otherwise the child will only play the dot reading machine forever."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

The more I think, the more I feel that it is very feasible. I have already planned to buy a ticket to Changan, and I went directly to the First Emperor’s Mausoleum. Ye Jingzhi’s voice reminded: “No power company can power the Shi Huangling. It is underground more than three hundred meters."

Yan Jia: "..."

After pondering for a long time, Yan Jiadao said: "That can ask the people of the Xuanxue circles to help, hit the hole to go to the First Emperor's Mausoleum, and power the First Emperor's Mausoleum?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..." After a while, he reminded again: "The door of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, we can't get in..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Therefore, the Tomb of the First Emperor is not able to power on, can not connect to the net, the child will always be able to read the "soeasy" for a few days to the dot reading machine, and then burn a dot reading machine to him?

Looking at the look of Zhao Jiayu's anxious, Ye Jingzhi quickly tried to find a way: "I will go to the metrology and Taoist friends to discuss whether he can improve the conversion efficiency of yin into electricity." When I got out of the mobile phone, I was ready to find a friend to help me, but he just took out the mobile phone, and Zhao Jia suddenly realized: "Wait, the yin is converted into electricity? Master Ye, you just said that because you can't find so much yin, Tiangongzhai gave up this plan?"

The mirror of the mirror: "Yes, the yin of a hundred years of devils is only enough to be converted into electricity."

Zhai Jiamo smothered the relics on his neck.


The dark and strong yin rose up, and the next second, there was no trace of Zhaojia in front of Ye Jingzhi, only one black black ball with black paint. Master Ye quickly drew two spells on his eyes and sealed the yin and yang eyes, only to see his wife again.

Xiaojia smiled slightly: "Master Ye, do you think... How much electricity can my yin transform into?"

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

On the afternoon of the same day, Zhao Jia burned a dot reading machine to Ziying, and there were more than a dozen Lingshi filled with yin. The yin in each piece of Lingshi is enough to rival a five-hundred-year-old devil. However, when Ye Jingzhi took these yin from the body of Zhao Jia, the yin of Yan Jia’s body was hardly reduced.

His yin is like a bottomless pit. No matter how much he takes it out, there is a steady stream of yin rising from the ground to his body and infiltrating into it a little bit.

After the application of the technique of Ye Jing, Yu Jia burned things in Sucheng, and the baby was received in Chang'an. Yan Jia carefully explained the usage of the dot reading machine with the child and told him how to charge the dot reading machine with yin.

The two chatted for a while, and when the Jiajia was ready to end the call, Ziying gently smiled: "The father Huang woke up yesterday."

Zhao Jia was surprised: "So fast? Not to say, at least one year?"

The sound of the child's warm voice sounded in the mind of Zhao Jia: "I underestimated the strength of the father, and underestimated the longevity hall built by Xu Guoshi for the father. Yesterday the father waking up, I never thought he would Come see me, I was a little rude when I saw my father."

Qian Jia curiously asked: "What have you done?"

In the impression of Zhao Jia, he and the child are not much together, but the other party is a stable and mature person, knowing the etiquette, the number of ceremonies. Such a well-behaved child will actually be rude in front of the First Emperor?

Ziying was a bit shy, and Yi Jia asked again, he said: "I was reading the seventh volume of mathematics textbooks. There are many things in the textbook that I have never thought of, such as chicken and rabbit cages. The Tao problem was written in ancient Chinese. I quickly understood that it took a quarter of an hour to make the answer. The method of solving the problem in the book is quite interesting, simple and convenient, I can’t help but see it, even the father is not aware. Forgot to salute the father. Fortunately, the father was not angry, nor did he sin against me."

After spending a few days, Ziying learned the simplified Chinese characters and also read the primary school textbooks. But he has been watching mathematics textbooks for a long time, and he has only finished the fourth grade course until now.

Yan Jia said with emotion: "Children, if you are in our time, it is a purely liberal arts student. Your language talent is too strong. You have learned the simplified Chinese characters in a few days. Maybe you will learn English very quickly."

"Jun has a good reputation, and the child has a flaw."

Talking about the learning, Yi Jia and Zi Ying talked for a while. Finally, he asked casually: "Right, since the first emperor woke up, what is he doing now? Wouldn't he want to start the emperor?"

The problem fell. After ten minutes, the child did not reply.

Yi Jia asked again in another place: "Children?"

Coughed twice, the child suppressed the voice, whispered: "My father saw me reading the math book of the seventh book yesterday. He asked me what I was doing. I told the truth. The father was very disdainful. He said that I was too To be dull, not as good as Fusu, and not as good as Hu Hai. He is very sorry for these simple technical problems."

Speaking of this, the child has paused, and there is no inferiority and sorrow in the voice, only with a hint of helpless smile: "The father said, I am not enough to make things happen, because I put my mind on this." Such things, should not be more thoughtful, can be solved at a glance. The husband should look at the world, not a small problem."

Yan Jia: "So, what is the First Emperor doing now?"

The child suppressed the laughter and said: "The father took the sixth grade math textbook yesterday and left. Now, I don't know what he is doing."

It’s totally different from the imaginary result. Qian Jia’s mistake: “The sixth grade math book?”

"Well, only the father and the emperor called me to go to his longevity hall, let me report to him, what is a binary equation."

Yan Jia: "..."

The child has added a big blow: "I see the father is thinking about a problem called cattle grazing. He ordered the soldiers and ghosts in the mausole to play the cow and the grass respectively to help him solve the problem. The father said, Today, he will unravel these meaningless tricks and tell me the answer. Now, I am waiting for the answer of the father. But I think the father may not solve this problem."

Yan Jia: "..."

Child, you have changed! Say good, the first emperor blows?

Say good life, no regrets, blowing the first emperor, never look back in life?

You are now laughing at your home, the emperor's father, poor math!

And the child is only a few days apart, but Jia Jia feels that the child seems to be a lot brighter.

I don't know if it was changed by the primary school textbook of China's nine-year compulsory education, or he finally got a happy knot, accepted by the First Emperor, and brought home personally. Yi Jia thought for a long time, and decided: Well, it must be that the primary school textbook has brought a huge impact to the child, so that his father can see a broader sky.

After this incident, Zhao Jia is ready to buy some literary masterpieces for the child, such as "The Principles of Marxism", "Three Representatives of Important Thoughts", "Scientific Outlook on Development"... I may have read these books, the child It will be able to completely change its face and join in building a new society of civilized harmony, prosperity and democracy.

After solving the problem of the child, Zhai Jia told Ye Jingzhi what the First Emperor had woken up. Ye Jingzhi told the people in the metaphysical circles that the predecessors were shocked and panicked. A large group of people ran to Chang'an again, preparing to add 100 enchantments to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

The days passed quickly, and in mid-April, by the end of April, Zhao Jia was playing a mobile phone at home and suddenly received a call.

"Gia Ge! Not good, are you not in Sioux City now?"

Yi Jia has not contacted Chen Tao for a long time. He thought that Chen Tao was calling to find him to film. He didn't expect the other party's tone to be eager, as if he had encountered something difficult.

Yan Jiazheng looked at his face and said, "I am in Sioux City. What happened? What happened?"

Chen Tao sighed and asked: "You don't know what happened?"

Yi Jia strangely asked: "Don't you call me? How do I know what happened?"

Chen Tao said in a hurry: "The thing is so big, you don't know? It's Wang Ru and Li Wei, do you remember them? Our college classmates, next door to the second class. We often have dinner together. Li Wei The dormitory is next door to us. Aren't our two hostels often having dinner?"

Listening to Chen Tao saying this, Yi Jia carefully recalled, and finally pulled out two people in the corner of memory.

When Zhao Jia was a child, he moved to Sucheng with his father. He studied high school and university in Sucheng, and he was half a local. When he was in Suecheng, Zhai Jia entered the famous computer school of the monk temple. At that time, the entire computer department had three classes. There were only six girls in total, and one of them was the second class of the flower king.

At the time of the university, because Taishan Stone could not cover the growing yin, Yan Jia rarely communicated with his classmates, only playing with Chen Tao. However, Chen Tao is a very active person. He eats very well in the department and is full of friends. In order not to let the good brothers be too lonely, he often took him to participate in various gatherings.

It is the existence of Chen Tao that Yan Jiacai will not be completely ignored by his classmates.

Wang Ru is the department flower of the computer department. Compared with her, Li Wei is very ordinary and completely unseen. But in his junior year, this plain-looking spectacled man actually fell in love with the flower, and suddenly caused a sensation in the college. This was a bit of an impression on him.

Zhao Jia’s voice is calm: “I remember them, what happened, what happened to them?”

Chen Tao said: "Wang Ru and Li Wei University got married when they graduated. I told you about this. I went to their wedding last year. Jia Ge, you didn’t want to come and die at that time, obviously Sioux City, you are not coming, the students also said that you are coming in private."

In those days, the ghost door opened in July and half, and the yin of Qian Jia was too heavy. He did not dare to go out and meet people, for fear of smoldering on others.

Chen Tao said: "Half of our college classmates have stayed in Sioux City. Last week, there was a big case in Sioux City. The whole Sioux City was in discussion. It was a few days on the Internet. You didn't pay attention to it. The dead is Li Wei! It is Wang Ru who killed him!"

Yi Jia suddenly stopped.

On the phone, Chen Tao still said: "Today I received the squad leader's WeChat, tomorrow is Li Wei's funeral. I am filming in Tibet now, can't go. Jia Ge, are you going? How do you say in Sioux City? We have just graduated for a year. Li Wei and our dormitory have played very well. He is now... He is so dead now, let’s go."

When Chen Tao’s words were just finished, Yi Jia received a WeChat. The squad leader sent him a message and invited him to attend the funeral of Li Wei tomorrow. According to the squad leader, Li Wei was killed because of his death. His body was examined by the forensic doctor and sentenced by the police. Until yesterday, he was returned to his family and allowed to be buried. Everyone is a classmate, I hope that Jia Jia will be there to send Li Wei. Don't talk about things everywhere, just go quietly and send your classmates.

Yan Jia looked at the news, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he did not respond for a long time.

In the hole, Chen Tao’s voice came: “Hey, I remember when I graduated last year, Li Wei was particularly happy. I was asked to marry Wang Ru in the public at the graduation ceremony. At that time, everyone was so happy, how did it last a year? It turned out to be like this. Jia Ge, I know that you don't like to associate with people, that is Li Wei... It’s really bad to die. I can play with him at the beginning. If you are convenient, help me send him a ride. ""

Yi Jia put the phone back in her ear and whispered: "Reassured, I will take your heart and go to his funeral."

Chen Tao immediately said: "Well! Jia Ge, I will give you some money. Li Hao seems to be very rich in his family, but this is a little bit of our classmates, you can help me with my uncle."

Yi Jia did not reject Chen Tao's kindness. He deliberately found an envelope from the drawer and stuffed Chen Tao's five hundred dollars into it. He also stuffed five hundred. On the envelope, the names of the two people are written, and he will be handed over to Li’s parents at the funeral tomorrow.

After doing all this, Zhao Jia opened the phone and searched for the case half a month ago.

In the first time Chen Tao filed this case, in the mind of Zhao Jia, the interview news that he had seen on TV half a month ago appeared. At that time, he did not pay attention to the name of the deceased, and he did not expect that the dead person turned out to be his old classmate.

There are many people on the Internet who are discussing this case.

This case is actually very simple, the evidence is conclusive, some neighbors saw the hostess fleeing from the house, and some neighbors saw the case, the young couple had a big fight and they were too loud.

The only thing that caught the attention of this case was the tragic death of the parties.

I don't know who is in the police. Before I came, I took a photo of Li Wei’s death. The photo was deleted on the Internet, and there were always boring netizens who saved the photos, sending them up and down again and again.

On the vague picture, Li Wei’s face was cut open, and his head was split into two halves, like cracked watermelons, falling on the ground on either side. The two cut faces were smeared with blood, and they could not see the facial features. They could only see a thick red flesh. His two eyeballs had already fallen out of the eyelids that had been cut open. The white flower's brain stuck stickyly on the eyeballs, and the pupils stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to look at.

When she saw the ghosts of eccentricity from a young age, she still spit out when she saw Li Wei’s photo.

Because the murder method is too cruel, various news media have reported on this case. Wang Ru fled after killing people, until last week, only to be caught by the police. People from all walks of life are sternly denying this woman, calling her a snake venom, and calling this case "the murder of the Qiuhu poisonous woman."

[This woman started to marry someone with money at the beginning, but now she still kills people! 】

[Phoenix male is terrible, Phoenix girl is actually so horrible! Must die and shoot her! 】

[This woman does not know how many green hats she wears for men, but also kills her husband, and must die! 】

Looking at these reports and the comments below, Yi Jia slowly sketched out the beginning and end of the case.

This case is really simple and can't be simpler. It means that the husband and wife are not in harmony, and they fight and kill. Wang Ru couldn't deny the blame, because she and Li Wei were in the house at the time, and the neighbors also heard that they had been quarreling, and her fingerprint was on the murder knife. She could not deny it.

However, this case also led to the truth of an unsolved mystery at Sioux University: why Li Wei, who looks like a mediocrity, can pick up flowers.

During the university period, Yi Jia rarely communicated with people, but he also knew that most of the boys in the department looked at Li Wei.

Wang Ru is really beautiful, not because she was a female student in the computer department. She is very popular in the school, is the pillar of the drama club, and won the prize in the campus singing competition. After she fell in love with Li Wei, everyone thought that a flower was inserted in the cow dung.

After reading these reports, Yi Jia knew that Wang Ru was a native of Sioux City, but his family was difficult and lived in the countryside. When she was a junior, her father had a serious illness, and the family was poor. In order to pay for medical expenses, she was destitute. When Li Xiao was a child, he and Wang Ru knew each other. He was a fellow villager. His parents developed a decade ago and earned a lot of money. The two families separated.

Wang Ru’s family had this situation. Li’s parents generously donated money. Wang Ru did not know why. He began to fall in love with Li Wei and married Li Wei as a housewife after graduating from college.

Most of the previous online hot news was condemning the Phoenix man. The first time there was a Phoenix woman, the netizens discussed intensely. Some netizens also launched a vote to ask whether netizens should immediately sentence Wang Ru to death. In the voting results, "support for the death penalty" has the upper hand with an absolute advantage of 92%.

Yan Jiaface looked at these netizens with a blank expression and closed the phone. He glared at his forehead, not thinking of Li Wei in his mind, but the legendary "countership" flower.

Before Wang Ru and Li Wei were in love, many students thought that Wang Ruhui and Yi Jia were together.

When she was a freshman, she received a love letter from Wang Ru. He was not good at communicating with people, and he did not pay attention to this flower, so he refused it straight away. In the next few years, whenever he and Wang Ru appeared in the same place, the students always squatted, and the flowers were to be tied with the grass.

In the impression of Zhao Jia, the girl with the ponytail is always wearing simple and simple clothes. In the summer, other girls love to wear beautiful skirts. Only her, always wear ordinary T-shirts and whitened jeans. For four years, I have never changed.

He remembered that at the graduation ceremony, when the girl was suddenly asked to marry, she did not have too many surprises and joys on her face. Instead, she panicked around and looked at herself.

At that time, Chen Tao screamed at the side: "Promise him! Promise him! Promise him!"

Zhao Jia did not like to participate in this kind of excitement. See Wang Ru looking at himself. He smiled and nodded at her, then continued to bow down and play with his mobile phone.

The girl, even with such cruel means, killed her husband...

Yan Jia sighed softly.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qian Jia said that she was going to attend the funeral of the classmates. Ye Jingzhi stunned: "Would you like me to go with you?"

Zhao Jia shook his head and smiled. "No, just attend the funeral of the classmates."

Ye Jing was decapitated and worried.

Zhai Jia asked: "Master Ye, I heard that people who are generally dying will not reincarnate soon and will stay in the mortal world. Is this true?"

Ye Jingzhi replied: "Well, there is such a situation. Most people who die in dying will have grievances after dying. If they are resentful, they will become a wandering soul. Stay in the mortal for a day or two, up to seven days. Those who are resentful will become Devil, don’t avenge murder, never give up.”

After thinking for a long time, she decided to give the photo to Ye Jingzhi.

Ye Jingzhi saw the horrible and **** picture, and the pupil was miniature. After a while, he looked up and asked, "Would you like to attend this person's funeral?"

Yi Jia nodded: "He is my classmate. Although not very familiar, but everyone is in Sioux City, his death is still very big. Chen Tao and his relationship are OK, he has something to come, hope that I will replace He, attending the funeral."

Ye Jingzhi's eyebrows: "This kind of killing technique... is too vicious, and the ghost of this person must remain in the world. If you go to the place where he died, he should find his ghost. Jiajia, I Come with you."

"no need."

The mirror of the mirror: "?"

Yan Jia hides his lips and coughs: "Cough, I am just... I just ask, I don't plan to go to find his ghost. The police have already identified the murderer. I am simply going to the funeral today."

Ye Jingzhi still wants to say that Zhao Jia has quickly finished drinking porridge, got up and left, and did not give Ye Jing a chance to respond.

After getting on the bus, Yi Jia took a heavy sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

I don't know why, he didn't want Master Ye to go with him, especially... I went to see Li Wei. Once he sees the ghost of Li Wei, he will definitely mention Wang Ru and mention Wang Ru. Maybe he will say that Wang Ru gave himself a confession.

Let Master Ye know his own private affairs... I don’t feel very good.

Well, he just didn't want the other party to intervene because he didn't want Master Ye to know his private affairs.

This is the reason!

The bus slowly swept from the east side of Sioux City to the Qiuhu District on the west side of Sioux City. More than nine o'clock, Yi Jia went to the funeral scene, has not officially seen the hall, the road is full of wreaths and flowers. These wreaths are along the road and are all the way to the hall. Many strangers came to the scene with flowers and gently placed the bouquet on the side of the road.

"The vicious woman, don't let her die cheaply. It's disgusting!"

"That is, it is a poisonous woman, a femme fatale!"

The two passers-by walked by the side of Zhao Jia, apparently the people who had seen the report.

Zhao Jia shook his head and walked into the hall. He handed the white envelope to Li's parents and said "sorrow", then he went to the hall.

Li Tang’s relatives, friends and classmates are sitting in the hall. The college students from Zhaojia came a lot and saw him coming. Those people were surprised to see him and pointed at him whispering, but few people came forward to say hello to him.

Chen Tao is not here, these people will not take the initiative to talk to him.

But for a long time, the swarming reporters and media were packed with mourning halls. Li Wei’s parents burst into tears on the stage and denounced the vicious woman. They cried and sat down on the ground, holding the black and white photo of their son, asking God to give his son a fair, and must let the woman not die.

A funeral turned into a press conference, and the scene was a mess. No one really was crying.

After the funeral, Zhao Jia was planning to leave, but was stopped by a reporter. The reporter looked at his face carefully and his eyes lit up. He handed the microphone over: "This gentleman, who are you Mr. Liu Chao (pseudonym)? Today, you come to his funeral, what do you want to say? What do you think about this case?"

When Qian Jia wants to leave, the reporter has blocked his way. He can only say: "I am his college classmate."

The reporter was pleasantly surprised: "Then you are also a college student of the suspect? What is your impression of the deceased and the suspect? Are you angry that the suspect is so cruel to kill the deceased? Is the suspect violent during college? ?"

Yan Jia cold face, faintly said: "No comment."

"This gentleman, sir!"

Yan Jia did not mercilessly step up and left, the reporter wanted to stop him, a trace of black yin slowly wrapped around his body. The black gas was entangled. The reporter unconsciously shuddered and tightened his clothes. He looked up again. Zhao Jia had already gone far and could not catch up.

After leaving Lingtang, Yi Jia hit a car and came to the residential area where Li Wei and Wang Ru lived.

The driver master heard that he was going to the community and said to him mysteriously: "The community is incredible. This month, I died personally. It is a terrible death. I heard that his wife was stealing men and adulters." Kill him together. So, a beautiful woman should be careful, who knows how many green hats she wears outside for you!"

Yi Jia did not talk, quietly looked out the window.

The driver is still saying that in his description, he seems to know Wang Ru, knowing how watery Yang Hua is, and as if he has seen Wang Ru and a dozen men chaos. The driver said all the way, arrived at the destination, and finally stopped.

When arriving at the gate of the community, Yi Jia handed the money over and gave a low voice and asked: "Master, have you seen the photo of the man who died?"

The master stunned and looked at Zhao Jia.

Zhao Jiawu's eyes stared coldly at the driver. The eyes were bright and indifferent. The driver's master was cold, and the cold hair of the whole body did not know why it was erected.

Zhao Jia stared at the driver for a long time, and finally opened his mouth, revealing a splendid but somewhat infiltrating smile: "You haven't seen it, I have seen it. The man, the skull was split in half, and his blood was blurred. He The eyeballs are on the lips, big like walnuts. Do you know why the police have not finalized the case until now, have they said that they are searching?"

The driver swallowed his mouth and his body trembled.

The smile on the lips of Qian Jia is a bit more sturdy, with the pair of cold and dark scorpions, but it is more infiltrating.

"Because, the woman is so strong that she shouldn't cut a man's skull. say?"

Three minutes later, the driver's master drove away quickly, as if he had escaped.

Yan Jia stood at the door of the community and looked at the building inside. He looked at him silently and whispered softly: "How can a woman split the head of an adult male into two..."

The next moment, Yi Jia stepped into the community.

The author has something to say: First Emperor: Hey... Math is not bad! Come on, give the donkey a graze! ! !


Thank you for your nutrient solution watering, and today I have to roll for nutrient solution~ La la la, what do you want? 啾=3=


Thank you

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