I want to carry out this plan.

First of all, you have to find a good goal.

And it's two goals.


Strictly speaking, three goals.

The first goal.

It's the Zerg's fleet of Void Ships.

The second goal.

It's the Inhumans' fleet of Void Ships.

The third goal.

It is the immortal fleet of the cosmic human race.

This plan is very simple, and even Xu Zi'an gave this plan a name-

[Pick the fire].

What is it called provoking fire?

It is to provoke the anger of both the Inhumans and the Zergs.

The ultimate goal.

It is in the execution of the plan, while causing great damage to the two clans, let the two sides fight wildly.

In this way, the contradictions will be transferred, and the pressure on the human race will be greatly reduced.

Absolutely good thing.

Plan execution.

A certain arrangement is also required.

I thought about it.

Xu Zi'an dialed the communication of the second senior sister Qi Jingyi.

Qi Jingyi quickly connected to 25, and her voice was bright and hearty: "Little junior brother, is the special training over?

Xu Zi'an responded with a smile: "It's okay, it's not bad, it's already a void ship." "

Qi Jingyi couldn't help but sigh: "It's only been a long time, and it's already a Void Ship, reaching a height that countless people can't think of in their lifetime......"

After a pause, he smiled again: "You are looking for me, there should be something, right?"

Xu Zi'an snorted and said straight to the point: "There is indeed something I want to trouble the second senior sister." "

Qi Jingyi's voice immediately became solemn and said, "You say!"

Immediately, Xu Zi'an said his thoughts: "That's the case. "

"In the past few years, the Inhumans and the Zerg have jumped a little, and it seems that they don't have a long memory of the last incident. "

"So this time ......"

"I'm going to give them another ruthless blow, and this requires your help, Second Senior Sister. "

The second senior sister, Qi Jingyi, is currently serving as an intelligence executive in the Universe Human Federation.

It is indeed fitting to look for her.

Qi Jingyi's voice froze: "Play a big one again?"

"This ......"

"Little junior brother, be temperate!"

"Last time, you killed so many peerless Tianjiao and Tianjiao of the Zerg and Inhuman races. "

"It's already made them so angry that they are going crazy. "

"If I provoke them again, I'm afraid it will be ......"

Qi Jingyi's voice was worried.

As an intelligence executive of the Cosmic Terrans, she knows a lot of information that ordinary people don't know.

So she knew better how angry the Inhumans and Zergs were by the incident last time.

According to some intelligence.

It is said that the Zerg, in particular, are the most angry.

Because what Xu Zi'an killed the most was their Tianjiao.

And these Tianjiao, at least half of them, are from some top families and top forces of the Zerg Race.

There are even direct descendants of those annihilation-level powerhouses of the Zerg Clan.

For Xu Zi'an, it can be said that he hates him to the core.

Because of this, at that time, there were many Zerg annihilation-level powerhouses who proposed to start a big war with the Terran of the universe.

Although it is certainly not possible to reach the level of the war of the races.

However, a large-scale superwar must be avoided.

It is said that this order seems to have been approved by half of them.

In the end, it was the immortal-level powerhouse of the Zerg Race who spoke out to stop it, which avoided a super collision between the two peak overlord races.

It was precisely because of this news that the ancestor Wan Chongshan took the initiative to ask Xu Zi'an not to stimulate any more.

And now......

It's been three years.

Xu Zi'an is going to play another big game.

Should I say it or not, even Qi Jingyi felt a little frightened.

Because it can be said to be big by Xu Zi'an. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then this matter must not be small!

One is not good.

There is a real possibility of a super war between the clans!

When the time comes, the number of dead and wounded will be incalculable.

Xu Zi'an smiled helplessly, of course he understood Qi Jingyi's worries, and couldn't help but smile: "Second Senior Sister, don't worry. "

"I'm not so reckless yet. "

"A war between one's own ethnic groups cannot be decided overnight. "

"Even ...... Even if I really killed all the geniuses of the Zerg and Inhuman races, the essence of the two races is here. "

"It's certain that they will break their bones, but because of this, I think that they will hurt the foundation, I am not so naïve, at most I can only have a green and yellow failure, give them a little time, and they can recover as before. "

"So this plan, it is said to be a stimulus, and it is also to stimulate them, but it is not our cosmic human race that stimulates them. "

"I mean, a full disguise. "

"Then stir up hatred and disputes between them. "

"While inflicting huge losses on them, it can also reduce the pressure on our cosmic human race, so that we have more time to recuperate and grow. "

"That's what I'm going to do with this project. "

Hearing Xu Zi'an's words, Qi Jingyi immediately became interested, and was busy asking what Xu Zi'an's plan was. []

Xu Zi'an didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "Actually, this plan is very simple to put it bluntly. "

"At present, few people know about the evolution of our Brilliant Fleet to the Void Ship. "

"It just so happens that after that, we locked on to the target of a certain Void Ship fleet in the Inhuman Zerg and killed them secretly. "

After that, disguise yourself as their identities and attack each other's territory. "

"This caused anger among them, and relieved the pressure of our cosmic human race by 283 forces. "

"And before that, we need to find ten immortal-level starships disguised as me and Qin Fuyue, and then find a Void ship disguised as Mu Ziqiu's starship. "

"Just hang around in our Terran territory and don't let them suspect that it's our Cosmic Terran who did it. "

Qi Jingyi was suddenly stunned, frowning for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Your plan has actually been proposed by countless people a long time ago. "

"But...... Do you know why no one has ever done it?"

"It's because ...... If you want to carry out this plan, there is nothing but a little!"

"That's ......"

"Must master the perfect level of camouflage skills!"

"Whether it's the appearance of the starship, or the identification of friend or foe, or even the biological captain!"

"It's all about the perfect level of camouflage. "

"Otherwise, it will definitely be recognized, and it will be ...... then"

Speaking of this, Qi Jingyi couldn't help but shake her head.

She didn't say anything more.

But she believes that Xu Zi'an must understand what she means.

However, there was also a trace of doubt in my heart.

She didn't believe it, Xu Zi'an didn't know where the foundation and difficulties of this plan were to be implemented.


Why did Xu Zi'an bring it up?

Could it be ......

She seemed to have thought of a possibility.

But the next second, he shook his head and put this possibility aside.

How is that possible?

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