"Mom and Dad, hurry up, big brother is downstairs." Soon, the excited voice of Fueguchi Hinami came from the corridor. After a while, Fueguchi Hinami pulled Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Chaomu over. Fueguchi Chaomu saw Lingchuan and said with a smile:"Mr. Lingchuan, you are back. Are you okay?"

Fueguchi Ryoko beside her also looked at Lingchuan with a smile on her face.

"Long time no see, Mr. Asagi, Ms. Ryoko." Ling Chuan also replied with a smile

"Recently I have seen on TV that CCG is looking for Mr. Lingchuan. If you need any help, just tell me. You saved my life, and I don’t know how to thank you. Fueguchi Asagi said to Lingchuan with an expression that he didn’t care about life and death.

Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Hinami were also a little at a loss.

"It's okay, Mr. Asagi. Are you still worried about my strength? I just came back to see everyone. Don't get excited. Miss Ryoko and Xiao Hinami, don't be nervous either."Ling Chuan looked at Fueguchi Hinami who looked worried and said with a smile

""I'm sorry, Mr. Lingchuan," Fueguchi Ryoko suddenly said.

Lingchuan took a look and knew what was going on, so he comforted her and said,"It's okay, Miss Ryoko, and Mr. Asagi, I rescued you so that Xiao Hinami would no longer be sad. Don't say these things in the future, just live a good life."

"Big brother, what are you doing sitting here?" Fueguchi Hinami asked happily again.

"I'm waiting for someone here." Ling Chuan said with a smile

"Then we won't disturb Mr. Lingchuan for now." Fueguchi Chaomu said hurriedly, and then took Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Hinami away.

""Okay." Lingchuan waved his hand.

Before he took a few steps, Fueguchi Hinami turned around and came to Lingchuan's side, looking for something in his bag.

"What's wrong, Xiao Hinami?" Lingchuan asked

"Big brother, can you help me pass this book to big brother Kaneki?" Fueguchi Hinami took out another book from her bag and handed it to Lingchuan

""Okay, little Hinami," Lingchuan said as he took the book, and then Fueguchi Hinami followed her parents upstairs.

After they left, Lingchuan looked out the window again, but this time he was very happy and his mouth corners inadvertently rose.

Across the street outside the cafe, Fangcun Ate, with long light green hair, a black dress, and a tangled expression, was looking at this side.


After the book signing, Fangcun Ate, who was supposed to go home directly, came to the antique coffee shop.

Looking at the coffee shop in front of her, some bad memories came to her mind, and she was about to turn around and leave, but before she took two steps, Ling Chuan's voice came over.

""Aite, you really came, wow... I'm so touched... It turns out that you still love me and don't want to abandon me."

Lingchuan ran out immediately when he saw Fangcun Aite in the coffee shop. When he saw Fangcun Aite turning around and leaving, he hurriedly shouted.

After hearing the first words, Fangcun Aite's originally bad mood eased a little, and he was even a little happy, but after hearing Lingchuan's shameless words, he immediately became angry again, turned around and looked at Lingchuan who was running towards him, and said angrily:

"Shameless bastard! Shut up!"

Seeing Fangcun Aite stopped, Lingchuan quickly ran over and grabbed her hand and said in a mean way:"Since you are here, don't leave, Sister Aite, let's go have a cup of coffee together. I said I would treat you to coffee a long time ago, but I never got to drink it. Let's go." After saying that, he pulled Fangcun Aite towards the antique coffee shop.

""Asshole, let go of me. If you talk to me with this disgusting expression again, I will pull out your tongue!" Fangcun Ate said angrily while trying to pull his hand out.

Soon the two came to the antique coffee shop. Lingchuan said to Rujianxuan as they walked,"Miss Rujian, two cups of coffee, both with more sugar, thank you."

"Miss Takatsuki Izumi, would you like something sweeter?" Ling Chuan turned around and looked at Fangcun and asked. Because they were in an antique coffee shop, Ling Chuan called Takatsuki Izumi to avoid exposing her identity.

"Whatever," Fangcun Aite said coldly.

Lingchuan took Fangcun Aite to the window seat and sat down.

"Miss Rujian, one cup with sugar, one cup without sugar." Ling Chuan suddenly thought of something and shouted to Rujian Xuan who was making coffee.

"you……"Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan in confusion

"Coffee is very bitter. I have also had a bitter taste since I was a child, so I don't like bitterness. But as a ghoul, I can only feel the taste when I drink coffee, so I usually add more sugar. Although adding sugar tastes strange in the mouth, it will be less bitter."Ling Chuan saw the confusion on Fangcun At's face, in order not to reveal that he can eat anything, he quickly pretended to be melancholy and said slowly

"Is that so…" Fangcun Atte no longer looked puzzled after hearing this, but instead had an inexplicable emotion on his face, lowering his head, thinking about something

"The coffee is here, please enjoy it slowly." Ru Jianxuan looked at Ling Chuan and the others with an expression that looked like she wanted to see some gossip.

"Thank you," Ling Chuan replied with a smile

""Miss Takatsuki Izumi, would you like to try my cup?" Ling Chuan pointed at the cup of coffee with sugar in front of him and said to Fangcun Ate who was looking down and silent.

"OK..." Fangcun Eite came back to her senses after hearing Lingchuan's voice and looked at the coffee in front of Lingchuan. She hesitated for a moment and then said.

When she heard Lingchuan telling her about the origin of his drinking coffee with sugar, she couldn't help but think of her own experience, so she wanted to try it too.

Lingchuan passed the coffee in front of him to Fangcun Eite, and then said with a smile:"Try it."

Fangcun Eite reached out and picked up the coffee and brought it to her mouth and took a sip

"It's not bitter, but it has a disgusting taste."

Fangcun Aite said with a frown.

"Hahahahahaha, you are not used to it, Miss Takatsuki Izumi, right?" Lingchuan said with a grin, then snatched the coffee from Fangcun Eite's hand, took a big sip in front of Fangcun Eite's shocked expression, and then said with an intoxicated look on his face

"Ah...the coffee that Ms. Takatsuki Izumi has drunk is delicious"

"You... shameless bastard." Fangcun Atte saw Lingchuan drinking the coffee he had drunk, and shouted angrily.

Then the other customers in the coffee shop turned their eyes to Lingchuan and Fangcun Atte.

"The two guests over there, please keep your voice down and don't disturb the other guests." The voice of Ru Jianxuan from the bar also floated over.

Fangcun Aite noticed the gazes around him and quickly turned his head to the window.

"Hahahahaha." Ling Chuan also laughed softly

"If you say such shameless words again, I will break your bones one by one. Fangcun At heard Lingchuan's laughter, turned around and said with gritted teeth

""Taka... Miss Tsuki Izumi!"

Just then, Fueguchi Hinami, who had just come downstairs and was about to come to Lingchuan, saw Yoshimura's name and ran over in surprise and shouted.

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