
"The host kills a D-rank ghoul and gains 5 points of Kagami proficiency."

"The host kills a C-rank ghoul and gains 10 points of kagune proficiency."

"The host kills a B-rank ghoul and gains 15 points of kagune proficiency."

"The host kills an A-rank ghoul and gains 20 points of kagune proficiency."


"Ding..., congratulations to the host, the level of Hezi proficiency has been upgraded, and it has evolved into a half-Hezi master. The current Hezi proficiency is 535/1000 Hezi master."

""Has it become a half-ghoul?"

Ling Chuan muttered to himself when he heard the prompt from the system in his mind. Then he thought about the hundreds of ghouls present at the ghoul restaurant. Unfortunately, most of them were D-level or C-level ghouls, and a few of the top high-level ghouls had escaped. However, the harvest was still not bad.

Ling Chuan felt the powerful force in his body and nodded with satisfaction.


On the other side

, two figures appeared outside a dilapidated house in a wasteland.

"Senior Mado, according to the information provided by those low-level ghouls, 'Gecko' often comes and goes in this place, so he is very likely here,"

Yamon Kotaro said to Mado Wuxu who was hunched over beside him.

""Then let's go and have a look, Amen," Mado Wuxu replied, and then walked towards the dilapidated house.

As soon as he arrived in front of the house, he heard the sound of fighting coming from inside, and then a man wearing square glasses and a white coat was beaten out of the house.

Fuekou Chaomu, who was beaten and lying on the ground, looked at Mado Wuxu and Amen Kotaro in front of him and said with horror:"Carrying the box!... Why is the'white dove' here?"

Mado Wuxu looked at the man in white who walked out of the hole in the house and smiled triumphantly,"It seems that we have not waited in vain... Amen, use the scum as bait to find out the villain behind it. But this guy is a real villain."

Amen Kotaro heard what Mado Wuxu said, and hurriedly looked at the man in the white suit, and asked in surprise:"Mr. Mado, could he be the………"

Before Amon Kotaro finished speaking, he heard Mado Wuxu say,"Jason, why does the big shot from District 13 frequently appear around District 20? Let's ask him." Then he opened the box in his hand and released the green Quinque

"S-rank... Jason from Area 13." After saying this, Kotaro Amon opened the box in his hand and released a Quinque that looked like half a barbell.

When the three of them were about to fight, a voice appeared above the house."Eh... What a coincidence, are they all here?"

Lingchuan hurried to Fuekou Chaomu's position, and saw the three of them confronting each other. Fuekou Chaomu was lying on the ground, but he didn't look like he was in danger of life. Then he said, and then he flashed to sit on the pipe next to him.

"Four-legged snake, tall man, and that long-haired old man, are you playing house?"

Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro heard the voice and looked around vigilantly. They saw a man wearing a black mask sitting on the pipe, swinging his legs carelessly.

"Who are you?" Zhenhu Wuxu frowned and asked

"Don't worry about who I am."Ling Chuan jumped off the pipe and slowly walked towards the flute."I'm not interested in your game. I just want to take the man on the ground away."

Jason heard Ling Chuan call him a lizard, and he sneered at Ling Chuan,"Boy, you're looking for death!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Ling Chuan quickly.

Ling Chuan looked at the"gecko" rushing over, his mouth corners slightly raised, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. He made a move in an instant, as fast as lightning, and punched Jason in the stomach.

Jason stepped back in pain, secretly surprised at Ling Chuan's strength.

"I don't want to waste time with you." Then Lingchuan raised the flute to Chaomu, looked at the three people and said coldly,"If you still want to try, leave your life here."

When Yamon Kotaro and Mado Wuxu saw Lingchuan repel the S-level ghoul"Gecko" with one punch, they looked at each other and decided to wait and see the situation. After being repelled by Lingchuan, Ohmori Yakumo did not dare to step forward for the time being, then he looked at the time on his hand and said coldly:"Very good, I will remember you, if I let me catch you, I will torture you well." He laughed grimly and left.

"Do you two want to stay here?" Lingchuan ignored the fleeing Daishou Yakumo and turned to look at Yamon Kotaro and Mado Wuxu who were still standing there in a daze, and said coldly

"Yamon, it seems that we found a ghoul of high level today. Are you afraid of death?"Mado Wuxu said to Yamon Kotaro with a smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Mado," Amon Kotaro replied, then he clenched the Quinque in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

"Very good, then... go ahead," said Mado Wuxu, and then rushed towards Lingchuan, followed by Amon Kotaro.

Lingchuan looked at the two people rushing over, put the mouth of the flute towards Mu, and no longer showed mercy. He immediately released Yuhe, wrapped it around his hand, and flashed forward.


Blood spilt

"ah………"In just one encounter, Lingchuan cut off Mado Wuxu's right hand holding Kuinin, and then kicked him away. And Amon Kotaro, who followed, was knocked away by Lingchuan's punch.

"Mr. Mado!……"

Amon Kotaro, who was lying on the ground, looked at Mado Wuo, who was lying on the ground with one arm missing, and quickly stood up and ran forward and shouted.

Lingchuan looked at the two people in front of him and originally wanted to kill them, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up, after all, they were just poor people.

So Lingchuan used Yuhe and flew away towards Mu Chao with the flute.

Watching Lingchuan leave, Amon Kotaro quickly tore his clothes into pieces, then wrapped them around Mado Wuo's broken hand, then picked him up and rushed to the hospital.


Ling Chuan brought Dikou Chaomu to a hidden alley, took off the mask on his face, and took him to the antique coffee shop.

"Um... Sir, thank you for saving my life, but where are you taking me?"After recovering from his shock, Dikou Chaomu hurriedly thanked Lingchuan who had taken off his mask, and then asked in confusion

"Just keep up." Ling Chuan didn't intend to explain and continued walking forward.

"OK... OK." Seeing that Ling Chuan had no intention of explaining, Dikou Chaomu did not dare to ask any more questions and continued to follow Ling Chuan everywhere.


Soon, Lingchuan brought Fuekou Chaomu to the back door of the Antique Coffee Shop.

Seeing Lingchuan bringing him to the Antique Coffee Shop, he suddenly felt relieved and excited, because he knew his wife and children were here.

Lingchuan looked at Fuekou Chaomu's excited eyes, and then said to him:"Mr. Fuekou, please wait here for a while. I need to discuss with Mr. Fangcun. After all, your face has been seen by the 'White Pigeon'."

"OK... OK," Dikou Chaomu said quickly. He also knew what the consequences would be if his face was seen by the"White Pigeon"


Ling Chuan came to the antique coffee shop and asked if Sifang Lianshi Fangcun Gongshan was there, and then came to the door of Fangcun Gongshan's room.

"Mr. Yoshimura…………"

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