Kaneki Ken opened his mouth and bit Lingchuan's arm hard! In an instant, a strong smell of blood filled his nasal cavity, stimulating his taste buds. The bright red blood flowed out of the wound like a spring, flowing down the corner of Kaneki Ken's mouth, forming a shocking blood mark.

The bloody taste made Kaneki Ken feel an inexplicable excitement and satisfaction, as if all the cells in his body were awakened. He widened his eyes, revealing a complex emotion of madness and despair. However, at this moment, he used up his last bit of strength, swung his fist and hit himself in the face!

This punch was filled with endless regret and self-blame. With a dull"bang", Kaneki Ken's body fell down and fell heavily to the ground.

Kaneki Ken fell to the ground and looked at the wound on Lingchuan's arm that he had bitten himself. He broke down and cried,"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!... I don't want it!... No no no... How can I eat this kind of thing? What is this... What exactly is a ghoul? Not only do they kill, they also kill each other. I don't want to become that kind of thing... I'm a human!" After that, he fainted.

Lingchuan looked at the wound on his arm and then at Kaneki Ken who was lying on the ground. He couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

He sighed,"Alas, you are the protagonist."

The wound on his arm was healing quickly. Lingchuan carried Kaneki Ken on his back and went to the antique coffee shop in the"Anting District".

Because he had been here once, Lingchuan quickly arrived at the door of the coffee shop and walked up the stairs of the antique coffee shop step by step with Kaneki Ken on his back.


A familiar voice sounded

"Welcome to Gu……!"

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and the bell on the corner of the door rang. The waitress, Kirishima Touka, who was cleaning the table, quickly turned around to greet him.

But when Kirishima Touka's eyes fell on Kaneki Ken on Lingchuan's back, she was suddenly stunned.

"Oh, he's not……!"

Kirishima Touka raised her hand and pointed at Kaneki Ken who was on Lingchuan's back with a puzzled expression. After all, in her imagination, she would never see this boy in her life.

Seeing Touka's puzzled look, Lingchuan smiled and teased:"Why, do you feel it's strange? After all, when you last saw him, he left with a ghoul, so why didn't he die, right?"

Hearing Lingchuan mention the word ghoul, Kirishima Touka and the four people behind her, Xuan Irimi, Enji Furuma, and Renshi Shiho, suddenly changed their expressions and stared at Lingchuan with a serious look. Seeing the four people's eyes that wanted to eat people, Lingchuan first put Kaneki Ken, who was still in a coma, on a chair in the cafe, and then walked to the front desk chair of the cafe and sat down.

"Don't be so excited, we have met once before, beautiful lady, please give me a cup of coffee, with more milk and sugar, thank you."

Ling Chuan looked at the three people staring at him at the bar, then smiled and said to Ru Jianxuan

""Okay, please wait a moment."

Seeing that Ling Chuan didn't respond, the three people at the bar retracted their gazes and turned to busy themselves with their own things. Ru Jianxuan replied and began to prepare the materials needed to make coffee.

Seeing that the three people were no longer staring at him, Ling Chuan felt like having fun and suddenly said,"Uncle Crow, Mr. Demon Ape, Miss Black Doberman," then turned his head to look at Kirishima Touka,"And Miss Rabbit, good evening, everyone, I have heard of you for a long time." As soon as

Ling Chuan finished speaking, the four people stopped what they were doing and looked at him fiercely.

"How did you find out our identities?" Sifang Lianshi said with a bad face.

Lingchuan looked at the four people who wanted to come over, so he said with a smile:"Don't be so serious, don't be impulsive, I was just joking just now, I didn't mean any harm. I just want to bring this hungry friend to join you, and by the way, meet Mr. Yoshimura, the owner of the antique coffee shop."

Lingchuan pointed to Kaneki Ken who was still sleeping in the chair

""Wait a minute, I'll go up and call Mr. Yoshimura." Listening to Lingchuan's words, Shifang Lianshi said, and then turned to go upstairs.

The three people below stopped staring at Lingchuan and turned to look at Kaneki Ken.

"I have seen him. He often comes to our store to drink coffee. But you just said you would send him to join our An Ding District. What does that mean?" Kirishima Touka looked at Kaneki Ken and asked her own question.

"It means literally, join your An Ding District," Ling Chuan replied, and then said,"Remember the organ transplant news broadcast on TV some time ago? Two students were crushed under the fallen steel bars, and the doctor ordered the organs of the dead female student to be transplanted to the surviving male student."

"Does this news have anything to do with him? Could it be that... the surviving male student is him, and the dead girl is...……"Kirishima Touka asked

"It’s Li Ze!" Ling Chuan answered

"Then... could it be that..." Kirishima Touka said in shock

"That's right, he was transplanted with the organs of Kamishiro Rize with the horn, which made his body very close to that of a ghoul."Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken and said in a deep voice

"Just now he was so hungry that he couldn't suppress his urge to eat people, so he knocked himself out, and then I brought him here."Ling Chuan said to them

"After all, the principle of your Peace Zone is that ghouls should help each other. He is almost a ghoul now, and he doesn't want to eat people, so I have to hand him over to you." Ling Chuan added

"Young man, you are right, you can let him join here." A kind-looking, white-haired old man with a gentle smile came down the stairs.

Ling Chuan looked at the harmless white-haired old man in front of him and thought to himself, if he hadn't watched the original anime, who would have thought that he was one of the most powerful ghouls in the world?

"Mr. Yoshimura, it's an honor to meet you. I'll wake this guy up first." Ling Chuan smiled and replied, then came to Kaneki Ken's side and shook him.

"Hey! Lingchuan...where am I? Am I not at home? ?"Kaneki Ken slowly opened his eyes, looked at Lingchuan in front of him, then looked around, with a confused and puzzled look on his face.

"This is the Antique Coffee Shop. Do you remember what happened before you fainted?" Ling Chuan answered and asked

"Before I fainted..., I remember, I turned into a ghoul and bit you! Lingchuan, are you okay?" Kaneki Ken recalled what happened before he fainted and asked Lingchuan hurriedly. At this moment, an inopportune voice sounded"Gu~"

"It's okay, Kaneki," Lingchuan said, showing his flawless arm.

"How could it be... How come there is no wound at all?" Jinmu Yan looked at Lingchuan's arm and said in disbelief.

"Drink it, Kaneki, fill your stomach first." Mr. Yoshimura handed a cup of coffee to Kaneki Ken's desk.

But Kaneki Ken didn't seem to want to drink the coffee, just like a scarecrow sitting there motionless.

"Kaneki, don't you like coffee?" Mr. Yoshimura couldn't help but ask Kaneki Ken

"No, I like drinking, but……"Jinmu hesitated.

"Kaneki, look at this cup of coffee, what do you think of it?"

"Looks... delicious"

"You might as well try it. This is a normal cup of coffee," said Mr. Yoshimura with a smile.

Hearing this, Kaneki Ken slowly picked up the coffee and tried a sip.

"It tastes good...it tastes so good."

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