

Mado Akira came in front of the two of them, holding Quinque Emilia tightly in his hands.

Seeing Mado Akira's look, the two of them already had the answer in their hearts.

"Once you have chosen, go."


Hui Qi brought the excited Madoka back to CCG Academy in District 5.

"You still have one year to graduate, right?"

"Yes, one year"

"You can call me if you need anything in the next year, but after graduation, I hope you won’t make a decision that you will regret."

Hui Qi looked at the gate of CCG School with an inexplicably heavy tone.

"I won't regret it. I knew what I had chosen from the beginning."Mado Akira answered seriously, his eyes were firm.

"Are you sure? Do you know how and why the children in CCG Academy come here?"

"I don't know...but they can't affect me"

"They are indeed father and daughter, they are exactly the same. The children recruited by CCG all have a deep hatred for ghouls, and their families have been killed to varying degrees... So I don't want you to……"

At this point, Huiqi's words stopped abruptly. There is no need to point out some things. Just hint that both parties know it.

"So ghouls should die!"

Mado Akira replied with hatred, his eyes flashing with anger and hatred. His happy family was torn apart because of ghouls...

Seeing Mado Akira so angry, Huiqi was silent for a moment, then spoke."The next time we meet, maybe it will be a year later"

"Yes, but I have to make full use of this year~ After all, a certain special person promised it personally."

"How come you can still make a big splash in school?" Hui Qi raised his eyebrows and said in a teasing tone.

"Who knows? I look forward to meeting you next time... but I will be your teammate then."

Mado Akira watched Huiqi leave and whispered subconsciously.

"What teammate? Let me hear it."

A sly voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"Shut up!"

"This is Quinque?! Holy shit! Did that man give it to me?! What’s your relationship?"


"The pattern on the box looks pretty good... How come you are so lucky!!!"

"Get out of here, second brother!"


In the CCG's highest-level special meeting room, all the special investigators were seated here, and the first one was Kazuki Shuu.

"Everyone... just now the headquarters received a message saying that a ghoul riot has occurred in District 24." He crossed his arms and looked extremely serious.

"Riot? Didn't they escape? I suggest strengthening the security of the 23rd District Kuikuliya Detention Center.

Tanaka Maru Moto exhaled white air from his nose and answered in a heavy voice.

"Although they didn't escape, everyone should be aware of the terrifying nature of the ghouls in Area 24. If one of them escapes, it will have a huge impact on society."

"What should we do? We can't spare any effort."Anura Kiyoko shook her head, indicating that she had no way to

"I can run for a few more days, but I can't have no special investigators in my division, right?"

After thinking for a while, Yukinori Shinohara said that within the limits of his ability

"I don't have time, I need to reorganize Area 20." Hui Qi refused and said to Xiu Jishi.

Participating in several battles in a short period of time has already caused Hui Qi a lot of troubles. These troubles have to be dealt with one by one, and there is no time to participate in the problems of Area 24.

The Ape Demon and Black Dog Organization in Area 20 have not been resolved yet, which is always a problem. The most important thing is that he has to go back to Kana to get new equipment.

"I can squeeze in some time."

Hei Panyan gave a positive answer to He Xiujishi.

"I can't help it. I'm just a commander. You can't let me go to the front line, right?" Marute shook his head regretfully.

"OK then, but I still hope you guys pay attention to it, and of course, if any problems arise please support me quickly!"

"no problem"×All special.

After the meeting, Hui Qi walked on the way back.

His eyes looked up at the moon in the sky from time to time, his face without any expression, and his body was surrounded by a strange atmosphere.

"Mom! Mom, I want this!"

"Fine, as long as Hinami likes it"

"Honey, let's go have a barbecue together!"

"OK, it's up to you."

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Don’t cry, sister… Next time, I will chase those bad guys away!"

Huiqi heard various voices, which intertwined to form a unique and noisy city symphony.

"It’s a wonderful life."




Two voices sounded at the same time, and Huiqi felt that his body was hit by someone.

"I'm sorry~"

Hui Qi looked down following the voice, and saw a woman with green hair, who apologized to him in a panic.

"high? Takatsuki Izumi? ? ?"

"Play? Toys? ? ? Sir? ? ?"

The two of them were stunned and stared at each other.

The reason why Takatsuki Izumi hastily retreated from the battle in District 10 was because the ghouls in District 24 were instigated by the Joker Organization and launched a small-scale riot, which Takatsuki Izumi needed to go back to suppress.

It was already close to night when Takatsuki Izumi went back to solve the matter.

Besides, the editor-in-chief of the novel had to urge the manuscript tomorrow.

With such a tight schedule, Takatsuki Izumi was already busy and exhausted, and did not notice Hui Qi at all.

"You? Me?" Huiqi opened her mouth slightly, and subconsciously made a pressing motion with her hand, but there was no suitcase for Huiqi to open.

Recent events had made Huiqi feel more tired, and she had forgotten that her Quinque was at the headquarters of the first district for maintenance. Now she had no weapons to use.


Gao Tsukizaki responded inexplicably, and after a long while, he slowly reacted and looked at Hui Qi with a vigilant look.

"You guy... don't want to do anything?"

"You'd better be thankful that there are so many people!"

Even without Quinque Huiqi, she still warned Takatsuki Izumi bravely. As long as she could attract the other party's attention, she would not know that she was not carrying a weapon.

"Ah? What does this have to do with the number of people?……"

Takatsuki Izumi rubbed his chin and glanced at Huiqi. Based on his experience of living with Huiqi and their several battles, Huiqi was not the type to avoid action just because there were more people than him.

"Why is there nothing in your hands?" He glanced at Huiqi many times, and finally stopped at Huiqi's empty hands. Takatsuki Izumi even reached out and held Huiqi's palm.


Hui Qi was in a strange cycle at the moment, and the word regret emerged in his mind.

If he had known this situation, he would have picked up a Quinque. Even if it was a long-range weapon, he could have fought against it. But now he was empty-handed.

"The investigator didn't bring Quinque? Hehehe, do you want to go to a dark place with me to play for a while?"

Takatsuki Izumi's suspicious expression gradually turned into complacency, and there was even a hint of teasing in his tone. He held Huiqi tightly with his little hand for fear that she would run away.

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