Next test.

It's a lot more normal.


This is normal.

It's just relative to Xu Zi'an's previous performance.

Actually, not normal at all.

Can you imagine an annihilation ship, or an invincible annihilation ship.

In the case of fighting against an immortal ship.

Did it take more than five percent of the energy shield to be damaged, and then use one-third of the anti-aircraft guns to hit its starship to the point where it was damaged by more than 80 percent?!

That's two percent of the damage to the Annihilation Ship's energy shield!!

It doesn't seem like much.

But in reality?

An ordinary immortal ship, I'm afraid it won't even touch the other party's side!

Even if the other party doesn't move!

Because of the anti-aircraft artillery, it can be intercepted very easily.

Even if it is a peerless Tianjiao-level immortal ship.

It's nice to be able to do 0.002 percent!


It's so obvious.

Ten Thousand Mountains and those annihilation levels were amazed again.

After all......

This is Xu Zi'an's true strength without using supernatural abilities.

It is enough to see that Xu Zi'an's talent and strength are strong.

On the contrary, Xu Zi'an himself, instead of being satisfied, was very dissatisfied!

The reason is simple.

In the simulated universe, he has conducted many annihilation-level simulated star wars!


Even the Eternal level has been carried out.

Although an unimaginably large amount of wealth has been spent.

But it was also carried out!

But in the simulation, he achieved even more results.


It also made him feel his own way.

There is still a long, long way to go.

Immortal ......

It's true.

Just the beginning!25


The Immortal Ship is also just the beginning!!

But it doesn't matter.


He has an endless life.



It will be able to reign over the world.

Be the most powerful one.

After testing Xu Zi'an's full strength.


is to start the targeted training of Xu Zi'an.

The training of the women also began again.

This is a long training ......

It also officially kicked off.


Infinite life.

Time, I really can't feel it passing.


Three years.

It was just like that.

I thought it would only take a year or two.

But it still took three years.


It's still several years shorter than normal.

But that's not the point!

The point is......

Actually, it's really just about improving your cultivation.

One or two years is indeed enough time for the current tenth-order immortal ship.


More time.

But it was spent on improving the strength of Star Wars!


These three years.

That's just the first part of the training!


There will also be a training program that will last for 10 or 20 years!

Xu Zi'an and them will be cultivated until the star level.


Vertical Star !!

Of course.

It's not like training like this all the time.

Even if you can train like this, the evolution value is not enough.

What's more, even if the evolution value is enough, if you continue to train endlessly like this, it will only pull out the seedlings and help them grow, but it is not good.

For example, after the end of this first phase of the training program.

Xu Zi'an and the daughters.

There will be five years.

Fight on your own, take on missions, and do whatever you want.

And within five years.

Wanzhong Mountain has only one request -

The knowledge and skills of Star Wars learned in these three years.

Thoroughly, completely!

Apply it in a real sense to actual combat and become a part of your own instinct.


In these battles.

to get enough evolution value.

Five years later.

Keep coming back here.

Embark on a 20-year training programme.

Then break through all the way to the vertical star.

Since then.

End of training.

And waited until the longitudinal star......

Ten thousand mountains them.

will no longer be responsible for Xu Zi'an's safety.

Everything to come.

will completely rely on Xu Zi'an to break through by himself.

If in this stage, who has fallen and died?

You can only blame yourself.

It's not Wanzhongshan, they don't want to be responsible for their safety anymore.

But after the starship.

It's the road to the real super powerhouse.

And the road to the super strong.

Only they go on their own!

Or even!

Wanzhongshan also asked.

Start today.

Autumn peach rain, go and cultivate by yourself.

It is not allowed to bring autumn peach rain, or a strong person at the Zhenyu level and above.

All in all.

The way of their own strong.

Go and pave the way with countless blood and tears!


In order to truly be a world annihilation-level or even annihilation-level powerhouse in the future.

And Xu Zi'an ......

It is even possible to become an eternal level!

Become a terrifying being like the second patron saint of the human race!

Speaking of training.

For the past three years.

Xu Zi'an them.

It's really completely forgotten about the concept of time.

Every day, every minute, every second.

It's all packed up.

There is no time to slacken.

Every day!

is to grow up in being beaten by these strong people with starships.

That's a real beating!

These powerhouses.

That's really the kind of unrelenting!

There are even several times!

The starships were almost blown up.

If it weren't for Xu Zi'an's use of multi-dimensional space stealth ability, he instantly appeared in front of the women and resisted them......

The women are now.

Saying everything will blow up several starships, and even some people will fall because of it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It can be seen how intense and outrageous the training intensity is.

But that's exactly what happened!

After discovering that Xu Zi'an could save the women at the most critical moment.

These strong men, when trained, seem to be more unscrupulous.

They try their best to simulate life and death crises again and again.

And only this kind of training between life and death.

In order to really help the women grow quickly and effectively!

After Star Wars training.

It doesn't matter if Xu Zi'an is tired or not.

Throw it directly into the ultra-ultra-high pressure training room.

Let them cultivate.

While practicing!

They will also be taught by the strong about some of their shortcomings in today's Star Wars.

Wait until the cultivation is over.

Eat a meal and sleep for three hours.

Then keep training!

Other words!

For the past three years.


Only three hours of sleep and one hour of eating and washing up every day!

That's only four hours in total!

The rest of the time.

It's all training, cultivation, training, cultivation!

And that's not all.

This time, the Terrans really spent a huge price to promote everyone.

All kinds of extremely precious natural treasures are used on Xu Zi'an and others like no money.

Just three years have passed.


Amazingly remarkable.

The first is cultivation.


Now all the staff are immortal!

I'm about to break through to the Void level!

And then there's Star Wars......

Let's just put it this way.

The peerless genius of all Star Wars.


It's still the kind of top-notch peerless Tianjiao!

Mu Ziqiu, Liu Yuyu.

Now not only has his cultivation reached the peerless Tianjiao level.

The same goes for Star Wars!

In the true sense, all members of Star Wars are peerless.

It's still the top one.


Three years of hellish training.

It's finally over.

The next stage.

It was five years later.

We'll talk about it in five years' time.

Right now......

Starship first.

Let's talk about all the evolution to the Void level!

And the Void level.

Mu Ziqiu.

You can join in too.

But her starship itself is a Void class, and she needs to wait for the Vertical Star level to be completely transformed.

However, Liu Yuyu can now be completely transformed.

Like all the female starships, the powerful and paranoid kind.

Liu Yuyu.

Same as Meow Mi.

It is a super agile assassin type. 607

The kind that kills with one hit.

It can also be said to be a sniper type.

If you don't move, you can't do it.

If you move, you will explode the starship.

Anyway, that's what it means.

At this moment.

Inside the mega-evolved factory built by the Terran Heart.

This kind of super-giant evolutionary factory.

It's the kind of place where you can evolve the Eternal Ship.

So Xu Zi'an, their starship evolved.

Naturally, there is no problem.

And it looks extremely empty.

At this time, in the Evolution Factory.

Including Xu Zi'an.

A total of eleven immortal ships.

Evolutionary readiness is ready.

Next to these starships.

Huge parts are neatly arranged.

And at this time.

Even if it's Xu Zi'an.

There was excitement on their faces.

Not to mention the women.

The reason is simple.

Void Ship ......

The symbol of the strong in the universe!

Star destroyers, immortal ships.

That's just the strong.

It means that you are a prince!

Void ships, star ships.

That's the cosmic powerhouse.

It means that you are in the universe, no matter where you are, you belong to the level of the strong.

On top of the Zhenyu ship!

It's super strong!

Needless to say.

Why do you say that the Void Ship is a cosmic powerhouse?

Just look at the size of the starship to know this.

Immortal ship.

The longest length is 9999.9 meters.


Void Ship.

Longest limit length.

But all of a sudden, it jumped to a terrifying 36,999.9 meters!

That's 37,000 kilometers!!

What a horrible volume.

The universe is rampant.

It's no longer empty talk.

Void level......

Xu Zi'an sighed in his eyes.

A dream that many people can't even imagine.

When I was young, I never dared to think of heights.


It's been decades.

It's easy to achieve.

Smile lightly.

Think no more.


Evolve to the Void Ship......

Since then.


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