Pulse propulsion engine, also called pulse jump engine.

It is an engine for short-distance space jumps.

For example, the pulse propulsion engine module carried by Xu Zian has a maximum power of only 1 light-year at a time... which is considered the lowest level.

And because the evolved blue quality is outstanding, it has increased from 1 light-year to 1.2 light-years.

And there is still enough kinetic energy to propel the main gun's pulse-penetrating warhead.

Long-distance space jumps require the installation of a more advanced quantum jump engine.

But that thing is too big, and it cannot be installed on a reconnaissance ship. It must be installed on a cruiser at first.

For that thing, a jump can often start at tens of thousands of light-years, which is far beyond what a pulse jump can compare to.

During this voyage, Xu Zian would have to make about 18 pulse jumps to arrive.

Drive the Brilliance to the open area of ​​the solar system, aim it in the direction of the Cetus UV galaxy, and start the pulse transition!

At the rear of the Brilliance, under the two hyperlight engines, the rectangular engine nozzle that had been kept in a flameout state suddenly burst out with extremely violent power.

In the small cockpit, the optical brain prompts are also synchronized.——

【Prepare for a pulse transition, this transition is 1.2 light years away】

【Jump countdown……】





【Jump starts! 】

With the last sound falling.

It can be seen that the space outside the composite window seems to be distorted.

The Brilliant starship jumped towards the target direction at an unparalleled speed.

It only lasted about thirty minutes.

The surrounding distorted space returned to normal instantly.

When he looked at the scene outside the window clearly... the familiar solar system had long since disappeared, leaving only the stars twinkling in the distance and the endless, deathly silence around him. universe.

It's full of passion.

But it is also full of loneliness.

The universe is really too big.

There are billions of people in the universe, and countless beings are living at the same time.

But it still only occupies a very small and very small area that is invisible.

More areas are a deep, silent sky.

Looking back.

At a terrifying distance of 1.2 light-years, the huge solar system has turned into a small point of light.

It was only at this moment that Xu Zian truly felt the extreme insignificance of human beings.

He looked around with interest, waiting for the cooler to cool the pulse propulsion engine.

There are no planets around and no danger.

The nearest planet is a planet that is nearly half smaller than the moon - because it is rotating on its own and does not revolve around a certain planet, so even if it is smaller than the moon, it is still a planet.

The whole thing looks like an ordinary desolate planet, nothing special about it. but as oneBeing a very curious person, Xu Zian still activated the detection radar and prepared to detect it.

A blue halo dodged away at the speed of light and soon enveloped the planet.

Soon, the information was transmitted back, and the information about the planet was displayed on the optical brain.——

【unknown planet】

【Rich in common ores such as copper, iron, and gold】

【There is an extremely small amount of rare material: star crystal]

Xu Zian smiled after reading the information passed back.

This is all expected.

It is often reported in some news that someone accidentally discovered a super-precious mineral vein on a certain planet, or a super-precious natural material and earthly treasure, and became rich overnight...

Xu Zian did not think that he had that kind of luck.

As for star crystal... it is indeed a very rare material, similar to the transparency and solidity of diamond, but it also emits weak fluorescence on its own.

But it's an extremely small amount...I'm afraid I have to dig up the entire planet to get a few kilograms?

The money spent digging was enough to buy a ton.

At this point, cooling is complete and restart!

Multiple pulsating transitions later.

Xu Zian gradually lost the excitement and curiosity he had at the beginning.

Surrounded by constant darkness and loneliness, it really couldn't arouse much curiosity.

Jump again and again.

Just during the sixth jump, only two light years away from the target galaxy... an accident happened.

Accidents can be seen everywhere in the universe, especially in the age of interstellar navigation.

There are too many surprises.

Not long after the sixth jump was completed, while I was quietly waiting for the pulse engine to cool down, the communicator suddenly heard the sound of 'Zila Zila'!

Xu Zian's expression changed and he immediately became alert.

First, I checked the detection radar... nothing happened.

Looking around again, there seemed to be nothing unusual except for a few lonely planets and patches of meteorite belts.

But the next second!




After several times of electric current sound, the sound became clearer and clearer.

"Cuicanhao, help me!"

A young woman's voice rang quickly from the communicator, her voice full of panic.



"What kind of broken communicator is that of yours... Uh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Cuican, please save me!"

The woman spoke in annoyance, but found that the communication had become normal again. She quickly apologized and asked Xu Zian for help.

Xu Zian blushed.

What communicator?

The communicator I found in the trash of the garbage star.!


It’s not like it can’t be used!

He coughed lightly and immediately asked:"What’s going on over there? A detailed description!"

Xu Zian is still full of vigilance in his heart.

In the universe, dangers and tricks are everywhere.

In a society ruled by law, the rule of law is only within the planet area where a large number of human civilizations exist. In uninhabited places like deep space... you still How safe can you expect it to be?

It has been reported in the news more than once that many people have been deceived by asking for help.

After the results passed, they found that the other party was a group of interstellar pirates.Pretended.

Of course Xu Zian had to be cautious.

The other party was obviously aware of Xu Zian's concerns.

Immediately said anxiously:"I am from the Moon Tiangong City in the Earth Federation's solar system.

I was attacked by interstellar pirates. The enemy has two primary biological reconnaissance ships and four primary mechanical reconnaissance ships!

We can initiate an SOS emergency to the Federation at the same time. After the review, the federation will definitely give me a pass!"

I heard what the other party said.

Xu Zian's vigilance was immediately relieved. at the same time. blood in the body.

It’s also boiling!

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