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Men, women and children, dozens of people; unkempt, glaring.

The rolling hills are like a black beast, sneaking on the earth. Under the pale moonlight, these yellow-skinned villagers each armed with sharp weapons, glaring at Jiajia and Ye Jingzhi with angry eyes.

They approached step by step.

Behind Zhao Jia is the twenty-three graves. The tomb stands on the cliff, and there is a drop of more than 30 meters. Zhao Jia would not say the provincial dialect. He looked at Ye Jingzhi and said: "Master Ye, did they misunderstand our intentions? Explain to them soon."

Ye Jingzhi’s beheading said to these villagers: “We are not malicious, but only friends are missing nearby, so I want to see.”


The three children licked their tiny eyes and spit on the ground.

Ye Jing’s brow screamed, and he said that he was behind him and said a few more words. However, it didn't take long for the villagers to wave their hoes and cut them. The moon shines on the cold iron, and it has a cold color. Ye Jingzhi picked up Qi Jia and stepped back three steps, and retreated to a tombstone, followed by twenty-three graves.

These villagers are like crazy people. The poor mountains and rivers came out to the public. For the first time, Qian Jia realized this sentence so deeply.

They wield weapons, and every time they had to set up Jia and Ye Jing to die. The farm tools that are often used to do farm work have become a weapon to kill people. The most terrible thing is that the villagers are waving their farm tools.

"Kill you, kill, ah, ah, kill you..."

There was a crazy look in their eyes, but the hand holding the implement was shaking, as if fearing something.

Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi were at first evasive, but when a peasant woman shook her head and just squatted in front of Qian Jia, she was immediately shocked and stopped, and she was almost hit by this hoe. Ye Jingzhi suddenly looked at him and looked at the crazy villagers coldly. His palms turned over and no one appeared in the palm of his hand.

Those villagers who saw Ye Jingzhi’s ability to change the magic weapon were scared and stupid, and then chased them even more madly. Ye Jing’s right foot slammed into the ground, and there was no time for Qing Li to spin rapidly in the air. The mirror of the mirror was silent, and the finger was on the bronze scorpion.


An invisible attack shook off from a small bronze scorpion and shook all the villagers to the ground.

One of the mirrors took the waist of the 奚 Jia, the tip of the toe, jumped back and jumped off the cliff. The two quickly landed at the foot of the mountain. There was no such thing as Li Fei returned to the hands of Ye Jingzhi. After waiting for the moment in the palm of his hand, he ran to the palm of Yi Jia’s palm and seemed to say: You are fine.

Yan Jia wiped the sweat on his forehead: "I am fine."

Ye Jingzhi is relieved.

When Jia Jia touched the incomparable Qing Li, he looked up and looked at the black lacquered mountainside. He couldn't see what the villagers were above, but he also wanted to know that after being shaken by Li Xiangqing, these villagers would probably treat them as demon ghosts. They have always been seen as enemies, and now they should be more hateful.

Zhai Jiashi did not understand that he and Ye Master had just come to the village and did not do anything. Why did the people in this village hate themselves so much. He and Master Ye first came to see that the villagers are also real human beings, not ghosts and evils. Who can make a big fight when they meet? What about a hateful look?

The villagers are just ordinary human beings. Zhijia can only beat the ghosts and ghosts, and his fists do not have much effect on human beings. The body of Ye Jing is a ghost-hunting master. It is a ghost, not a human being. Therefore, he did not kill these villagers until the villagers deceive too much. He used the incomparable Qing Li to shake the villagers.

It can be said that the two were driven away by the villagers.

Yi Jia’s stomach is puzzled and resentful. There is no place to evacuate. He can’t kill these villagers like a ghost. He thought about it and asked: "Master Ye, this village is so strange, so many people have died. The attitude of the villagers to us is too abnormal. Is the disappearance of Saitama related to this village? They are tied up." jade?"

Ye Jingzhi's gaze turned around in a circle. He looked at Zhao Jia: "Yu Daoyou is a big disciple of the Bipolar School, and the seventh is the ink bucket. In the younger generation, the strength is outstanding. With the strength of the Taoist friend, he can not hurt people. Life, but want to escape from the hands of those villagers, but no problem."

Yan Jia’s face was heavy and she thought for a long time.

The breath of Saitama disappeared between the mountains. The most likely thing now is that he is between the mountains. However, this mountain is very active, and the mountains are connected in a circle, surrounded by the valley. It is very difficult to find someone.

The small village on the mountainside is really weird. Whether it is a village that has killed twenty-three people in two months, or the villagers who have no sense of hatred, they are reminding Zhao Jia: This village has absolutely problems.

Yi Jia thought for a long time, suddenly thought: "Master Ye, twenty-three people died in two months. If there is a problem in that village, then these twenty-three people should be killed by the devil. So... I have an idea. ”

Ye Jingzhi looked at Zhao Jia seriously.

Yi Jia hesitated for a long time, finally sighed and said: "I want to ... plan grave."

Since ancient times, there have been words, and the conclusions have been made.

Nowadays, China implements a cremation policy. After death, it is sent directly to the funeral home and ignited into ashes. One can save land resources and the other can protect the environment. However, the cremation policy has been implemented for decades, and it has only been implemented in major cities. Many remote villages have not implemented this policy. The villagers still believe that death is too big, and they will not cremate the dead. They must let the deceased go completely and carry out the burial.

Zhao Jia did not think that the villagers in this mountain village would cremate the deceased. This isolated mountain village, even compulsory education is not necessarily popular, let alone expensive cremation.

Jia Jiadao: "As long as you dig the graves and check the bodies, you can know if the villagers are killed by evil spirits. Master Ye, we can't know the truth from the mouths of the villagers now, we can only go..." He solemnly raised his head: "You can only go to the grave."

This is the only way at present. The two did not hesitate and returned to the mountain village.

When Qian Jia and Ye Jingzhi entered the mountain village, there was no defense at all. This time they went back. Master Ye found two symbols from the Qiankun bag and posted it on his chest and Zhao Jia’s chest. The charms were posted, and the two went into the village. Those villagers who still stood in the village with weapons could not see them.

The two walked all the way to the twenty-three graves, and Jia Jia bent over and wiped the top of the tombstone.

The soil was wiped clean and the words on it were clearly revealed.

"Yuan Laojiu"

This spell can confuse the villagers' eyes, so that they can't see the two, but they can't cover their voices. Qian Jia lowered his voice and looked at Ye Jingzhi: "The former village chief said that this village is called Yuanjiacun. Now the person in this grave is Yuan Laojiu, who is from their village."

Ye Jingzhi nodded lightly and took out a wine glass and three incense sticks from the Qiankun bag.

Yi Jia quietly walked aside. The mouth of the mirror is a mantra, and the finger is lightly on the glass. Suddenly, the white jade's glass is filled with a glass of bright and full of wine.

"There are wishes of the living, harassing the monarch. The dead are heavy, and the wine is thankful."

Ye Jing's inverted wine glass, sprinkle this glass of wine a little bit on the ground, sprinkled in front of Yuan Laojiu's tombstone.

The night hid all the secrets. Most of the villagers stood at the entrance to the village. No one noticed that a glass of wine was spilled in front of Yuan Laojiu’s tomb.

Ye Jingzhi looked down and Zhao Jia also looked at the wine stains on the ground. Suddenly, he saw the wine stains on the ground suddenly began to dry up. As if someone was drinking this glass of wine, the long wine stain disappeared into the air a little bit. After the ghost had finished drinking the glass in the government, Ye Jingzhi lit three incense and gently inserted it. Yuan Laojiu’s land in front of the tombstone.

A woman not far away suddenly yelled in a dialect: "Come, come, there are ghosts!"

All the villagers were suddenly attracted by the shouts of the woman. They turned and saw that they had inserted three incense sticks in front of Yuan Laojiu’s tomb. The villagers were shocked and clenched their hands. Ye Jingzhi did not give them a chance to respond. Master Ye’s palm moved and slammed into the sky.


The tomb of Yuan Laojiu exploded.

The soil was splashed and the coffin board was opened. The villagers who came here were scared to stay in the same place. They looked at each other with fear and did not dare to go one step further.

Qian Jia went to see the body of Yuan Laojiu, and one of the mirrors stopped him. Yi Jia looked at him incomprehensibly. Master Ye’s eyes were dignified. He painted a thumb from left to right with his thumb. He said: “This person has been dead for ten days, I will come.”

The next moment, Yi Jia heard many villagers retching up, and he suddenly realized.

This Yuan Laoji died these days, the body has long rotted and stinks, looks terrible, and the body smell is very strong. Master Ye is kind enough not to let him go to see the body, and it seems that he has sealed his sense of smell and made him smell bad.

Yu Jia looked at the back of Ye Jingzhi and watched him walk to the coffin and looked down.

What is the scene in the coffin, Qian Jia also knows that it must be an unrecognizable, rotten and horrible body. A dozen meters away, some villagers have been stunned by the scent of the corpse, and the old man with white hair has stepped down here with the help of his son.

Yi Jia is not afraid, he calmly looks at the father and son approaching. Just as the father and son walked to the grave, Ye Jingzhi came out of the pit. He walked over to Qian Jia and his voice calmly said the unexpected answer: "It was killed by the devil."

The answer has been obtained, and Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi took off the spell on their body. The figure of the two suddenly appeared in front of the tomb. Many villagers were scared to turn and fled. The middle-aged man took the sickle in his hand and chopped it off to the two. Wu Xiangqing flew out quickly from the hands of Yan Jia, and the man was knocked out and flew out.

"Nothing to Qing Li!" shouted Ye Jingzhi.

After the delicate bronze scorpion knocked out the man, he was so angry that he wanted to fight him again. Suddenly I heard that my master was yelling at myself. I didn’t have any time to hesitate in the air for a long time. Finally I flew back unwillingly, and I refused to fall into the palm of Ye Jingzhi and flew straight into Yujia. Pocket.

- Why didn't you kill this person, he just wanted to cut people!

The grievances of the incomparable Qing Li understand that in fact, now Jia Jia is also angry with his teeth, and he wants to beat all the ignorant villagers. But now things are too weird. It has been determined to be a ghost, and they still have some questions to ask the villagers.

The middle-aged man was smothered by the incomparable Qing Li, and he vomited two bloods. I am afraid that several ribs have been broken.

The villagers looked at Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi with the eyes of the devil, but they never dared to go forward. They will also be afraid, fearing that these two horrible people will kill themselves.

The middle-aged man was carried down, and the old man went to the front of Zhao Jia and Ye Jing.

Ye Jingzhi said: "This person is dead."

The old man looked at them with eccentric eyes. After a long time, he asked: "You...who are you looking for?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "One of our friends disappeared five days ago, and the last place appeared in this mountain."

The old man said: "Five days ago?"

The mirror of the behead.

The old man: "We haven't seen anyone outside the village for more than half a year. We don't know who you are looking for."

Although the old man is short and stupid, he seems to be the person who can be a master in the village. His expression of his voice is not like lying, and Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi look at each other. Ye Jingzhi talks about the beginning: "This person is dead."

The old man looked at Ye Jingzhi carefully and looked at it for a long time. He finally sighed and said the truth.

"Two months ago, a person in our village died at home. It was my expression. Everyone in our village has a relative relationship. My watch is more than 40 years old. My family is poor. I haven't got a wife, his family. As soon as he died alone for three days, we found out that he was dead. When he opened his door, his stomach was cut open, and the intestines flowed to the ground. The ground was smashing, urine, early. It’s dead.”

Yi Jia can only understand a little bit of the old man, and he is translated by Ye Jingzhi. When translating into the intestines, Ye Master simply said in one sentence: "People are dead."

Yi Jia is a bit embarrassed: "He said a lot, just this sentence?"

Ye Hao, a distressed wife and a woman who did not want her daughter to listen to disgusting things, nodded her face.

Yan Jia: "..." always feels strange.

The old man is still saying.

Two months ago, Yuan Jiacun died and was immediately stunned. The villager died so badly that he was wearing a broken stomach. This is how much hatred and grievances, and it is necessary to kill people with this method.

At that time, the villagers did not feel that they were ghosts. They are all wondering who killed the people and who hated that person. This kind of village in the depths of the mountains will not report the case at all, and will only solve it by itself. In the end, the old man took the lead and tied a man in the village and the watch to tie the beam. He shut him into the cellar where he cooked, and the old man gave him food every day.

The keys to the cellar are only old, and everyone is relieved.

Until three days later, the old man went to the ground to deliver the meal, and found that the man died in the cellar!

The cellars in the dish were all blood, white brain and red blood splashed on the wall and on the dish. The man’s head was alive and smashed. The whole cellar was full of his flesh and blood. Greasy red meat.

The villagers were scared and panicked. They did not doubt the old man. First, because the old man is the oldest in the village, the prestige is relatively high. On the other hand, the old man is over eighty years old. It is impossible to make this person's head into a flesh and blood.

This is the beginning of panic.

One person after another died, the villagers were afraid of trembling.

Two months later, twenty-three people died. The villagers knew that no one in their village was a murderer. They also knew that killing is definitely not a human being.

After listening to all this, Qian Jia asked: "Why do you see us coming, do you want to be like us? We are not killing these people."

Ye Jingzhi told the old man this sentence. The old man’s face was strange and he did not answer, but he said: “You are looking for someone to go to their Lijiacun. Over the two mountains, it’s Lijiacun, your friends. there."

Yi Jia also asked the old man several questions. Some of the questions were answered very clearly by the old man. Some of the questions were answered in the fog, I don’t know if I really didn’t know the answer, or I was deliberately hiding something.

After asking the question, things got into a deadlock.

In addition to knowing that these twenty-three people were killed by ghosts, there are no other clues, and there is no trace of jade. In this Yuanjia Village, I am afraid that it will only be in vain. Yi Jia and Ye Jingzhi look at each other. Jia Jiadao: "Master Ye, let's go to the Lijia Village."

Ye Jingzhi: "Good."

Ye Jingzhi first used the technique to restore the tomb of Yuan Laojiu to the original state. The villagers saw him cast spells and exposed fears. They did not dare to approach one by one. When they left the village, the villagers still held the farm tools and watched them with strange eyes, watching them leave.

Among the villagers, the eyes of several women are particularly strange. They are almost staring at Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi with hateful anger. When the two men had already walked to the entrance to the village, they screamed in resentment, and Xu Jia suddenly stopped and turned to look at the three middle-aged village women with messy hair and hunchback.

Ye Jingzhi looked at him with a blank look. Zhao Jia’s eyes were getting colder and colder, staring at the three village women, scaring them to shrink into the crowd. However, apart from them, the villagers also clung to the farm tools. The hatred in their eyes was not as straightforward as the three village women. But it seems that as long as Yi Jia went back, they would not hesitate to cut them.

Ye Jingzhi whispered: "Zhu Jia?"

Yi Jia took out the incomparable Qing Li from his pocket. He gently touched the bronze scorpion, which was still sulking, and whispered, "Do you want to fight this group of bad guys?"

Nothing is green and is being wronged. It is obviously to help the owner out, but the owner let it come back. After listening to Zhao Jia’s words, it suddenly became excited and expected to dance in the air.

The villagers yelled in horror, and Xiao Jia whispered: "Don't kill people, just hit them with a bruise and a swollen face." The voice stopped, and Jia Jia turned to look at Ye Jingzhi. "Master Ye, I and No. Xiang Qingli wants to do this, do you agree?"

Ye Jingzhi looked at his wife in a dull manner, but she did not respond.


"Ah, ah, ghost! It's a ghost!"

The bronze scorpion turned into a black light and walked between the villagers. The treasure of Zhenshan, who had no mountain, was once smashed into Tiangongzhai and Shennong Valley, forcing the two sects to sign the contract. They also followed Ye Haowang’s murder into the ghost gate and killed the ghost. At the moment, the headquarters released an endless killing and arrogance, and the group of fools screamed.

It does not feel that it is overkill, but it feels very happy.

As Yi Jia said, it has no life-threatening life, just keep on hitting the most painful places in this group of people, so that they can crawl like a dog and run away.

After finishing the game, no one was flying back to the hands of Zhao Jia, and flew up, happily licking his cheek.

Yan Jia raised his lips and squinted at the still-sheltered mirror: "Master Ye, you want to oppose it too late, we have already finished."

There is no such thing as a blue dance and a dance: yes, it’s right, it’s so good!

The villagers had long been beaten by the innocent Qing Li. Under the moonlight, Zhao Jia showed a sly smile. The eyes sparkled with sparkling things, and one of the mirrors sank into it.

Yi Jia and Wu Xiang Qing Li are now playing their own cool, and where to control the views of others.

Zhao Jia had already sighed.

Jia Ge met the devils are not so wronged, as long as they see the devil, Jia Ge directly on the fist, playing those ghosts without temper, where will be like a bunch of villagers as a dog like today. This group of villagers did not give them the opportunity to speak at first, did not listen to the explanation, and wanted to kill them when they came up.

If this is a group of ghosts, Jia Ge let them fly away, but this is a group of people.

Yi Jia believes that he is not a good person with good character and strong sense of responsibility. He has the ability to solve the devil, but he has lived in Sioux for so many years, and he does not have the same role as the demon slayer. Unless the ghost is in front of him, he will not go out to find a ghost.

Just like the original, Saitama knew his special physique and wanted to team up with him to catch ghosts. At that time, Ye Jingzhi was playing the old ghost in the room, but Zhai Jia took the jade to the living room and said to him: "I can't do anything to protect human beings. I just thought about it." Life, let my friends have a good time."

This is Zhao Jia. If there is only one person today, he will never let it be, and he will directly work with this group of people.

But Ye Jingzhi is there.

Master Ye is the moral model of the metaphysical circle. The longer he gets along with him, the better he knows how good this person is. Master Ye’s good is not a simple temper, but a good place.

Zhai Jia said: "Master Ye, I know that those people were born in remote mountainous areas. They seem to have no education. They are rude and malicious to us because they are poor in quality and because their village suddenly died. So many people may feel scared. But Master Ye, I don't want to understand them, even if there are many children and old people inside, even if they have just lost many relatives and friends, I don't want to understand. Why should I understand that they are not born well? I want to understand their feelings and let them bully me. Are they weak and they have reason? I didn’t do anything at all, why should I be treated like that. I don’t want to endure anymore, why should I be wronged by them? !"

Let him be politically-corrected, at least he has already let the incomparable Qing Li’s hands, and Ye Master may not be so angry?

Yan Jia lowered his head and thought about it in his heart. Who expected the next moment, Ye Jingzhi asked some self-blame: "Do you feel ... wronged?"

Yi Jiayi, looked up and thought: "It is quite wronged."

Chasing like a group of madman-like mountain people, Jia Ge succumbed to it, and wanted to tear them away.

Zhai Jia is thinking about what Ye Master is doing to ask himself, shouldn't he think that he and Li Qingli are not doing the right thing? He did not notice that Ye Jingzhi looked at him with blame, and the more he saw himself, the more he felt that he was simply useless, and then he took out a piece of paper from the Qiankun bag.

Yi Jiayi said: "Master Ye?"

The **** of the mirror mirrored the paper and quickly recited the spell. Suddenly, he lifted his finger and threw the paper out. The yellow paper flew into the air and flew to the top of the village. It was instantly scattered and turned into a golden powder. The powder sprinkled in the village with the wind, but for a long time, a burst of painful mourning sounded in the village house.

Yan Jia looked at Ye Jingzhi in a wrong way, and Ye Jingzhi pulled up his hand and ran.

The two men ran to the bottom of the mountain. The pains of the villagers still did not stop. They had already cried to the extent of the earthquake, as if they were suffering a lot.

Yan Jia laughed and turned forward, and no one was happy to dance in the air.

Zhai Jia asked: "Master Ye, what is the spell?"

Ye Jingzhi was a bit shy and bowed his head: "Just...just when I was bored when I was young, it was not a good thing."

"what exactly is it?"

The cries of the villagers are getting louder and louder. In such a background, Master Ye bowed his head and whispered: "This is a fire of heart. The man in the curse will feel that he is being grilled by a group of fires. The flame burns, but it won't hurt. It will disappear automatically after about six hours. Really, it was really just when I was a child."

Yan Jia haha ​​laughed.

Since he entered the village, he has not laughed so much, and he can't help but see Ye Jing.

The two set off to Lijia Village and turned over a mountain. They could still hear the cry of Yuanjiacun. Yi Jia listened to her feelings and felt that she was especially like the vicious male match in the TV series. For those who offended themselves, he didn't want to forgive, just wanted to make them unable to recognize the North and the South. According to the latest published TV drama review method, his role is definitely not the protagonist, because the protagonist must use a broad mind to forgive the enemy and influence the enemy.

Jia Ge said: I can't do it, I just want to beat people.

There are only one hill left in the Lijia Village. The Yijia is happy on the way, but Ye Jingzhi is not a taste.

Master Ye spent a long time, thinking for a long time, and hesitated for a long time, finally said: "I'm sorry, Yi Jia, I let you be wronged."

Yan Jia’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned to look at the other person in surprise: “Master Ye, isn’t that group of villagers deceiving people too much, why are you saying sorry?”

Ye Jingzhi bowed his head in blame: "I don't know if you are wronged..."

Yi Jia does not understand: "Master Ye, are they so right to you, you don't feel angry, don't feel wronged?"

Ye Jingzhi looked at him blankly: "But when I was a child, other people did this to me."

Yi Jia lived: "They? Who are they?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "When Master is still alive, let me have more contact with children of the same age. There is only one sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. The city, generally, will not come to the province. Master will let me play with those children. They refuse to play with me, always say that my father and mother don't want me, they are not going out to work, they are leaving me running. They There is nothing wrong with it. My parents really don't want me. Working outside is just a superficial excuse given by Master. But they always say that, I am a little sad, so I made a fire curse and wanted to avenge them. ”

Wan Jia never imagined that the internal fire of the heart of the mantra was actually made under such circumstances.

"At the time, my mana was too low. The inner fire of the curse could only be used for a moment. It couldn't last too long. But after Master knew it, let me not pay attention to the children and let me stop playing with them. It shouldn’t be too much involved with mortals, and it’s not the trick to trick mortals. 奚嘉... Is that angry and wronged?”

Ye Jingzhi looked up at Zhao Jia, and the black little cockroach in his right eye shone.

The fingers slowly tightened and looked at the master of the leaf. There was a sour heart in the heart of Jia Jia, but I didn't know what to say. For a long time, he held the innocent Qing Li in one hand, shook his hand, and smiled: "Master Ye, you don't have to care about that kind of person. Now there is no green, I am, you don't have to be too tolerant, let I am wronged. I have no time with Qingli, I have been here."

Ye Jingzhi fixedly looked at the smiling young black man. After a long time, he nodded and his lips couldn’t help but raise: "They bully me, it doesn't matter. But let you be wronged, I am angry... ”

This sentence is a bit low, and Yi Jia only heard the last two words "angry." He suddenly thought: "Wait, why did Master Yi Lingzi want you to endure so much? Master Ye, I also read a lot of the stories of Master Yi Lingzi on the 'Ghost Know', saying that Yi Lingzi Master is happy. Enmity, decisive decisiveness, never suffered a little wrong." Feelings you are not willing to be wronged, let the apprentice be wronged? What are these masters!

Ye Jingzhi looked at Yan Jia’s angry expression and his heart warmed up. He explained: “Master said, don’t let me play with them again, and don’t use tricks to tease mortals. But after that day, I saw Master put those children. one by one set of the head with a sack, according to corner everyone beaten. master of stealth with the curse, others do not see the sword him, he goes straight beat those kids. "

Yan Jia: "... sets of sacks?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded.

Yan Jia: "..." Master Yi Lingzi, people are true masters, you must report, bear children do not discuss, Gao Ming!

After such a thing happened, the heavy feeling of Yi Jia eased a little. The two walked to Lijia Village, and Zhao Jia talked about his past: "Master Ye, do you think that my skills are not bad?"

Ye Jingzhi’s eyes suddenly appeared in the scene of Jia Ge’s tearing the devil and the little devil escaping from the elevator. Master Ye focused on the head and praised him: “Good.”

Yan Jia smiled and said: "In fact, when I was in elementary school, I was often bullied."

The mirror of the leaf mirror stopped and looked at Zhao Jia.

"Nothing, it's all in the past. Before I was four years old, because my father couldn't control it, my father wouldn't let me go with other children. Later, with that piece of Taishan stone, I could finally play with them, but I I don't know if they can't see the ghosts, I always tell them that there are ghosts here, there are ghosts, and then they all alienated me and said that I am a little crazy, neuropathy."

Thinking of the past, Yi Jia only felt funny, and it didn't feel so uncomfortable. It was easy to say that it was exported: "I went to elementary school, and I had a class with several of them. They said that I was a madman in the class and said that I was talking all day. I can see the ghosts, and the teacher doesn’t like me to say this. I don’t allow lying when I teach. But I didn’t understand it at the time. Those ghosts existed. Why did the teacher say that I was lying? I have to say, slowly. The teacher also hated me, and the classmates also alienated me. In the next few years, they often bullied me and secretly beat me. When I was in class, I used a paper ball to smack me. Master Ye, you said that the child is childish and not naive?"

Ye Jingzhi is very distressed: "Zhaojia..."

Yi Jia continued to laugh: "In fact, there is nothing. But I was beaten more, my temper is tempered, I want to resist. The group of junior high school is still spreading rumors in the new school and saying that I am a madman. In fact, I don’t say that I can I saw the ghosts, but they still told the new students, so that the new students slowly discriminated against me. In order not to be beaten, I can only protect myself, being beaten more, hitting more people, and my skills will be better. ”

Ye Jingzhi listened to his heart and picked it up. Has his wife been beaten more? Obviously, I have arrived at a new school. I can have a new beginning. Why should I bully his wife?


Yan Jia suddenly remembered one thing: "Master Ye, we have known each other for so long, you don't want to call me again, it's a bit rusty. You just like everyone else, call me..." The sound stopped abruptly.

A warm heart in Ye Jing: "What are you calling?"

Yan Jia: "..." Everyone else called him Jia Ge, can't let Master Ye also call him Jia Ge?

After thinking for a long time, Zhai Jia just prepared to say, "Do you still call me a good Jia," but listened to a low voice in his ear: "... Jia Jia?"

Yan Jia suddenly stunned and looked at Ye Jingzhi in a wrong way.

Perhaps this month is too soft, Ye Jingzhi's eyes are soft and watery, he gently shouted: "Jia Jia." The voice is extremely light, tone, as if shouting the most important words of his life. I have to shout this name into my heart.

Yi Jia unconsciously responded: "Well!"

Ye Jingyi’s surprise eyes widened and shouted: “Jiajia.”

Yan Jia: "... eh?"

Ye Jingzhi shouted again: "Jia Jia!"

Yan Jia: "... um."

"Jia Jia!"

"...Master Ye, I think you can stop calling my name anymore, I am here."

Ye Jingzhi bowed his head and shouted the name over and over again in his heart. When he shouted more than a hundred times, he suddenly thought that Zhao Jia still called him "Master Ye." When he thought of this, Ye Jingzhi began to fantasize. How would a wife call his name?

Ye Jingzhi?


Suddenly, there was a scene in which Xin Jia gently called his "mirror, good night" scene. Master Ye suddenly surged and immediately turned to look at Zhao Jia. Zhao Jia just turned to look at a tree by the road, and the eyes of Ye Jingzhi.

Yan Jia: "Master Ye, what's wrong?"

Ye Jingzhi: "Yes... can you... can..."

After waiting for a long time, I didn’t wait until the following, and Jia Jia frowned, and asked me, “Master Ye?”

Ye Jing’s brain was stunned, and he was nervous for a long time before he uttered three words: “No...nothing...”

Yan Jia: "..." Ye master is weird today.

Turning over the mountain, I went to Lijiacun.

Since she knew Ye Jingzhi’s lack of experience in dealing with people from a young age, he began to rack his brains to teach Master Ye how to get along with others. Although Zhai Jia is also a rookie, his experience is almost nothing, he can only be indiscriminate, but he always has Chen Tao as a buddy party, much better than the 25-year-old Ye master.

However, at the end of the day, Ye Jingzhi asked: "Do you have a lot of good friends?"

Yi Jia took a moment to think about it for a moment and said: "It is best to have at least one. If you are willing to help you at a critical time, such as willing to lend you money."

Ye Jingzhi said: "I have a good relationship with Nan Yidao friends, Muyu Taoist friends, and weights and balances. I will not borrow money from them, but they should be willing to help me. So, I have three. Good friend."

Only Chen Tao, a friend of Qian Jia: "..."

I can't talk this day!

Because Yi Jia was a little afraid of heights, Ye Jingzhi did not take him directly to Lijia Village, but the two walked together in the mountains. They finally turned over the hill, and they were able to see the eaves of Lijia Village.

Seeing the goal, Yi Jia could not help but speed up and walk forward quickly.

Closer to Lijia Village, getting closer and closer, as long as you bypass this mountain road, you can see Lijiacun.

Zhai Jia said: "Master Ye, we must be careful this time. Now it is midnight, people in their village should be sleeping. We must quietly investigate the situation first, lest the people in Lijia Village be like the people in Yuanjia Village. That's pretty unreasonable."

The mirror of the mirror: "Okay." All listen to the wife.

Yi Jia went a few steps forward and finally circled the other side of the mountain. He said: "Master Ye, we have to be careful..."

The sound suddenly stopped.

Zhao Jia’s eyes widened a little, and he looked at the small mountain village hidden deep in the mountains. Ye Jingzhi also walked through the mountain road. When he saw the scene in front of him, he slowly sank his face and swept it around quickly, confirming that there was no evil spirit in the vicinity, which was reassuring.

The night in the mountains is cool, and a cold wind blows through the tombstones, which arouses the goose bumps of Yi Jia.

The moonlight passes through the dark clouds and shines on the tombstones one after another. The dense tombstones are far more than twenty-three, at least 80 tombstones, standing in front of Qianjia!

In Lijiacun, there is a dead silence. It’s not because the people in the village are sleeping, but because they have already slept in the ground, and no one can take them with the tools.

The icy moonlight shines on the stone tombstones, as if it were a ghost, with a hint of indifference and ridicule.

Eighty-nine people from Lijiacun, all died!

The author has something to say: Mirror [smirking]: Jiajia... Jiajia, Jiajia! (*??`*)!

C+:......【叶大师484 撒撒】


Today’s emotional drama is really a big step forward, knocking on drums~~\\\\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦


Thank you

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