Xingfuli community, parking area.

Inside the small ball spaceship.

Without any hesitation, Xu Zian released his bioenergy and began to slowly integrate and bind with the small ball spacecraft.

The star crystal light brain of the small ball spacecraft reacted the fastest and was the first to start absorbing the released bioenergy.

Immediately afterwards, the entire spacecraft began to rapidly absorb Xu Zian's biological energy, and the entire spacecraft became radiant.

It seems that... from this moment on, this spaceship has also completed the transition from a pure machine to a life level with evolutionary functions.

Because the spaceship is not large, and the quality, equipment, etc. of the small ball are all the most rubbish...

Xu Zian only consumed about a dozen points of bioenergy to successfully bind to the spacecraft.

The consumed biological energy can be slowly recovered by itself, or it can be recovered through later cultivation.

If it is a starship like the Future Star, and it is bound for the first time, I am afraid that the biological energy must be drained before it can be bound.

The more advanced the starship, the more difficult it is to bind!

This is also the reason why every initial awakener can only be bound to the lowest-level starship, without exception.

At the moment when it is bound to the little ball spaceship!

Xu Zian's body shook violently, and the little ball spacecraft also shook violently!

An inexplicable connection connects the two.

Even...Xu Zian had the feeling that the starship was an extension of his body.

With just a thought, you can control the spacecraft however you want!

This is the biggest difference between biological starships and mechanical starships.

At the same time, after the binding was successful, the small ball spacecraft immediately fed back a large amount of energy impact to Xu Zian.

This allowed him to truly complete a breakthrough in his life level, maintaining a full bioenergy of 100, as well as his mortal body... and finally transformed at this moment!

Quickly click on your own properties……

【Name]: Xu Zian

【Realm]: Warrior level one

【Starship]: Inferior spaceship (unnamed)

【Bioenergy]: 137

【Evolution value]: 137

【Wealth value]: 10.1 finally.

Finally no longer a mortal, the upper limit of bioenergy is finally unlocked!

A more majestic force flows within the body.

From this moment on, he no longer belongs to the ranks of mortals.

Although it is not as terrifying as physically crossing the void.

But one day, it will be okay!

As for the first-grade warrior level... it is a classification of the strength of biological warriors.

Like starships, they also have different levels.

Biological warriors, from lowest to highest, are warriors, generals, masters, commanders, and kings!

Each level is divided into nine levels!

The first grade is the lowest and the ninth grade is the highest!

Starships are also divided into reconnaissance ships, frigates, assault ships, destroyers, and cruisers!

Each level is also divided into nine levels!

The first level is the lowest and the ninth level is the highest!

Perfectly corresponds to the warrior's strength level.

For example, Chang Shaokong's future starship.

It is a first-level reconnaissance ship of rare quality!

Xu Zian's little ball...well, not even a starship.

The quality... is the most rubbish and inferior.

Starships, in addition to level and level.

There is also a distinction between quality...

This is very easy to understand. Those with low quality are garbage, while those with high quality are powerful!

And what Xu Zian has to do now.

It is a big evolution of the small ball.

At least... let it evolve into a starship, right?


He immediately controlled the small ball and flew towards the Federal Awakening Office. before evolution.

He still needs to update his information.

Only by proving that you have become a true biological warrior can you get the federal reward of 300,000 cosmic coins!

Only then can he obtain an ultra-low-interest loan of 200,000 yuan from the federal government based on his identity information.

This is crucial.

Pilot the small ball spaceship again, although you still have to drive it yourself.

But that kind of fit is far beyond what it used to be.

To put it more simply...

In the past, flying a spaceship was like riding a horse.

Now that you are driving the spaceship, you are the horse!

In terms of maneuverability, they are not on the same level at all! even.

With your own thoughts, you can also control radar locking, artillery attacks, etc.

And rapid acceleration and the like.

When I become stronger in the future, I can do whatever I ask the spacecraft to do with just a thought! soon.

The spaceship arrived at the Federal Awakening Office.

We drove directly to the biological starship registration area.

What a coincidence.

Many students came to register here.

Even the worst ones are piloting a starship with a capacity of five to six million.

The better ones are the ones worth millions!

Giant cannons, engines, and high-end configurations... made the little ball even more conspicuous.

Many students from other schools cast astonished glances, obviously not expecting... that someone would drive such a thing to register a biological starship.

Is it possible... is there really any god who bound this kind of thing as his own biological starship? ? ?

What an international joke!!!

Students from other schools were shocked.

The classmates at the same school were also shocked.

Although I know Xu Zian's family situation... can't I still apply for early incentives and early loans from the federal government?

Even if you don’t take out a loan, you can still buy a starship for traveling in the stars with 300,000, right?

Although Starry Sky Swim is the trash among the trash... but it is also a starship!

It's better than this thing of yours, right?

What's more... 300,000 yuan can already buy an entry-level starship. After all, traveling in the stars only costs 200,000 yuan!

That's when.

An extremely handsome, cold, and murderous starship flew over slowly.

The logos of Universe Technology Group and Future Star are printed on the most conspicuous areas on both sides of the starship.

This starship is 79.9 meters long, reaching the maximum length of a reconnaissance ship.

29.9 meters wide and 12 meters high!

At the rear of the reconnaissance ship, four hyperdrives were emitting azure blue flames, which looked extremely dazzling.

The two rectangular pulsating jump thrusters are stalled at this time, but it is not difficult to imagine their powerful power.

At the bow of the ship, a huge main gun shines dimly.Mang is the latest generation entry-level main gun of the Universe Technology Group - the

100cm version of the advanced 11th generation photon main gun of the Light Explosion series.

A photon main gun with a diameter of one meter!

It is also an advanced type, the photon energy is more concentrated and more powerful than the standard type!

Looking at Xu Zian's little ball... there is only an extremely small barrel under the cockpit.

Is the 3cm caliber photon cannon powerful?

It can penetrate 50cm thick concrete with no problem.

When sailing, you can just smash the small meteorites blocking the way.

But... that's all.

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