"Yeah," Fangcun Ate nodded.

"Let's go, Queen." Ling Chuan walked up to Fangcun Ate, touched her head and said with a smile

"What are you doing?" Fangcun At slapped Lingchuan's hand away.

Then the two of them said hello to Tadara and walked towards District 20.

During this time, Lingchuan first contacted Doctor Kano and asked about the location of the laboratory.

He was originally unwilling to reveal the location of the laboratory, but when Lingchuan said that he had an SSS-level ghoul corpse, he changed his face instantly and asked Lingchuan to send it over as soon as possible.

Lingchuan carried a sack and walked around the city with Fangcun At

"How do you know He Xiu? Fangcun Aite asked the question he had always had.

"I not only know about He Xiu, I also know that Aite has been working with Arima Kisho." Ling Chuan did not explain, but instead revealed a secret that shocked Fangcun Aite.

"You!...How do you know all this!" This time, Fangcun Et's expression was a little flustered and unbelievable.

"Don't worry, I will always stand by Ate's side."Ling Chuan stopped and looked at Fangcun Ate tenderly.

""Asshole" Fangcun Ate, who felt a little embarrassed by Lingchuan's gaze, whispered.

Soon the two of them arrived at Kano Akihiro's secret base. Seeing that it was Lingchuan, Kano Akihiro quickly opened the door and asked,"Where is the SSS-level ghoul?""

""Here" Ling Chuan pointed to the sack on his back.

The two followed Kano Akihiro to his underground laboratory. Ling Chuan looked around.

The whole laboratory was quite tidy. Seven or eight transparent jars filled with nutrient solution stood around. Inside were some products that might be human or ghoul.

""Dr. Kano, how is your experiment on turning humans into ghouls going?" Ling Chuan asked, looking at the creatures soaked in the nutrient solution.

"It's not very ideal, and it needs to be improved. At present, there are only three successful cases including Kaneki."

Kano Akihiro replied truthfully, and then looked at the body of Fan Shi Roma in his hand, his eyes full of excitement,"But now that we have this SSS-level ghoul to do research, there should be a technical breakthrough."


Lingchuan knew that the other two should be Anku Heina and Anku Nashiro, but he didn't know why they didn't appear in the ghoul shelter in Area 23 like in the original anime.

When the three of them came to the innermost room of the laboratory, Nishino Takami, who was sorting out the experimental data, saw that it was Lingchuan and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him,"Mr. Lingchuan, long time no see.""

"Miss Guiwei, are you used to being here?" Ling Chuan said with a smile

""Yeah," Nishino Takami replied with a smile, then looked at Fangcun At behind Lingchuan,"Mr. Lingchuan, who is this beautiful lady?"

""Art, my girlfriend...ah!" Lingchuan introduced with a smile, and then suddenly a small foot stepped on the back of Lingchuan's foot mercilessly.

Nishino Takami looked at the two of them, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and revealed a smile, then continued to go back to the laboratory table to organize the experimental data.

Lingchuan was also looking at this small laboratory at this moment. In the center was a jar that was a circle larger than the jar outside. The naked person soaking in it was Kamishiro Rize.

Lingchuan stared at Kamishiro Rize in the nutrient solution, and couldn't help thinking,"To be honest, Kamishiro Rize's figure is really nice, tall, and the big places are really not vague at all."

"Is it big?"

A voice sounded beside Ling Chuan's ears, and he said unconsciously:"Big!"

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Let go!"

Ling Chuan covered his ears and looked at Fangcun Eite angrily,"Why are you pinching my ears?"

"Are you envious of her size?" Fangcun Ate pouted and pointed at Kamishiro Rize who was soaking in the water.

"I'm not envious. Am I such a superficial person? The one in the photo is also very big. Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun's tall chest.

""Don't do it! Don't do it! I was wrong!" Seeing Fangcun Ate clenched his fists and his eyes full of anger, Lingchuan quickly admitted his defeat.

At this time, Kano Mingbo came over with two people behind him. Lingchuan knew who the two people were at a glance.

The two looked exactly the same, one in black clothes and black hair, and the other in white clothes and white hair.

"Mr. Lingchuan, these are Kurona and Nabai, the two people who succeeded in the human ghoul experiment, and they are my most proud works besides Kaneki Ken."Kana Akihiro introduced them to Lingchuan with a proud look on his face.

"Brother Lingchuan" the two shouted in unison

"Then I will call you Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, hello."Ling Chuan looked at the two and said with a smile

"Dr. Kano, is there any chance that Kamishiro Rize will wake up?" Ling Chuan pointed at Kamishiro Rize and said

"You can wake up, but you may lose all your sanity and memory and become a ghoul who only knows how to kill." Kano Akihiro thought for a moment, then said uncertainly

"Well, can I take her away?" Ling Chuan continued to ask

""Okay," Kano Mingbo replied after thinking for a moment, then looked at Lingchuan seriously,"You should also know who is staring at her, so be careful, Mr. Lingchuan."

"Well, we will get rid of that guy sooner or later."Ling Chuan replied seriously

"It will take some time to produce artificial ghoul food." Kano Akihiro looked towards Nishino Takami, and then said to Lingchuan,"The man behind Mr. Lingchuan should be the one-eyed king of the bronze tree, so Mr. Lingchuan must have joined the bronze tree, right?"

"Yes, that's right," Ling Chuan replied

"Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, you should follow Mr. Ling Chuan from now on." Kano Akihiro turned around and looked at the two of them.


The two looked at Kano Akihiro in confusion.

"You have just been transformed and need practical experience. Going to the Bronze Tree with Mr. Lingchuan is the best choice."Kana Akihiro explained.

""Okay, Dad." They both understood.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Lingchuan." Kano Akihiro turned around.���Lingchuan said

"No trouble, then Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai will go to the bronze tree first." Ling Chuan waved his hand, and then asked Fangcun At with his eyes.

"Then I won't bother Dr. Kano anymore. I'll come back in two days to take Kamishiro Rize away."Ling Chuan thought there was nothing else to do and prepared to leave.

""Okay," Kano Akihiro nodded.

Then Lingchuan and Fangcun Aite left Kano Akihiro's secret research institute.

"Human ghoulization, I was planning to contact this Kano Akihiro, but I didn't expect that he would cooperate with you."After leaving the research institute, Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan with a strange expression.

"What a coincidence, I just wanted him to help research artificial ghoul food, and I only occasionally provided him with some ghouls and people for his research."Ling Chuan replied with a smile

"Artificial ghoul food?" Fangcun At said solemnly,"It seems that you have big ambitions."

"My dream is world peace," Ling Chuan said with a smile.

""Get out!"

Fangcun Ate was so angry when he saw Ling Chuan who was not in a serious state in front of him.

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