"Hey, it's Lingchuan, what a coincidence!" Kaneki Ken replied when he saw it was Lingchuan

"Is Kaneki going home? And is this beautiful lady Kaneki's girlfriend?" Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken and then at the tall, slender lady next to Kaneki Ken, wearing a white dress, long purple hair, half-frame glasses, and a gentle look, Kamishiro Rize, and joked.

"Ah, no, no, this is Miss Rize. She’s not my girlfriend yet, but an older sister I just met. Her house is closer to the building where ghouls eat people, and she’s scared, so I’m sending her home." Kaneki Ken blushed and waved his hand quickly.

Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken, thinking that the person next to you is the culprit, and if you send her home, you might end up in her stomach. While thinking to himself, Lingchuan turned around and smiled at Kamishiro Rize,"Ms. Rize, nice to meet you, I’m Lingchuan, a classmate of Kaneki Ken"

"I am Kamishiro Rize, and I am glad to meet you too, Mr. Lingchuan." Kamishiro Rize replied gently.

Lingchuan felt a chill in his heart as he looked at Kamishiro Rize, who looked like a gentle older sister. If he hadn't watched the original anime, who would have thought that she was the SS-level ghoul"Gluttony" who ate people without blinking an eye."


"It has been detected that the host has made acquaintance with Kamishiro Rize, an important character in the original anime. The host is rewarded with 10 points of combat proficiency + kagune proficiency (current proficiency is 30 points)."

With the clear and pleasant prompt sound of the system, countless information about combat skills and tactical strategies poured into his mind like a tide. And Lingchuan felt that this knowledge was just like what he had practiced since he was a child, and his body could use it without thinking.

He secretly thought in his heart that his current strength might be able to compete with the SS-level ghoul Kamishiro Chaei.

This strong sense of self-confidence surged in his heart, making him full of strength, as if the whole world was at his feet. At this moment, there is only one word to describe his mood, that is"cool"!

This heroic feeling made him involuntarily recall a classic line once said by the legendary figure, Master Ye:"I want to fight ten!"

Just when Lingchuan was fantasizing about stepping on Kamishiro Chaei and punching Arima Kisho in the future, Kaneki Ken's doubtful voice pulled Saiki out of his fantasy.

""Lingchuan, are you okay?" Kaneki Ken asked Lingchuan who suddenly smiled foolishly in front of him.

Looking at the puzzled and puzzled eyes of the two people in front of him, Lingchuan said hurriedly with embarrassment,"Sorry, Kaneki, Ms. Rize, I just suddenly thought of something happy and laughed unconsciously.………terribly sorry"

"It's okay, Lingchuan-san," Kaneki Ken replied.

"It's getting late, so I won't bother you anymore. I'm going home first. See you next time, Kaneki-san, Ms. Rize." Ling Chuan thought that he had gotten the reward from the system by getting to know Kamishiro Rize, so he prepared to leave and observe in the dark.

"See you next time, Lingchuan-san," Kaneki Ken replied.

After Lingchuan said goodbye to Kaneki and Rize, he found a secluded place to hide. He planned to watch the plot of this anime and see if there was a chance to fight with Kamishiro Rize without affecting the development of the plot. Kamishiro

Rize and Kaneki continued to walk towards the construction site, talking and laughing all the way. When they walked to a remote place, the two talked to each other. After a while, Kamishiro Rize suddenly came forward and hugged Kaneki Ken and showed a weird smile.

"Kaneki-san, I have a crush on you too." Rize Kamishiro's voice became eerie and terrifying, and at the same time a kagune stretched out in front of Kaneki Ken's eyes.

Kaneki Ken's expression became terrified, and then Rize Kamishiro's eyes turned red. She opened her mouth, revealing her sharp teeth, and bit Kaneki Ken's shoulder.

"Ah, impossible, impossible……"

Jinmu screamed and turned to run away, shouting"Impossible" as he ran.

"Compared to reading, I prefer to dig out the organs of people who run away and eat them, Kaneki-san". (ps: In the original anime, they all like to read Takatsuki Izumi's books)

Kamishiro Rize said something that frightened Kaneki Ken while extending four kagune from behind to drag the fleeing Kaneki Ken back. (ps: Kamishiro Rize's kagune is scale kagune, and Kaneki Ken also used scale kagune when he transplanted Kamishiro Rize's kagune bag later)

"Don't be afraid, Kaneki-san." Rize stroked Kaneki Ken's cheek,"If you like me, then become my food......."

Then she threw Kaneki Ken out, and Kaneki Ken hit the fence of the construction site next to him and lost his ability to move. Seeing Kamishiro Rize approaching, Kaneki Ken could only keep crawling back.

Soon Kamishiro Rize caught Kaneki Ken again, and this time she wrapped Kaneki Ken with her kagune, and controlled one of the kagune to pierce Kaneki Ken's body, and then threw Kaneki to the ground. Just as Kamishiro Rize was about to give Kaneki Ken a fatal blow, a voice interrupted her.

"Hey, hey, hey, Miss Rize is not beautiful now."

Lingchuan, who was hiding in the dark, walked out slowly and said to Kamishiro Rize

"Kaneki-san, are you okay?" Lingchuan said to Kaneki Ken again.

"Run..., run to Lingchuan……"Kaneki Ken looked at Lingchuan who came out of the darkness, shouted to Lingchuan with a horrified face, and then fainted.

Lingchuan, who was hiding in the darkness, originally wanted to step forward to save Kaneki Ken when he saw Kamishiro Rize reveal her true face, but after careful consideration, he finally resisted the impulse and did not move.

He knew that Kaneki Ken's life was in no danger here - a steel bar would fall and kill Kamishiro Rize later - seeing that Kaneki Ken was about to collapse, Saiki came out from the darkness and interrupted Kamishiro Rize's idea of continuing to torture Kaneki Ken.

At the same time, he wanted to take this opportunity���He was going to compete with the SS-level ghoul Kamishiro Rize.

After all, he had not really tested his own strength since he acquired the kagune.

Facing such a strong enemy, he could take this opportunity to find out his strength.

"Hahahaha..., although you disturbed me while I was eating, I won't be polite when the food is delivered to my door. Let me take out your internal organs bit by bit." Kamishiro Rize glanced at the fainted Kaneki Ken, turned back to Lingchuan with a crazy smile on her face

"Ah, Miss Rize looks really ugly, but if you want to eat me, then come on," Lingchuan joked to Kamishiro Rize, and at the same time released his Yuhe and Scales, ready to attack at any time.

The two faced off, and a fierce battle was about to begin.......

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