Gray smiled and said:”It’s okay, it’s okay, Mikasa is still pretty cute.”

Seeing that Gray didn’t care, Ron let out a sigh of relief and his expression immediately relaxed.

Gray looked at the three people in front of him and asked,”By the way, how do you feel about being here today?”.

Ron sighed, looked at Gray and said sincerely:”To be honest, that’s fine. I haven’t seen many lords like you.””

“He is so kind to the people. Not only does he not bully the people, but he also eats and lives with them.” Ron stood up and looked at Gray with admiration.”If all the nobles in the kingdom were like you, I can’t even imagine how the people’s lives would be. how good”

“That’s why I’m looking for you, Ron.” Gray pointed to the chair and motioned for Ron to sit down.

After Ron sat down, Gray continued,”I asked Kenny to invite you. First, To invite you to join us, but to protect you”

“Protect us.” Ron turned to look at Mikasa and Lina, then looked at Gray, and said eagerly,”Is there anyone who wants to hurt us?”

“You also know that I am from the underground street,” Gray said seriously. Seeing Ron nod, Gray patted Ron on the shoulder,”Don’t be nervous, it’s very safe here.”

“Phew.” Ron took a deep breath and relaxed. Gray continued,”Before I dominated the underground streets, I once heard a message.”

“There is a powerful noble who has sent a reward to the underground street to catch a special woman.” After speaking, Gray looked at Rolle quietly,”You should know what this means.”

Ron looked at his wife and daughter With a head of black hair, he nodded seriously,”I understand.”

“So, if you want to join us, I can give you the power to protect them.” As he spoke, Gray asked Ron hesitantly.

“Ron, you should know that the Ackerman family will break through physical limitations and become very strong. Levi under my command and Kenny who came to you are like this now.”

Ron hugged him with a face full of pain. The head said,”I know about this. Kenny also mentioned it when he came to me, but I just can’t help it.””

“Don’t worry about Ron, I will help you gain the power to protect others,” Gray said quietly

“Thank you, Lord Lord.” Ron’s mood gradually calmed down, and he was grateful to Gray.

Gray saw Ron’s calm response,”Okay, Ron, now that you understand, I will tell you the second thing. , why let you join us?” Gray said to Ron

“Speaking of this, we have to talk about our ideals. Do you understand this, Ron?”

“I have a little understanding, but not comprehensively. I still want to hear the details.” Ron looked at Gray sincerely.

In this way, Gray told the three of them the ideals and goals of the organization.

“Does such a life really exist?” Mikasa’s small voice came, interrupting Ron and Lina’s contemplation.

Gray waved to Mikasa, Mikasa looked at her mother and saw her mother smiling and nodding. Finally, he walked to Gray.

Gray hugged Mikasa on the chair next to him and said with a smile,”Mikasa, do you think life is like this in my brother’s territory?”

Mikasa looked at Gray and said,”How many people are there?” It looks different, but not entirely.” After hearing Mikasa’s words, Gray smiled,”Mikasa is so smart, she can see the difference in such a short time.”

Gray scratched Mikasa’s nose,”But does Mikasa know why it is different?” , Mikasa shook her head and expressed ignorance.

Gray stood up and said,”It is because of the current royal government and the existence of the nobility that I cannot completely reform and innovate.”

After speaking, Gray extended his hand to Ron,”For ideals and revenge.”For the sake of your family, please join us Ron”.

Ron was moved, but looked at Lina behind him and Mikasa next to Gray, and hesitated again.

Gray touched Mikasa’s small breasts with his other hand. Head, said to Ron,”Don’t worry Ron, I will protect the safety of Lina and Mikasa, they will be safe in the territory.” At this time, Lina behind Ron also said firmly,”Husband , go pursue your dreams, Mikasa and I will take care of ourselves”

“good!”, Ron looked up at Gray, who motioned for him to look in front of him,”My hands are almost tired, how long do you want me to wait for you, Ron?”

“”Bang”, the two hands were held together tightly.

Gray said with a smile,”You won’t regret it Ron, I will let Kenny train you personally tomorrow””

“”Okay, Lord, I’m ready,” Ron stood up straight and shouted loudly

“You must pay attention to one thing in the future, Ron.” Gray’s face turned gloomy, making Ron nervous.

“What’s going on, Lord?” Ron asked nervously.

Seeing Ron’s nervous look, Gray laughed very loudly. He patted Ron on the shoulder and said,”Hahaha, Just remember to call me boss from now on.”

Looking at Ron’s doubtful expression, the smile on Gray’s face grew thicker,”You guys can rest, I’m leaving first. I’ll start training Ron tomorrow.”

Without waiting for Ron After answering, Gray left the conference room.

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