Starship repair, all with the best materials, the best maintenance staff to repair it for free.

Starship battle damage, directly use the best first-generation starships, with a large number of Terran traitors, Inhumans, and Zerg obtained through various channels, to provide you with enough evolution value.

Personnel damage in battle!

At the beginning of Xu Zi'an's tenure, he clearly stipulated-

The personnel under his command were sacrificed.

his family.

Not only will you get a large amount of pension.

their children.

If he does not awaken biological energy, Xu Zi'an will provide enough stimulating awakening potions, even if it is ten, hundred, thousand, or ten thousand times to stimulate his awakening!

It was stimulated until one of his children appeared as a bioenergy captain.

After that, a shining star will be given to bind it, and then it will be cultivated for free until the end of the college entrance examination.

During this period, all the expenses for cultivation are very high.

If there are children who have awakened biological energy.

Then more training programs will be given.

In a word!

Do everything you can.

Let the soldiers under your command have no worries!

It's just this series of bereavement means.

To be honest, it really accounts for a lot of military spending on Yimei Nebula every year.

For example, the annual military expenditure of the Edmei Nebula is 5% of that of the Edmi Nebula GD25P.

Then the means of bereavement compensation account for a full one percent!

It can be seen that the strength of the bereavement is huge!

And in fact!

It is precisely because of Xu Zi'an's unsparing pension plan.

Only then did the Ilmei Nebula Federation Army, and the Bright Army, and even these Tianjiao!

They all have no scruples to fight.

is willing to give his life for Xu Zi'an!

Because they know.

Once you are gone, your family doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Their lord Xu Zi'an.

Will arrange everything for them!

Not to mention.

There is also the cultivation quota of the Heavenly Material and Earth Treasure every month, as well as the quota for the number of times the ultra-high pressure cultivation room and the ultra-ultra-high pressure cultivation room are used.


The heavenly and earthly treasures that are rationed every month, as well as the potions used in the high-pressure cultivation room.

It's not about improving your cultivation!

It's about strengthening their physique!

The reason is simple!

The stronger the physique.

After that, in the anti-universe, the faster the cultivation speed!

Practice, don't be in a hurry.

The positive universe is for them to obtain evolution values and strong physiques.

The anti-universe is what they can use to quickly improve their cultivation!

This set of plans down.

Who isn't confused?


Even those brilliant military pride.

All of them are enthusiastic.

This pie.

It's delicious!


In addition to these.

Development of the Emei Nebula.

It's also very gratifying.


It's just a few years.

Its taxes have brought Xu Zi'an a full seventeen trillion wealth value!

The key is still improving rapidly every year.

Xu Zi'an's goal of breaking through the wealth value of 100 billion.

It doesn't seem far away.

The overall development of the Emei Nebula.

Xu Zi'an was very satisfied.

In fact, according to his current strength.

Take over a star cluster, and there will be absolutely no problem.

But Xu Zi'an has been too busy recently.


His thoughts now are.

First of all, the Edmi Nebula will be thoroughly developed.

After becoming a nebula-level force that is the first in the universe in terms of economy, military, public security, people's livelihood, etc., and even the first in the whole universe.

Then take over the cluster level.

Or, when the time comes, directly cross the star cluster, take over a star field, and become the master of the star field!

We'll see when the time comes!

After all, plans never catch up with change.


Now Xu Zi'an doesn't want to, and he doesn't have so much energy to care about this matter.

Let's talk about that later!

You're all set.

Xu Zi'an, with Qiu Taoyu, Mu Ziqiu's two daughters, and all the daughters.

Follow Hu Lao.

Embarked on a journey to the headquarters of the Federation of Universe Humans-

Terran Heart Star Field.

The Heart of the Terran Star Field does not belong to any galaxy or sea of stars.

It is an absolutely independent star field.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the meaning of the municipality of the earth in ancient times.

It is the most important place for the Terrans.

It is also the safest place for the Terrans.

This is also the first time Xu Zi'an has traveled to the Heart of the Terran Star Field.

He is very yearning and curious about the Heart of the Terran Star Field.

This time, I can finally get a good taste of what this human heart looks like.

Because it's the heart of the Terrans.

Therefore, there is a direct access to the wormhole star gate.

It will take you 10 days at most.

Five days later.

Everyone came to the Tianrui Star Sea, the wormhole star gate that leads to the heart of the human race.

Tianrui Xinghai is located in the border area.

This border is not just a border with the Zerg and Inhumans.

It is also the border of the 108 Star Sea of the Cosmic Human Race!

The so-called border!

It's beyond the sea of stars!

It's not a universe anymore.

The easy-to-understand meaning is that outside of a part of the Tianrui Star Sea, there is a chaotic universe! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It is divided into positive universes, anti-universes, and chaotic universes.

The positive universe is the area where human beings live.

Anti-universe is a forbidden place that human beings cannot set foot in, and it is an unstable universe.

As for the Chaos Universe!

It's chaos, it's foggy, it's absolutely dark!

It's the kind of area where light is instantly absorbed.

No one knows what exactly is in the Chaos Universe.

Let's just put it this way.

The most dangerous place is not actually anti-universe.

It's the Chaos Universe!

Because after you went to the Chaos Universe.

In there.

You'll be torn to shreds in an instant!

Or rather!

The Chaos Universe Region is an incomparably huge, boundless spatial rift that even an ancient ship can't compete with!

Whoever goes in dies!

The chaotic universe, on the other hand, has a shrinking type.

The anti-universe is not clear.

But the universe![]

In fact, it was expanded from the Chaos Universe!

Every year, every day, every minute, every second.

The positive universe is actually in a state of expansion!

The chaotic universe is shrinking every second.

According to history.

In the beginning, the area of the positive universe was very, very, very small.

How small is it?

As small as ......

There may be only one point.

As countless years passed.

The positive universe begins to expand.

Countless more years have passed.


A planet has emerged from the Chaos Universe!


Chaos Universe.

Will devour some objects that enter.


Very strange and weird.

Inside the Chaos Universe.

But there are 160 planets, star systems, and a sea of stars!

The sea of stars where hundreds of millions of races live today all come from the chaotic universe, and they are all the result of countless years of expansion.


Many, many years have passed.

The Chaos Universe, so far, is expanding the scope of the Positive Universe at a very slow rate every second.

The chaotic rift is shrinking.


There are no planets, galaxies, or seas of stars coming out of it.

It's not hard to imagine.

The positive universe is a circle.

Outside the circle.

It's the Chaos Universe.

And this circle.

Constantly expanding.

No one knows that the expansion of this area.

When will a new planet appear.

It's not hard to imagine, though.

Once it appears.

It will surely become a place where hundreds of millions of races in the universe will compete.


Brand new planets, galaxies, and sea of stars.

Nothing in it has been explored.

There will be countless treasures inside.

Even, a treasure that has never been discovered.

It was an unimaginably large treasure.

Xu Zi'an.

Look out for it.

Far away.

It was dark.

It's the Chaos Universe.

And it's receding at a speed that's visible to the naked eye.

He was also very curious about what was in the chaotic universe and what existed.

This is also the ultimate mystery of the universe.


Countless years later.


Maybe we can unravel this mystery.

Shook his head.

Think no more.

A group of people quickly disappeared into the wormhole star gate.

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