The two chatted on the way, and Fangcun Aite's expression became more and more angry.

Soon they came to Fangcun Aite's house again. Fangcun Aite was used to this shameless guy in front of him, so he took out the key and opened the door.

Lingchuan hurriedly went in first, then stood at the door with a gentleman's smile and said,"Welcome home, my beautiful princess."

"Get out!" Fangcun Aite was extremely speechless, closed the door and went straight to the bathroom.

Lingchuan shrugged and went to lie on the sofa, quietly waiting for Fangcun Aite.

Listening to the sound of running water from the shower in the bathroom, Lingchuan couldn't help but be distracted, and said to the bathroom:"Do you want me to rub your back, Aite?"

""Get out!" A tender voice came from the bathroom.

Ling Chuan shrugged and continued to lie on the sofa.

Fangcun Aite, who had finished cleaning up, came out of the bathroom. Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun Aite, who had just come out of the bath, wearing light green pajamas and with wet hair, and hurried over.

"Wow, Eite smells so good, so fragrant." Lingchuan sniffed Fangcun Eite's body with a perverted expression on his face.

Fangcun Eite quickly pushed Lingchuan's head away and said with gritted teeth:"Get out of here, you pervert!"

"Hehe, stop teasing Ate, let me blow dry your hair for you." Ling Chuan pulled Fangcun Ate to the desk and sat down, then took out a hair dryer.

"No, I can do it myself."Yoshimura Aite said proudly, but she did not snatch the hair dryer from Lingchuan.

Lingchuan smiled, then blew Fangcun Aite's hair by himself, and after turning the wind up hot, he asked,"Is this temperature hot enough to make me hot?""

"It’s not hot." Fangcun Aite said speechlessly.

"Hehe, Ai Te is still very attractive." Ling Chuan looked down and saw Fangcun Ai Te's white

"What…" Fangcun Aite was a little confused when she heard Lingchuan’s words, but then she quickly reacted and buttoned up the top button,"You! Shameless, I must dig your eyes out."

Then both of them were silent, enjoying the beauty of the moment. Lingchuan gently stroked Fangcun Aite’s hair, and from time to time he looked at the angry Fangcun Aite.

"It's done, Ai Te." Ling Chuan touched Fangcun Ai Te's hair and said when he felt it was almost done.

"Ah... are you done blowing?" Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan with an unsatisfied expression after hearing it.

"It seems that Ai Te is enjoying it very much." Seeing Fangcun Ai Te's unsatisfied expression, Ling Chuan joked

""Tsk." Fangcun Aite quickly got up and ran to lie on the bed, then pulled the quilt over her head.

Lingchuan smiled, then went to the bathroom to take a shower and clean up.

Fangcun Aite, who was lying on the bed, heard the noise of Lingchuan going to the bathroom, pulled down the quilt, revealing her rosy face, and murmured,"Damn bastard, he was quite handsome when he was blow-drying his hair."

Hearing the sound of the water being turned off in the bathroom, Fangcun Aite quickly continued to cover her head, and then unconsciously moved her body inside.

After cleaning up, Lingchuan looked at Fangcun Aite with her head covered on the bed and the empty space next to her, feeling very proud, and then hurried to the bed.

He lifted the quilt and lay down, then took down the quilt that covered Fangcun Aite's head.

Looking at Fangcun Aite's blushing face, Lingchuan joked again,"Oh, why is Aite's face so red?"

""I was just stuffy," Fangcun Aite explained with a red face.

Looking at Fangcun Aite with a blushing face in front of him, Lingchuan couldn't help but think of a sentence,"There are not many love words in the world, and a woman's blush is better than a long confession."

Lingchuan lay down and stretched out an arm, then motioned Fangcun Aite to rest her head on it. Looking at the arm stretched out, Fangcun Aite hesitated for a moment, then slowly crawled towards Lingchuan, rested her head on his arm, and whispered,"Don't put your other hand on me, and don't clamp my legs together at night, just sleep like this."

"Okay, Tat." Ling Chuan smiled.

The two of them lay flat for a while, and Fangcun Tat said,"Asshole, when you were in the coffee shop, you said that you had a hard life since childhood. What's the matter?"

Ling Chuan pondered for a while, then adapted his original experience and said

"Well... when I was seven years old, I accidentally revealed my identity as a ghoul because I was too playful. Later, my parents were killed by the white pigeons of CCG to protect me. I could only keep running away in my parents' hopeful eyes. I ran for a long time, and I didn't know how far I ran. I only knew that I was very hungry, and my body couldn't support it anymore, so I fell into the corner."

"When I woke up again, there were two people standing in front of me. They were not white pigeons. I was very glad that I had escaped, but I found myself in another abyss. The two people in front of me were ghouls. They were discussing which part of me to eat. I was desperate and hated my own weakness."

"When they saw me awake, they immediately rushed towards me. A feeling of becoming stronger spread through my mind. I burst out with a strength that I couldn't believe myself and killed the two of them. Then I ate their kagune madly, feeling my body full of strength and the strengthening of kagune. From that moment on, I kept hunting humans and ghouls to eat together."

"Later, he became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, he began to hate this chaotic world, wondering why humans and ghouls could not coexist peacefully."

Lingchuan said slowly, and then looked at the shocked Fangcun Et and said:"I know that Et's life experience is more tragic than mine, but at the same time I envy Et's"

"Why?" Fangcun Aite was puzzled when he heard Lingchuan's next words.

"Because Mr. Fangcun is also in the team." Ling Chuan said seriously

"He... might as well be dead." Fangcun Et's eyes showed hatred.

"Mr. Yoshimura has actually always cared about Et. After he got rid of that organization, he went to District 24 to look for you, but didn’t find you. Later, when he heard the news about the One-Eyed Owl, he immediately guessed that it was Et, and after learning that you were injured in CCG, he disguised himself as the One-Eyed Owl and attacked CCG in order to protect you."

Lingchuan saw that Yoshimura Et was silent and continued,"I also lost my parents when I was very young, so I understand your loneliness and helplessness over the years. So I hope Et can have more contact with Mr. Yoshimura, at least let him fulfill his responsibilities as a father."

Lingchuan said no more, turned sideways, and used his other hand to embrace Yoshimura Et, then hugged her and patted her on the back gently.

"I will always be with you, Ate." Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun Ate who was lost in thought in his arms and said softly

"I will never let Et get hurt again. I hope Et can happily write the novels he likes."

""Stupid!" Fangcun Ate, who was hugged, did not resist, but stretched out one hand to hug Lingchuan's back.

"You have no idea how difficult it is to change the world.

"I will keep working hard for this." Ling Chuan replied softly without saying much.

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