"Don't say anything, Brother Xu, I'll join!"

"I'm going to leave the Free Passage right now!

"I'm the Lord of the Star Domain now, but I'm not going to do it anymore!Brother Xu, I want to join your Bright Army!"

"I'm me, I'm me, I'm still here, I'm going to join in~!"

"Brother Xu, let me be a small soldier under your command! I won't inherit the family business, I decided to follow you!"

These days, the pride.

And not stupid.

Xu Zi'an has already said it so plainly.

If they don't understand it yet......

Then you don't deserve to be a celestial pride.


Must join!

Don't think that joining the Bright Army will lower your status or something.


Because this is Xu Zi'an's brilliant army!

Who is Xu Zi'an!

In the future, there is a high probability that the whole universe will become an eternal-level super-super-super-super genius!

And what about them?

The probability of becoming an eternal level is not even one in a billion!

Infinitely close to zero!

Become a subordinate of an Eternal Overlord powerhouse......

Shame on you?

Are you telling me to lose face?

That's the patron saint of the Terrans!

Fools don't mess around with the future Terran Patron Saint!

Gotta follow!

Xu Zi'an's smile became even brighter: "Good! Very good!"

"Then that's all there is to say. "

"Rest assured. "

"Follow me, and I will never do you any wrong. "

"The anti-universe knows, right?"

"The cultivation speed in the anti-universe ...... I'm sure you're all clear now, right?"

"Yes, that's right, I can tell you explicitly. "

"The area with the richest anti-universe biological energy, the cultivation speed exceeds that of the positive universe by twelve to fifteen times!"

"There are even more intense areas, but I haven't found them yet!"

"And me. "

"I can let you cultivate in the anti-universe all year round, and cultivate at a cultivation speed that is twelve to fifteen times faster than now!"

"What does this mean?"

"This means that under this cultivation method, you ......"

"There will be no bottlenecks!"

"Your cultivation will increase day by day, as long as your evolution value is enough!"

"And I can tell you one more thing. "

"I have a good thing, it's called the Ultra Ultra High Pressure Cultivation Room!"

"Just imagine, you are in the anti-universe, cultivating in an ultra-ultra-high pressure cultivation room. "

"Is there still such a thing as a bottleneck?"

"And this!"

"It's just a cultivation benefit!"

"Also, in the future. "

"I will take you to the Inhumans and Zergs to fight the autumn wind from time to time!"

"Destroy a star field or something, get evolution value. "

"Once you have the evolution value, you will return to the anti-universe cultivation. "

"In this kind of life, you join my brilliant army, is it a loss?!"

Xu Zi'an's voice just fell!


A huge roar sounded in unison: "No loss!!"

"Looking forward to it?!"

"Looking forward to !!"

"Okay, let's do it as soon as possible. "

Xu Zi'an grinned.

And these heavenly pride.

One by one, I was really excited.

The eyes glowed green.

When they first joined the Bright Army, their purpose was actually very simple.

is running for Xu Zi'an's future, and following Xu Zi'an, he can be famous in the universe in a real sense, and his blood is boiling!


When they really saw the cake that Xu Zi'an painted for them.

They're crazy!

They were excited!

They were excited!

If it is really as Xu Zi'an said, there is that kind of cultivation method.


their future.

Even it will be infinitely bright!

Cultivation bottleneck.

In fact, even if it is a peerless Tianjiao in terms of cultivation talent, there will be bottlenecks.


There are many peerless Tianjiao in this area, and there are not a few who have been trapped by the bottleneck period for many years.


With this way of cultivation.


Indeed, it will never exist again!

Their future heights will even be raised by several levels!

This moment.

They found.

Join the Bright Army and follow Xu Zi'an's decision.

What a wit!


Must join!

It's hard to stop anyone!


Hu Lao and other super powerhouses were also silent.

Tell the truth......

Don't say it's these gods.

Even them!

It also means that it is very exciting!

No way.

The main thing is that this cake painted by Xu Zi'an, it is so fragrant!

No bottleneck cultivation method!

Who eats this and who is not confused?

Cultivate all the way to sing!

Who can bear it!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

That is, they have no potential now.

Raising even a small level will go through countless difficulties and countless years, and it may not be successful.

This kind of cultivation method alone has no effect on them at all.


Whatever you say, you have to keep your old face shy and rub Xu Zi'an's cultivation method.

Shook his head.

Hu Lao and the others didn't say anything more.

What else can be said?

As soon as Xu Zi'an's cake came out, no one could bear it.

0 begging for flowers

It is......

Xu Zi'an's one-time time is equivalent to digging up all the super forces of the Human Federation of the whole universe.


It's also thanks to Xu Zi'an.

Those super forces, at most, pointed at Xu Zi'an's nose and scolded for a few sentences, and then pinched their noses and confessed.

What else could it be?

Don't say anything else.

Let's talk about the Terran seniors who Xu Zi'an saved a few times before.

All from all forces!

Even. []

Now the people at the helm of many forces are the juniors of these Terran predecessors!

Xu Zi'an, be kind to them!

Those at the helm even dared to scold Xu Zi'an.

will be beaten violently by these Terran seniors.

As for the beating, will those at the helm be angry or something......

Whatever you want, you say.

Don't say anything else.

Let's just say that one of the Terran seniors rescued by Xu Zi'an last time was the father of the helmsman of one of the twelve super forces of the Terran!

My father beat my son, do you have a temper to show me?

What's more.

Xu Zi'an's current status in the universe human race.

Do this kind of thing......

No one can say anything.

And it's hard for anyone to come.

In a word......

Xu Zi'an dug in this corner.

No one dared to squeak.


It is now, Xu Zi'an's dominance in the universe human race!

That's it!

Seeing these super geniuses, almost all of them have come under their command.

Xu Zi'an couldn't be happier.

Let's just put it this way.

There is this group of geniuses joining.

What kind of level can you reach in the future......

No one can tell!


Even Xu Zi'an himself can't judge it!

No way.


It's terrifying.

Or even ......


After a few years.

Brilliant Army.

All members of the Supreme Level!

Or even ......


Wait until that time.

There is no need for the rest of the cosmic human race to make a move.

Just a Xu Zianga brilliant fleet.

And then with the Bright Army.

We will be able to sweep away the Inhumans and Zergs!

Of course.

This is just Xu Zi'an's imagination.

I want to get to that level.

Don't talk about anything else.

Wealth and resources invested alone.

It's an unimaginable degree.


With this goal.

There is motivation!


Xu Zi'an.


It will be the man gate who wants to suppress the whole universe!

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