"Good morning, Kaneki."

Lingchuan came to school and saw Kaneki Ken wandering in front of the school gate with an eye mask on his face, so he said

"Hey... it's Lingchuan, good morning."

Kaneki Ken heard Lingchuan's voice from behind, so he turned around and greeted Lingchuan.

"Jinmu, why don't you go in?" Lingchuan asked

"Lingchuan, I……"Kaneki Ken stuttered

"It's okay, Kaneki, just treat yourself as an ordinary human being, don't feel pressured, let's go." Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken's hesitant look and comforted him, then pulled Kaneki Ken's clothes and pulled him into the school.


A yellow figure ran over quickly from behind and hugged Kaneki Ken

"Kaneki! How many classes are you going to miss? You should also consider my feelings!... I am also very lonely alone!"

Eira Nagachika said while looking at Kaneki Ken to check if there is any problem

"Ying, I'm very sorry," Kaneki Ken said quickly

"Why are you wearing an eye patch? Are you following the trend? Hey, Lingchuan is here too. Good morning. I'm so sorry. I was so excited to see Kaneki."Nagachika Eira asked when he saw Kaneki Ken wearing an eye patch. Then he saw Lingchuan looking at them with a smile on his face, and said embarrassedly

"It's okay, Ying. You and Kaneki have a really good relationship. Lingchuan looked at Ying with an auntie smile and waved his hand, thinking in his heart,"Together...together."

When I watched the original anime, Lingchuan felt that the relationship between these two people was not just a simple friendship.

"Of course, before I became friends with you, Lingchuan, I only had Kaneki as my best friend. We knew each other when we were very young and went through a lot together. Now, Lingchuan, you are also my best friend."Yaichika Hideyoshi said with a heartfelt smile.

"Britain……"Kaneki Ken looked at Ying who was smiling brightly.

"Let's go...let's go." After saying that, Nagachika Eira pulled Kaneki Ken and Lingchuan towards the teaching building.

When they reached the corridor in front of the teaching building, Nagachika Eira turned around and said to Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken:"Kaneki, Lingchuan, I have to go to a sarcastic senior to get some information. You guys go with me. That senior seems difficult to get along with."

""Okay," Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken said at the same time.

Nagachika Hideyoshi should be talking about going to Nishio Nishiki, just in time to meet Nishio Nishiki and his girlfriend Nishino Takasue. After all, Nishino Takasue later became Dr. Kano's assistant, and finally developed"artificial ghoul food."

Then Lingchuan thought that the current plot seemed to have changed because he had taken Kaneki Ken to the antique coffee shop before. In the original plot, Kaneki Ken had met Nishio Nishiki once before this time, and both of them exposed their identities as ghouls.

But this is the first time Kaneki Ken has met Nishio Nishiki. I don't know if the subsequent plot will be the same as the original plot.

Just as Lingchuan was thinking, the three of them came to the floor where Nishio Nishiki's office was located.


When he was about to reach the door of Nishio Nishiki's office, Ling Chuan heard a faint gasp, and then he remembered that in the original plot, Nishio Nishiki was doing something unspeakable with his girlfriend Nishino Takami, so he quickly reminded Nagachika Hideyoshi in front of him,"Ying, knock on the door first."……"

Before Ling Chuan finished speaking, Nagachika Hideyoshi had already opened the door of his office.


Before Nagachika Eira could react, he saw a girl with dark brown hair running out quickly, covering her clothes with her hands, screaming as she ran.

""Nagachin, you don't even know how to knock on the door?" A voice came from the office.

Nagachin Eira was stunned for a moment, and quickly apologized:"Senior Nishio, I'm very sorry."

Then the three of them came to Nishio Nishiki's office. Lingchuan looked around the office, and then looked at Nishio Nishiki, who was sitting on the office chair with yellow hair and glasses.

"As for me... I hate it most when others invade my territory." Nishio Nishiki said as he stood up, looked at Lingchuan and the other two, then asked,"Nagachino, who are these two?"

"They are my friends, Kaneki and Lingchuan," Nagachika Hideyoshi replied, and then introduced Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken,"This is Senior Nishio from the second-year pharmacy department."

"Senior Nishio, I have heard a lot about you. Please take care of me. My name is Lingchuan, and I am Ying’s friend. Lingchuan introduced himself.

"My name is Kaneki Ken, Senior Nishio, please take care of me."Kaneki Ken also introduced himself

""Second-year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Nishio Nishiki, nice to meet you," said Nishio Nishiki with a smile, then looked at Nagachika Hideyoshi and asked,"Nagachika, why are you here?""

"They came with me to get some information from last year," Nagachika Hideyoshi replied.

"Last year's information? Let me look for it." After saying this, Nishio Nishiki went to look for it on the shelf next to him.

"Ding... It was detected that the host had met Nishio Nishiki, and gained 10 points of kagune proficiency (the current kagune proficiency is 110/500, and the stamina value is 60/100)"

Just then, Ling Chuan heard the prompt sound from the system in his mind, and then he thought of something and asked in his mind:"System, I sent Kaneki Ken to the antique coffee shop in advance and changed some of the plot. Will the reward for deciding not to interfere with the direction of the plot be recovered?"

"No, the mission of this system is to help the host become stronger, and any rewards obtained by the host will not be taken back."

Listening to the answer of the system in his mind, Ling Chuan immediately understood


"I can't find it. I think I left it at home. Go get it now, Nagachika." After searching for a while and not finding it, Nishio Nishiki said to Nagachika Eira.

"Go to Senior Nishio's house?" Nagachika Eira asked in confusion.

"Yes," Nishio Nishiki replied

"That's the only way." Nagachika thought for a moment, then turned to Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken and said,"Kaneki, Lingchuan, you go back first. Senior Nishio and I will go to his house to get some information."

"Ying, I'll go with you. It's a good opportunity to go for a walk. Kaneki, come with us too." Hearing what Nagachika Hideyoshi said, Lingchuan thought that in the original plot, Nishio Nishiki would attack Nagachika Hideyoshi. He didn't know if he would do that now. It's better to be safe, so he pulled Kaneki Ken next to him and said

"Hey... this... Senior Nishio, can they go together?"Era Nagachika was stunned for a moment, then asked Nishio Nishiki

"Sure, come on, I won't let you into my house anyway," said Nishio Nishiki nonchalantly.

"Thank you, Senior Nishio." When Ling Chuan heard that he could go together, he thanked Nishio Jin.

"Ding-ling-ling... Ding-ling-ling………"

A phone rang

"Before I go, I need to answer a call first."Nishio Jin took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Yongjin, you just came in……"

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