"It's snowing, Et!" Ling Chuan looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky and said to Fangcun Et who was in a daze beside him.

"So beautiful..." After hearing Ling Chuan's voice, Fangcun Aite came back to his senses, looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky, and reached out to catch a piece of snow.

"Let's go to the Antique Coffee Shop tomorrow."Looking at the snow, Lingchuan suddenly remembered that the battle of the Antique Coffee Shop in the original anime also took place on a snowy day. Although he didn't know whether the Antique Coffee Shop would be exposed now, he decided to go and have a look just in case.

"Why? Although Ling Chuan had given her advice, she still didn't want to go to that place, nor did she want to see that person.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling in my heart."Ling Chuan shook his head without further explanation.

"Hmm…" Fangcun Aite nodded.

The two said nothing more and watched the falling snowflakes together.


In the CCG headquarters building's operations conference room, all first-class investigators and above were holding a combat meeting to evict the antique coffee shop in District 20.

"After a long period of surveillance and search, we have determined that a coffee shop called"Antique" in Area 20 is a ghoul organization, and the manager of the coffee shop is very likely to be an SSS-level ghoul"Owl".’"

"Therefore, this battle is a crusade against the 'Owl'. All the investigators present will join this battle. Please write your suicide notes after the meeting." On the high platform in the middle of the conference room, He Xiu Ji was pointing at the picture on the big screen and speaking loudly to all the investigators below.

"The meeting is over.

After He Xiujishi said that the meeting was over, everyone present immediately stood up and left with a serious expression.

"Squad Leader Pingzi, um... have you finished writing yours?"

"The suicide note is written."

"Honestly, I don't even know what to write on it."

"Just write down what you want to say to your parents."

"By the way, Sergeant Hirako, what would officers like Matt write in their suicide notes?"

"Mr. Arima..., he said his suicide note was always blank"

"Blank, so cool"

"No... Mr. Arima was just thinking about what to write, so he came up blank."

After leaving the meeting room, Ito Kuramoto, who had blond hair and a sunny smile, followed behind Hirako and asked curiously


The next day, snowflakes were still flying all over the sky, and the streets outside were covered in white.

Ding... the wind chimes in the coffee shop rang.

""Big brother, Miss Takatsuki Izumi, why are you here?" Fueguchi Hinami, who was carrying a suitcase, saw Lingchuan and the others at the door and shouted happily.

"Xiao Hina, where are you going?" Ling Chuan looked at the Dikou family with their bags and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Yoshimura said that there was no business due to the snow, so he planned to suspend business and let Mr. Shifang take us and Dongxiang out for a trip. Fueguchi Ryoko replied with a smile.

"Is that so?" Lingchuan felt something was not right after hearing this, and thought of how in the original anime, after the antique coffee shop was exposed, Yoshimura Kozen asked Shiho Renshi to take Kirishima Touka and Fueguchi Hinami away from here first, and then asked,"Is Mr. Yoshimura in the coffee shop?"

"Inside," replied Fueguchi Hinami

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore." Ling Chuan pulled Fangcun Aite into the coffee shop.

When they arrived at Fangcun Gongshan's door, Fangcun Aite said reluctantly,"I don't want to see him."

"Be good, meet him once, maybe we won't see each other again in the future." Ling Chuan touched Fangcun Aite's head and said in confusion

"What do you mean?" Fangcun Aite asked puzzled.……

"Mr. Fangcun, are you in there?

Ling Chuan knocked on Fangcun Gongshan's door.

"It's Mr. Lingchuan.……"

Fangcun Gongshan opened the door and saw Lingchuan, then turned his eyes to Fangcun Aite next to Lingchuan, and was stunned for a moment.

"Please come in.

Fangcun Gongshan opened the door, and Lingchuan pulled Fangcun Aite in.

"Uncle Sifang, you are here too."Ling Chuan went in and saw Sifang Lianshi sitting next to him, so he asked

"Well, you guys chat." Sifang Lianshi stood up, said hello and went out.

""E...te" Yoshimura Gongshan looked at Yoshimura Ete in front of him, thinking that he might not see him again in the future, so he summoned up the courage to call out softly.

Yoshimura Ete ignored him and wandered around on his own.

"Mr. Fangcun, I heard that the coffee shop is going to close, right?"At this time, Ling Chuan said

"Yes." Hearing Lingchuan's words, Fangcun Gongshan replied with a friendly face.

"Is it exposed?" Lingchuan continued.

Fangcun At, who was playing with the coffee cup on Fangcun Gongshan's desk, turned around when he heard Lingchuan's words.

Fangcun Gongshan raised his eyelids, still with the same expression as always, and said calmly:"Well…"

"Sure enough..." Lingchuan nodded, then looked at Fangcun Eite who was a little surprised,"Then Mr. Fangcun, is there anything I can help you with?"

Fangcun Gongshan thought for a while, then also looked at Fangcun Eite,"Then please ask Mr. Lingchuan to take care of Eite for me"

"Who wants him to take care of it? Why bother with other people's business? Fangcun Aite saw the two people looking at him, so he turned his head away and said disdainfully.

"Okay, I will protect Ate well." Ling Chuan nodded and said with a smile

"Thank you very much." Fangcun Gongshan turned around and thanked Lingchuan.

Then Lingchuan and Fangcun Gongshan chatted for a while. When Lingchuan and the others were about to leave, Fangcun Gongshan looked at Fangcun Aite and whispered:"I'm sorry Aite, I didn't protect your mother well."

"Then you can go and accompany her." Fangcun Ate said indifferently, then turned and walked out.

"Don't mind, she has a sharp tongue but a soft heart, I'm leaving too." Ling Chuan said with a smile, and then he also walked out.

"Something is wrong around here. It seems that CCG has already started to act. Ling Chuan, who was walking on the road, looked at the quiet street and said to Fangcun At the side.

"It has nothing to do with me." Fangcun Ai Te still had an expression of loving whoever he wanted.

Ling Chuan smiled and said nothing. The two continued to walk aimlessly.


Soon, night fell.

After being taught a lesson by Kirishima Touka yesterday, Kaneki Ken walked aimlessly in District 20.

When passing a busy intersection, his attention was attracted by a paper airplane, and his eyes followed the movement of the paper airplane.

After a few seconds, his sight was fixed in front of the screen of a building.

He held his breath.·······

"The CCG combat team will expel the high-risk ghouls in the antique cafe in District 20 today.······"

Then the pupils dilate······

"The evacuation of most residents has been completed."

"The situation remains tense……"

At the same time, Touka Kirishima, who was taken out by Renji Shiho, was watching the news on TV in the room. Her pupils dilated and her whole body trembled.

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