"You're welcome, little Hinami." Lingchuan reached out and touched Fukou Hinami's head.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lingchuan." Fueguchi Ryoko looked at her daughter's happy smile, then stood up and bowed to Lingchuan in gratitude.

"Please stand up quickly. You are welcome. Miss Liangzi, just call me Lingchuan."Lingchuan said quickly.

""Mom, please put the hairpin on me. I want to show it to big brother." Fueguchi Hinami, who was fiddling with the hairpin nearby, said to Fueguchi Ryoko.

After Fueguchi Ryoko put the hairpin on her, she turned around, pointed at the hairpin on her head and asked Lingchuan happily:"Big brother, does it look good?"

"Looks good, the hairpin matches Xiao Hina really well." Ling Chuan replied with a smile

"Thank you, big brother." Fueguchi Hinami thanked Lingchuan again

"You're welcome, little Hinami, listen to your mother and do your homework. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the big brother with the eye patch over there. He is a top student."Lingchuan touched Fuekou Hinami's head, then pointed at Kaneki Ken who was cleaning the table and said

""Eh... me?" Kaneki Ken, who was standing by, heard what Lingchuan said, pointed at himself and said uncertainly

"Ah, Kaneki must help Hinami with her homework."

Lingchuan said to Kaneki Ken, then turned around and waved to Fuekou mother and daughter.

"Hinami-chan, Ms. Ryoko, I'm going to go find Mr. Yoshimura first. Bye."

"Goodbye, big brother""" Okay, Lingchuan-kun."

Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Hinami, who was holding a teddy bear, waved to Lingchuan.


"The host met Fueguchi Ryoko, Fueguchi Hinami, and Tsukiyama Mi, and gained 30 points of kagune proficiency (the current kagune proficiency is 140/500, and the physical value is 60/100)."

When I found Fangcun Gongshan in Lingchuan, the system prompt sound came in my mind


"Mr. Fangcun, you should have received the news that the"White Dove" has arrived."Ling Chuan said to Fangcun Gongshan who was making coffee

"Mr. Lingchuan, please." Fangcun Gongshan handed the coffee in his hand to Lingchuan and said calmly:"Yes, I got the news that two ghoul investigators have arrived at District 20, and there are already many victims."

"I want to take Jinmu with me to customize a mask, just in case, but I don't know where to go, so I need to trouble Mr. Fangcun to find someone to take us there."Lingchuan said while sipping coffee

"So... we need to take some safety measures." Fangcun Gongshan nodded and said

"Tomorrow is Saturday, Dong Xiang happens to be on vacation, let her take you there." Then he said

"Thank you very much, Mr. Fangcun," Ling Chuan thanked. He had wanted to customize a mask for a long time, and he knew who to find, but he didn't know how to get there, so he had to ask Fangcun Gongshan.


"Mask?" Kaneki Ken asked in a puzzled voice.

"What? It's a rare Saturday and Sunday, why should I accompany this arrogant and cowardly guy to order a mask?"Kirishima Touka looked like she was going to eat someone, pointing at Lingchuan and the confused Kaneki Ken and said

"Hey, hey, hey, when did I become arrogant, you idiot with only one eye showing?" Ling Chuan retorted indignantly.

"you………"Just as Kirishima Touka was about to retort, she heard Yoshimura Kousen say

"Dong Xiang, 'White Dove' has arrived at Area 20. Please excuse me, Dong Xiang."

"I understand, Mr. Yoshimura," Kirishima Touka replied after hearing what Yoshimura Kozen said, then looked at Lingchuan and the others and said in a bad tone,"Hey, arrogant guy, coward, see you in front of the station at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. If you dare to be late, I will kill you."

"Tsk, I get it…Shamatte" Ling Chuan said with disdain

""Okay...Okay." Kaneki Ken quickly replied


""Ying, are you feeling better?" Bored Ling Chuan came to Nagachika Eira's room and asked Nagachika Eira, who was sitting on the bed in deep thought.

"It's okay, Lingchuan," Nagachika Hideyoshi replied, and then said to Lingchuan:"Thank you, Lingchuan. I have decided, I want to join CCG, I want to save Kaneki"


The next day, near the station

"Damn arrogant guy, I'm going to kill him."

Kirishima Touka looked at the time of 2:40 on her phone and said with murderous intent.

Kaneki Ken looked at the oppressive Kirishima Touka in front of him and prayed that Lingchuan would come quickly.

Fortunately, after a while, a figure ran towards them.

"Miss Touka, Kaneki, I'm very sorry, I met an old lady crossing the road on the way and delayed me for a while."When Lingchuan approached and saw Kirishima Touka with murderous intent on her face, he quickly made up an excuse.

"Do you think... I will believe it? Damn arrogant maniac" Kirishima Touka seemed to want to eat Lingchuan, and then kicked him.

"It's true, it couldn't be more true." Ling Chuan dodged the attack and raised three fingers while speaking.

"I was wrong, Ms. Dong Xiang, let's go and customize the mask first." Then he raised his hands above his head in surrender.

"Yes, Touka, let's get down to business first," Kaneki Kenya agreed.

Kirishima Touka turned and left, and Lingchuan and the others quickly followed.

After passing through an old and noisy urban area, the three of them arrived at their destination.

""Mr. Bei, hello."

Kirishima Touka pushed open the door with"Art Mask Studio" and shouted as she walked in.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, it was dead silent, and no one responded. There were only various sculptures placed around and strange masks hanging on the walls.

Lingchuan knew that Bei was hiding and was ready to scare them, so he didn't look around, but went straight to the wall full of masks to see if there was a suitable mask.

Sure enough, Kaneki Ken screamed a little while later.

Lingchuan also walked over immediately

"What are you doing, Mr. Bei?" Kirishima Touka asked

"I just want to scare you guys." The man dressed in a Shamatte outfit said with a smile

"This is Mr. Bai who specializes in making masks," Kirishima Touka introduced.

"I am" said

"Hello , my name is Lingchuan, please take care of me."

I... I am Kaneki Ken, please take care of me."

Lingchuan and the others introduced themselves.


"The host gets acquainted and gains 10 points of Hezi proficiency. The current Hezi proficiency is 150/500"

""What kind of masks do you want to order?" Bei asked.

"Let's customize one for Kaneki first. I'll see if there's anything suitable on the wall." Lingchuan said.

Then Bei asked Kaneki Ken to sit on the chair and asked him the same question as in the original plot.

Lingchuan looked at various masks on the side, and then saw a pure black full-face mask, and then took it off to try it.

He found it was quite suitable and said to Bei:"Mr. Bei, can you sell this mask?"

"" Of course," Bei looked at the mask in Ling Chuan's hand and replied.

Ling Chuan put on the mask and turned his eyes into black eyes, then looked at himself in the mirror and said narcissistically,"How cool! From now on, my nickname will be 'Black Hawk'."

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