"You bunch of monkey cubs, go to hell."

Hui Qi took out his spear without hesitation and blasted at the ghouls. Two golden lightning bolts passed by one after another, and the entire block was blasted into ruins.


The paralyzed Gu Jian yelled at the top of his lungs, not wanting his younger brother to come and die.

"Brother! We are here to save you!"


Tears flowed from the corners of Furuma's eyes. He could only watch his brothers die one by one.

Huiqi's force was so ruthless that he didn't leave any whole bodies. The spear slightly passed through and instantly separated the body of a ghoul. Then the tip of the spear was pointed at the head and slightly touched, and the brain and blood spurted out instantly.

Wherever he passed, only the corpses of ghouls were left. These corpses were scattered in the surrounding corners like the fragments of Lego toys.

The search officers around the command vehicle looked serious, but there was still shock in their eyes. Even the commander, Kazuki Yoshitoki, admired Huiqi. It took only three minutes from action to resolution to take the lead in dealing with the demon ape.

"Well done! Team 4, form a blockade as soon as possible and don't let any ghoul escape Area 20!"

He Xiuji calmly analyzed the situation and arranged the team reasonably.


After giving the order, the director looked forward again and saw a ghoul in a black robe. Just standing there gave people a deep sense of oppression.

"The act of plundering life is a sin. Since we were born, we have been plundering other things. Life is a constant sin........."

Yoshimura Kousen's body was gradually covered by kagune, and finally turned into a huge monster and appeared in front of the investigator.

"Come on, let's fight each other."

At the end of the voice, a one-eyed owl appeared in front of everyone. The

Yuhe behind it attacked overwhelmingly, instantly piercing through the front row of investigators, causing terrible casualties.

At this moment, Dongxiang looked at the scene on TV with despair.

The belated Anjiu sisters looked at the devastated battlefield and had a premonition that it must have been done by Huiqi. Seeing that the blood was still steaming, it must have been killed not long ago.

"Be careful, little sister. There are investigators everywhere."

"Okay, sister, you have to be careful too!"

Kaneki Ken sat on a tall building, looking at the war in District 20, feeling uneasy, and wanted to rescue the store manager and others.

At this time, Nishio Kin seemed to have guessed Kaneki Ken's thoughts, and sat down next to Kaneki Ken, looking at the brightly lit District 20 in the distance, but from time to time he could see a golden lightning rushing into the sky.

"It was like setting off fireworks. They were just a bunch of ghouls making coffee. The white pigeons really have no tolerance."Nishio Nishiki sighed

"What are you going to do?" Jinmu Ken asked Jin

"Of course I'd run away. If I rushed in headfirst, I'd just die. Wouldn't that mean the store manager, Mr. Furuma, and Ms. Iriken would have wasted their lives in vain?" Nishio Kinshi answered without hesitation."Besides, my dead sister told me to live."

Having said that, Nishio Kinshi patted the dust off his body and looked at Kaneki Ken with a smile."I'm going to see Takasue for the last time, and then I'm going to run away. How can I not hug such a good woman in the end?""

"Kaneki, don’t you have someone waiting for you to come back too?"

"Well, who is the store manager for? What kind of idea does he have to run that store?...Love humans...It will be like this..."Kaneki Ken thought about it and vented his frustration.

"You know, there is a cup in the cupboard that the store manager treasures, a small, retro coffee cup. I have never seen this cup being used. The store manager must be waiting....Been waiting...."

"I won't let you go! Kaneki."

While the two were talking, the voice of Tsukiyama Shu suddenly appeared behind them.

Kaneki Ken looked back and saw that it was Tsukiyama Shu who came to the roof.

"Can't you see that amount?! What if something happens to Kaneki?"

"I know how dangerous this is."

"In this case...In this case...Then you will die here!!!" Crazy Tsukiyama Shu waved his armor and attacked Kaneki Ken madly.

However, it was too late, no one could stop Kaneki now.

Looking at Tsukiyama Shu's attack, Kaneki Ken knocked him down without much effort.

"Thank you both....But I don't want to stand by and watch anymore." After saying that, Kaneki Ken put on his mask and rushed to Area 20.

On the other side, Takatsuki Izumi looked at Area 20 filled with the sound of gunfire, waiting for something.

The battle situation of the fourth squad was very tragic. Here they had to face small ghouls and prevent low-level ghouls from disturbing the battle between the special-grade and the Owl.

The members included Mado Akira, Amon Kotaro, Gori Misato, Takizawa Masamichi and others.

Tanaka Maru Motomoto and Hatakawa were assigned to the flanks to assist the entire battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield, four people, including Kuroiwa Special, Shinohara Yukinori Special, Hodera Xiangjie Junte, and Mado Wuo, joined forces to fight the Owl with difficulty.

Unlike the last time at the Bronze Tree, this time Gongshan got rid of the title of the Owl who would not be killed. Now the pressure on the three of them has doubled, and they began to pray in their hearts that Huiqi could get rid of the black Doberman as soon as possible to support them.

"Suzuya Juzo and Ue-gun are on their way, the three of you don't have to worry." The director and Xiu Jishi told the three people through the command channel

"The one who came to support you turned out to be you, CCG is really extravagant."Iruma looked at the person in front of him solemnly.

"Surrender now and go back to Kuikuriya, or I will beat you half to death and make you crawl back to Kuikuriya."

Hui Qi looked at the Doberman in front of him coldly.

"Haha, even a desperate dog will jump over the wall."

After saying that, Iruma released Yuhe to attack Huiqi. The attack of the SS-level ghoul was quite difficult, but Huiqi was too lazy to dodge. The Quinque Knight Guardian in his hand instantly turned into a silver shield, blocking all the attacks.

"What a terrifying Quinque."

The next moment, Iruma tried his best to dodge, because he felt the threat of death. He saw that the shield in Huiqi's hand had turned into a spear, and the tip of the spear flashed with golden lightning and pointed at Iruma.


Huiqi raised his gun and aimed. The opponent Yuhe was good at speed, but in Huiqi's eyes, he was just like an ordinary person, slow and weak. Considering the plan, Huiqi planned to penetrate the opponent's abdomen with one blow and destroy his combat power.

The spear in his hand released lightning beyond the range and approached Iruma in an instant. The strong electric current paralyzed his body, and Iruma Xuan fell from the air to the ground.

"Go back honestly." Hui Qi walked in front of Iruma Xuan, and the spear pierced through her abdomen, penetrating the key joints.


After dealing with the demon ape and the black Doberman, Huiqi planned to leave here and go to the central battlefield for support.

Not long after Huiqi left, the Anjiu sisters also followed the footprints and rushed over. Seeing the familiar fatal wounds, the two were one step closer to Huiqi.

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