Kirishima Touka pointed in the direction of Kaneki Ken, wanting to say something but unable to.

"Even if you go to save him now, he won't go with you. He went to CCG on purpose."

Shiho Renshi turned around and looked at Kaneki Ken, his face calm as he spoke, his hands clenched tightly.

"Touka... We can only survive in the constant loss."

Kirishima Touka collapsed emotionally, kneeling on the ground, looking in the direction of Kaneki Ken, two lines of hot tears could not stop flowing out, dripping on the ground and melting the snow.

A bright light shone in from the alley at the corner, illuminating where Kaneki Ken was standing. In Kirishima Touka's tearful eyes, Kaneki Ken slowly moved towards the light until he disappeared from her sight.

"Let's go, it's over."

Shifang Renshi turned around, helped Kirishima Touka who was kneeling on the ground up, and took her away.


Kaneki Ken held Nagachika Hideyoshi and walked slowly towards the CCG encirclement. At this time, Arima Takamasa, who was dressed in white, stared at him intently in front of him. Shu Yoshitoki and Marute Sai, who were beside him, also looked at Kaneki Ken who was walking slowly with a serious face.

The surrounding investigators and armed forces were all watching Kaneki Ken in full alert, as if they would rush over without hesitation if he made any unusual movements.

Kaneki Ken ignored the gazes of these people, and walked while looking at Nagachika Hideyoshi in his arms. I don't know if he remembered some good memories, but there was a smile on his lips.

He walked straight to a place not far in front of Arima Takamasa, gently put Nagachika Hideyoshi on the ground, and looked at Arima Takamasa in front of him. Kaneki Ken said softly:"Please save him, he is not a ghoul, he is just an ordinary human."

Arima Takamasa and the people around him looked at Nagachika Hideyoshi on the ground, and then looked at Kaneki Ken, and no one spoke.

At this time, Takizawa Masamichi, who was standing next to Hotaru Shoji, saw the familiar figure on the ground, and hurried out to Arima Kisho and others,"Officer Arima, Mr. Marute, Chief, please save Yingliang, he saved me."

Then he ran to Hotaru Shoji and said,"Mr. Hotaru, save him. He is the person who saved me from Tadara as I told you. I thought he was killed for saving me, but he is still alive. Please, save him."

Kaneki Ken looked at the investigator in front of him who had been shouting, with a strange look on his face.

"Don't worry, Takizawa, we will definitely save him." Hotaru Shojie patted Takizawa Masamichi's shoulder to calm him down, then waved to the medical team behind him.

Soon, several medical personnel carrying a stretcher came forward and lifted Nagachika Hideyoshi onto the stretcher and sent him to the medical vehicle for treatment. Kaneki

Ken watched Nagachika Hideyoshi leave, then bowed to everyone in CCG and thanked him:"Thank you!""

""Let’s do it." Kaneki Ken looked at Arima Takamasa in front of him and closed his eyes.

Arima Takamasa looked at Kaneki Ken’s one eye, thinking about something, and then asked coldly:"Do you really want to die?"

"I don't want to, but as long as I can save Ying, I'm willing to do anything, including death."Kaneki Ken didn't quite understand why Arima Takasho asked this, so he opened his eyes and looked at Arima Takasho in front of him.

"Attack me, beat me, and you can live." Arima Takashi said calmly.

"What!"Kaneki Ken stared at him in disbelief.

""Go ahead." Arima Takasho adjusted his glasses.

Kaneki Ken immediately released four dark red scales to attack Arima Takasho. After all, who would want to die if there was hope of survival?

""Rize's kagune?" Arima Takamasa murmured as he looked at the kagune that Kaneki Ken stretched out.

The kagune soon reached in front of Arima Takamasa, and he calmly picked up the white briefcase in his hand and blocked it without even taking out the Quinque. Kaneki

Ken looked at Arima Takamasa in front of him and saw that his attack was resolved with just a casual block. He was incredulous and murmured,"How could it be!"

"Is that all?" Arima Takashi sneered,"If this is all you have, then you don't deserve to live. You are so cowardly and incompetent that you can't even protect your friends. How can you be worthy of living?"

"No...No," Kaneki Ken shouted, and then attacked Arima Kisho, but was quickly kicked back and fell to the ground.





"You can't protect anything, you'll just get your friends into trouble."


Kaneki Ken pounced on Arima Kisho again and again, and was knocked to the ground again and again.

"You'll only kill your friends."


"No! I can... I can protect them!"

As Kaneki Ken growled, the RC cells in his body surged rapidly, and the four scaled kagune behind him slowly dissipated. Two centipede-like kagune slowly extended from behind him, and a spike-shaped mask was attached to his face. The pupil of the original normal eye dissipated, leaving only the white of the eye, and his expression became crazy.

He stared at Arima Takasho in front of him, then disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind Arima Takasho the next moment, with two centipede-like kagune quickly attacking Arima Takasho.

""So fast." The CCG members behind Arima Takasho couldn't help but think as they watched Kaneki Ken disappear in an instant.

Arima Takasho pressed the white briefcase slowly, and the briefcase changed into [Narakamiya] in the form of a long sword. He held [Narakamiya] and slashed backwards, and the centipede-like kagune broke into two pieces.

Kaneki Ken had fallen into madness at this moment, and the severed kagune quickly recovered, and at the same time he quickly attacked Arima Takasho.

In just a few breaths, Kaneki Ken had many more wounds on his body, and at the same time he was knocked away by Arima Takasho.

He quickly ran towards Arima Takasho again, without knowing fatigue or pain, and flew backwards again and again. The wounds on his body could not heal, and blood was splattered.

Kaneki Ken rushed towards Arima Takasho again, but this time, Arima Takasho did not hold back and slashed Kaneki Ken's chest with [Narakamiya], leaving a shocking bloody wound.

Kaneki Ken stood there with blood flowing unstoppably. The kagune behind him dissipated, the spiked mask on his face shattered, he closed his eyes, and fell backwards.

The flowing blood dyed the snow under Kaneki Ken red, which was shocking.

Arima Takasho put away [Narakamiya], looked at Kaneki Ken lying on the ground, and murmured,"You can survive, but the price is to become the king."

The heavy snow was still falling, as if it wanted to bury this tragic battlefield.

Kaneki Ken was then carried onto a stretcher, and the CCG people began to clean up the battlefield.


"Tragic! It was really too tragic!"

Lingchuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, shook his head.

When Lingchuan and Yoshimura Eite came, they saw Kaneki Ken holding Nagachika Hideyoshi coming out of the alley, and then they stayed here until the end of the battle.

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