this day.

For the Inhumans.

It was definitely a dim day.

There are 500 battleship super geniuses, and there are even many Tianjiao among them.

But in an instant, the star system that accompanied it was destroyed by the blow.

Not even a single one escaped.

The most important thing is.

The Inhumans don't even know who did it!

The first reaction was to think that it was Xu Zi'an~ and the bright fleet that had made a move.


Learned from intelligence.

Xu Zi'an and his brilliant fleet -, at this moment.

is bloody on the A-class battlefield of the Edmi Nebula.

There is simply no chance and timing to make a move.

This made the Inhuman powerhouses and high-ranking people angry.

As soon as possible, send super strong people to investigate and track!


At the same time that they send out strong men!

Xu Zi'an and the Bright Fleet.

I've already entered the wormhole and moved on to the next location.

A day later.

Arrive at your destination.

This time, there is no option for ultra-long-range attack.

Because of the target locked this time.

It's those twenty or thirty vertical star super geniuses.

Choose them.

It's because the vast majority of these people are peerless!

There are only a few of them, and they are the top talents!

Ordinary Tianjiao does not have.

Not to mention the demonic genius.

That's because, at this age, you can reach the vertical star.

There are only top-level Tianjiao and peerless Tianjiao.

Even the top Tianjiao is more than nine hundred years old.

This time.

Even Xu Zi'an was solemn.

Twenty or thirty vertical stars......


This is why Xu Zi'an and the bright fleet are strong enough.

Before that, they had just received their special training from Wanzhong Mountain.

Plus the performance of the starship itself is enough to defy the sky.

In this way, he dared to use the level of the Void Ship to kill these twenty or thirty star ships.

And it's basically the kind of peerless Tianjiao.

Although Xu Zi'an has confidence.

But there is one thing to say.

An accident.

That's what happened to the ship's destruction.

"I won't say much about the rest. "

Xu Zi'an said in a deep voice: "After so many years of cooperation, I believe that you have enough tacit understanding. "

"Next, I have only one request—"

"Give me the best firepower to wipe out the enemy!"

"Don't worry about the cost of bio-energy and evolution. "

"Don't worry about the consumption of ammo!"

"There is only one goal, which is to kill them!!"

Xu Zi'an's voice fell.

The solemn voices of the women also sounded in the communicator.

"Got it!"

"Don't worry!"

"We know. "

All the women know the danger of this operation.

Listening to the words of the women, Xu Zi'an smiled slightly.

With a wave of his big hand, he said in a deep voice: "Then ...... Kill !!"

The voice fell.

Lead the way.

The first one is killed in the target system.


Inhuman high-level.

At this moment.

They all frowned, and their faces were pale.

They never thought of it.

There is no Xu Zi'an.

The geniuses of their Inhumans.

It is still a devastating blow from the forces of the position!

The most important thing is.

Until now.

They don't know who the enemy is, whether it's from the cosmic human race or the zerg race!

Or even ......

Other races in the universe!

It's all possible.

has a fire in his belly, and he doesn't know who to vent to.

While they were discussing how to deal with it......


An urgent message that made their faces change again.


Shot again!

And this time.

It turned out to be a direct attack on the long-star Tianjiao of their training this time!

Its wolf ambition made the Inhumans high-level all angry!


Soon, their expressions froze.

Because according to the information that was transmitted back urgently.

Who the enemy is, they already know. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because at this moment, the other party has already fought with his own star celestials.

And the enemy ......

But it's a fleet of Zergs.

A ......

Void-class fleet???

These Inhuman high-ranking people were stunned.

The next second.

More information was delivered.

The Inhuman intelligence department quickly locked on to the Zerg Kenwud fleet.

In addition, he also found out the captain of Ken Wude's fleet for the first time, and Ken Wude's post on the cosmic public network threatening to emulate Xu Zi'an of the human race.

Even before the action, it was made clear that it was going to be done against the Inhumans.

But no one cared.

After all......

You say you can do it?

Can you do it if you want to?

Let's not talk about hands-on.

It is extremely difficult to lurk in their Inhumans and enter their Inhuman territory alone!

Is it true that their Inhuman border defense is-eating?

And after coming in.

How do you make a move?

Sail through my Inhumans, and the probability of being discovered in advance is infinite!


On the contrary, the other party did it!

And that's not all!

Just now!

Captain of Kenwood's fleet, Kenwoodd before the second operation.

is still on the public network, and there is another paragraph posted after that post -

Declare responsibility for yesterday's destruction of the Zerg 500 super geniuses!

As soon as this remark came out.

Immediately locked on the enemy is this Ken Wood fleet.

Damn it, damn it.

But that's not the point.

The point is......

How did they do it, yesterday in the battleship genius training area.

Suddenly ran to this area today?

You know, it's a long way off!

The most important thing is.


A mere fleet of Void Ships.

How dare you make a move against twenty-nine longitudinal-star celestial pride?

If they really think that they are Xu Zi'an, they can't ???

Just when the Inhuman higher-ups were shocked.


The latest news is back again.

And the news......

Suddenly the expression of the Inhuman high-level changed drastically!

The two sides had been fighting for only about a minute.

The number of deaths of your own longitudinal star celestials has exceeded seven!

And the other party ......

Although some of the starships were also not lightly injured.


But not even a single starship was blown up!

See here.

The Inhuman higher-ups panicked.

I couldn't help but wonder why this Zerg Clan's fleet of Void Ships, which was not too famous, could actually fight beyond the ranks, even exceeding the number of nearly three times that of its own side.

Instead, he immediately gave an order to the nearest strong man and told them to go to the aid immediately.


He also issued an urgent order to those who were fighting in the computer room, telling them to disperse and evacuate immediately!

And then......

Among the high-level Inhumans race, there was an annihilation-level powerhouse who personally dispatched it.


Terran Xu Zi Anlai will forget it.

Right now.

You're here too.

Your Zerg has lost so much, shouldn't you go to the Terran for revenge?

Just found us Inhumans?

Have we Inhumans made a move against the celestials of your Zerg?

We're easy to bully when the Inhumans are right?


It's blazing fast.

Straight to the scene again!.

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