These eleven Void Ships.

They are all carefully selected by the ancestor Wanzhong Mountain.

Absolute loyalty, acting online, strong strength, and most importantly, flexible brain.

can perfectly cooperate with Xu Zi'an's actions.

And the purpose of these eleven Void Ships ......

Very simple.

Just continue to disguise!

Disguised as Xu Zi'an, they are now disguised as members of the Ken Wood fleet!

In addition, among these people, there are men and women.

Ten female captains were not asked for.

The reason is simple.

They are not disguised as Begonia, Liu Yuyu and other daughters.

They were members of the fleet disguised as Kenwood.

Naturally, the privacy of the women will not be leaked because of this.


Because he disguised himself as a member of Kenwood's fleet for the women.

So this time, there was no need for even a reference object, and Xu Zi'an could directly disguise them as the "eight-three-three" appearance of the Zerg race.

"Lord Xu!"

"Hello Lord Xu!"

As soon as Xu Zi'an arrived.

The captains of these Void Ships all greeted each other enthusiastically and excitedly.

Looking at Xu Zi'an's eyes, he was as excited and adored as if he had seen an idol.

Not long since......

is the captain of these void ships, and they have all become Xu Zi'an's fan brothers and sisters.

As a matter of fact.

When they received the task, they learned that today's brilliant fleet was actually disguised.

The real Brilliant Fleet and Xu Zi'an turned out to be the most prestigious Ken Wood fleet in the universe today......

They have completely incarnated and become Xu Zi'an's most die-hard fans.

It's awesome.

It's awesome!

Look at what Xu Zi'an has done!

On your own.

With the members of the brilliant fleet under your command.

Unexpectedly, the cosmic human race, which was originally under great pressure, was able to get out and begin to recuperate.

Let the Inhumans and Zergs who originally held a grudge against the cosmic human race.

They even had to knock out the dog's brains from each other, and they didn't have the time to care about the cosmic human race.

It gave the cosmic human race a precious time to develop.


Because of Xu Zi'an.

Directly or indirectly, he killed countless powerhouses of the Inhumans and Zergs!

For example, if you kill it directly, there are two world-destroying peerless powerhouses!

Kill more indirectly!

On this SSS-level battlefield, the super strong people who died in the Inhumans and Zerg Race can be seen.

The Supreme Ships have fallen so much.

Xu Zi'an's credit......

It's just too big, too big, too big.

To know......


Now it's only the Void Ship level!!

It's awesome.

It's awesome!

Xu Zi'an greeted them with a smile.

At the same time, I told them a few words, and told them the plan of action for the future.

Camouflage began on the appearance of their starships, their identities as friend and foe, and their personnel themselves.

And that's not all.

Those memories of Ken Wood and his fleet, Xu Zi'an copied.

So directly compare the behavior, behavior and habits of Kenwood and his fleet, and so on.

A stream of brains was transmitted to everyone.


These people.

will completely replace himself and his daughters as the new Kenwood fleet.

And myself and the women.

then the next step is opened.

Time flies.


It's been almost a month.

They were completely disguised.

The two identical Kenwood fleets, Qi Jingyi, the second senior sister who had rushed over a long time ago, sighed.


She can't tell which of these two Kenwude fleets is disguised by Xu Zi'an.

I can't tell at all!

And with the second senior sister Qi Jingyi, there were several other high-level officials of the Intelligence Department of the Universe Human Federation.

But there are only a few of them.

This kind of thing.

Naturally, the less people know about it, the better!

"Second Senior Sister, it's almost time, we have to go back first. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Zi'an said to Qi Jingyi: "This Zerg Clan's plan against our Terran should be almost like this. "

"It's up to you when the plan is executed. "

Second Senior Sister Qi Jingyi nodded and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem." "

"This time, their most likely, main target, will attack your Imei Nebula, after all, you are also in it!"

"So, this time, outside of your Edmi Nebula, you've got the most power in place. "

"Including our master and ancestor, he personally led the team to hide. "

"And the rest of the super powerhouses, scattered all over the place. "

"So you don't have to worry about it at all!"

"Not to mention ......"

"Aren't you ready to summon a wormhole?"

"Anyway, there will definitely be no problem......."

Hearing this, Xu Zi'an nodded slightly.

In fact, he just asked casually.

Because this time......

Something really can't go wrong![]

Because in order to leave all the strong people of the Zerg Race who attacked the Universe Human Race this time.

Including the annihilation-level powerhouses among them.

This time, the seven top bosses of the high-level peak group members of the Cosmic Human Race dispatched a full five!

Including Shizu Wanzhong Mountain!

Distributed in the most important areas of the cosmic human race.

Plus the rest of the cosmic human race's annihilation-level super powerhouses......

This time, the strong man of the Zerg Clan will definitely come and go!

Xu Zi'an didn't say more, it was not early, and immediately took the women into the wormhole and disappeared in an instant.

As for the eleven starships disguised as Kenwood's fleet.

At the same time, they also step into another wormhole.

Their destination is an uninhabited deep space near the Kenwood star system.

It definitely can't appear at the same time as Xu Zi'an.

This greatly increases the risk of exposure.

When the next step starts, that's when they play.

A few days later.

Xu Zi'an and the others returned to the Kenwud star system in the hinterland of the Zerg.

Sure enough, it was the third day here.

Xu Zi'an, once again, received an order from the patriarch of the ghost worm human clan-

The content of the plan made Xu Zi'an raise his eyebrows. 5.5

But I didn't expect it.

This time......

The ghost worm human race actually sent two annihilation-level powerhouses with a whole two world-destroying fleets to attack and kill the cosmic human race!

And these two annihilation-level powerhouses, one of them, is still the captain of the sixth-order annihilation ship!

It's just one step away, it's the kind of high-level annihilation ship!


Extremely aggressive.

And he is also one of the elders of the ghost bug human race!

Xu Zi'an's eyes were bright.

You can see it.

This arrangement of the Zergs ......

Apparently hated himself, and he hadn't recovered from the anger he had taken out so many of their super geniuses last time.

Now that there is a chance to retaliate, it is natural to prepare for a dead hand!

Seeing this, Xu An smiled.

I just want ......

The Zerg high-ups.

Especially the Ghost Worm Human Patriarch's endurance is good enough!.

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