"Mr. Arima, I have a question."

Kaneki Ken looked at Arima Takamasa standing in front of him and expressed his doubts.

"If I become an investigator, will the CCG people accept it, and will you feel at ease?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

Arima Takashi said calmly, then turned around and prepared to walk out.

"Once you've made up your mind, follow me."


Kaneki Ken immediately got up and followed Arima Takashi, leaving the building full of people in white coats.

""There's Matt waiting!"

Just as the two were about to leave the building, a voice shouted hurriedly.

Kaneki turned around curiously and saw a man in a white coat, with a mushroom-shaped hair covering his eyes and a beard running towards them quickly.

""Dr. Dixing, what's the matter?"

Arima Takashi turned around and looked at Dixing A and B running over, and asked in confusion.

"Where will Arima Takashi take this experiment?"

Ji Xing Jia Yi turned his head to Kaneki Ken, his eyes looking through the thick hair at Kaneki Ken who looked at a loss.

"Experimental subject? Me?"

Kaneki Ken pointed at himself and asked with a puzzled look after hearing what Chixing Jiayi said. He didn't know what kind of experiment the CCG people had done on him. He only knew that he had been in the observation room since he woke up, and from time to time people in white coats came in to check various physical data for him.

"He has joined CCG now. I will take him to the headquarters. If there is anything else that needs to be observed, I will bring him back."

Arima Takashi said calmly.

"Joined CCG! But he is a ghoul, and his kagune is extremely unstable now, and there is a risk of losing control."

Di Xing Jia Yi was shocked at first, and then said seriously.

Kaneki Ken, who was standing next to Arima Kisho, looked indifferent. He had already made up his mind. After all, he is now a ghoul.

"I will take responsibility for any problems that arise."

Arima Takashi adjusted his glasses, looking calm and composed.

"Well, then I won't bother Arima Takashi anymore."

After hearing Arima Takashi's answer, Di Xing Jia Yi knew that it was useless for him to say anything, so he stopped talking and prepared to turn around and leave.

""Dr. Dixing, wait a moment."

Arima Takashi suddenly remembered something and called out to Dixing A and B who were about to leave.

"What's wrong, Arima?"

Di Xing Jia Yi turned around and looked at Arima Takashi in confusion.

"Take him to get a Quinque."

Arima Takasho pointed at Kaneki Ken, who looked at Arima Takasho in confusion.

"Quinque? What do I want Quinque for?"

"Huh? Why would a ghoul like him need a Quinque?"

Two puzzled voices sounded at the same time.

"As an investigator, you must learn how to use Quinque. This is the basis."

Arima Takashi said calmly.


Kaneki Ken still didn't quite understand, but nodded.

""Okay, follow me."

Di Xing Jia Yi didn't know what to say, so he turned around and asked the two to follow.

The three of them came to the underground research institute of the building. Kaneki Ken's eyes widened in shock, because he looked inside through the glass and found that it was full of Quinque steel and researchers who were testing those Quinques.

"It's so big!"

Kaneki Ken exclaimed.

Jixing Jiayi led the two to a room in the laboratory, and then opened the steel door through identification. Immediately, rows of shelves were filled with various Quinque

"There are some Quinques of A-level or below in here, you can pick them yourself."

Di Xing Jia Yi pointed to the rows of shelves in front of him and said to Kaneki Ken.

Soon Kaneki Ken picked a straight knife with a red pattern, and then waved it in his hand. He thought it was very good, so he smiled and said to Arima Kisho and Di Xing Jia Yi:

"That's it."

"This B-rank Quinque is called [Yukimura]."

Di Xing Jia Yi looked at the long sword in Kaneki Ken's hand and said to him

""[Yukimura], what a good name." Kaneki Ken murmured as he touched the long sword in his hand.

"Let's go."

Arima Takashi nodded, then turned and left, and Kaneki Ken quickly followed.

"Mr. Arima, why did you let me become a CCG investigator? Aren't you afraid that I would run away?"

In the car that Arima Takashi drove to CCG headquarters, Kaneki Ken asked a question that had always puzzled him.

"Don't be afraid. After all, the friend you risked your life to save is still in CCG. If you run away, aren't you afraid that he will die in a mission?"

Arima said as he drove.


Kaneki Ken's eyes condensed after hearing this, and then he said in a cold voice:

"Are you using him to threaten me?"

"No, you are not worth my threat. I made you an investigator just because I saw your potential."

Arima Takashi did not react to Kaneki Ken's words.

"You can also try to escape with your friends, but as a ghoul, we will issue a wanted order in all regions, so no matter where you and your friends go, CCG investigators will come to expel you, after all, you have already exposed your true identity."

"Well, I will be a good investigator, but I won't do anything to my friend."

Kaneki Ken listened to Arima Kisho's words, thought a lot, and then nodded.

"Next, I will take you to the headquarters to report, and then meet your future teammates, of course, your friends are also there."

Arima Takashi will continue to speak, and then see Kaneki Ken next to him with a thoughtful expression

"Don't worry, except for your friend, everyone else in your team is similar to you. The doctor you just met was very interested in your half-human, half-ghoul appearance, and then invented the"Quinx Operation" through research, and then transformed several of them into half-ghouls similar to you."


Hearing Arima Kisho's calm words, Kaneki Ken widened his eyes in shock.

"Can they also release the kagune?"

"Well, to be more precise, it is to release the Quinque weapon"

"Do they also replenish their energy by eating human flesh?"

"They eat normal food"

"What! Why?"

Kaneki Ken was shocked when he heard what Arima Kisho said. He couldn't understand why he had to eat human flesh to become a half-ghoul, but they didn't have to.

"They have inactive kuei implanted in their bodies, so when they don't use kuei, the number of RC cells in their bodies is between 500 and 1000, which is still within the normal range of humans."

Arima Takasho wanted to train Kaneki Ken to be the next generation of"One-Eyed King", so he talked to Kaneki Ken very patiently, then glanced at Kaneki Ken next to him and continued:

"You should have directly transplanted the very active kagune of ghouls. Even if you don't release the kagune, the RC cell value in your body has exceeded this critical value, so you are now in the category of ghouls."

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