During this time.

The Kenwood fleet on the Bugger side.

It did not arouse any suspicion among the top brass of the insect race.

And also because of this incident.

On the Insectoid side, there are no plans to implement for the time being.

But it’s okay even if you have a plan.

Then just open a wormhole over there.

These are all minor issues.

And before taking action!

The income of Huawei Group in the past five years has also been transferred to Xu Zian's account.

In the past five years, Xu Zian has not asked Huawei to transfer money.

Because there aren’t many.

Now... five years have passed.

Xu Zian made a lot of money.

Not much to say.

Xu Zian's original wealth value has reached 95 trillion.

In the past five years, as Xu Zian became famous, the two starships he designed personally have become as famous as the two starships of the future"410" and the Star of Tomorrow.

Even because of Xu Zian's fame, the sales are better than these two starships!

So it led to...

In just five years, the money earned brought Xu Zian a full 77 trillion worth of wealth.

Let Xu Zian's wealth exceed one hundred billion in an instant!

And the breakthrough in wealth value... is no surprise.

System upgrades also come simultaneously.

It was detected that the wealth value exceeded 100 trillion points】

【New system functions are enabled!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the free barrier wormhole ability!】

【Free Barrier Wormhole: You can consume a certain amount of wealth to open up a fixed wormhole in the positive and negative universes that can travel through the positive and negative universes.】

【Note 1: Free barrier wormholes are not restricted by space and can freely enter and exit the positive and negative universes.】

【Note 2: The free barrier wormhole is not restricted by the positive and negative cosmic motion, and will move freely according to the positive and negative cosmic motion. The shuttle point between the two spaces is always fixed at the same point and will not move. 】

Xu Zian... felt his breathing became short.

This ability, at first glance, does not seem to be anything too strange.

But... this ability is so exaggerated and outrageous that not even Xu Zian can calm down.

Why does Xu Zian also have a headache about Anti-Universe?

The reason is... even if it's him.

When going to the anti-universe, sometimes I worry that I will randomly appear in a place in the anti-universe that is extremely far away from the space barrier.

And you must attack the space barrier to return to the positive universe.

Full of randomness. but!!!

Now that you have this ability. all of these.

It’s no longer a problem!

Because, it doesn’t matter where he is in the positive universe or the counter-universe.

You can open the wormhole between the positive and negative universe anytime and anywhere!

Just like you are in the universe, you can open a wormhole and go to the designated target location anytime and anywhere!

This ability, first noted, is……

【Not limited by space].

That is to say.

When I was in anti-universe.

No longer do you need to work hard to find where the spatial barriers are.

You can open the wormhole and leave at any time.

It’s so outrageous! and!

The second note is equally outrageous!

The second note... is equivalent to moving regardless of the positive and negative universes.

As long as you don't cancel this wormhole, or your wealth is not exhausted.

Then this wormhole can always exist!

What does this mean?

This represents... the brilliant army under his command.

You can go to the anti-universe to practice anytime, anywhere.

After you complete your training, you can return through this wormhole anytime and anywhere!

It also represents.

The human race of the universe has a way to return at any time after getting lost in the counter-universe!

Anti-universe... for the humans in the universe.

Life will no longer be a restricted area!

Because in the counter-universe, Xu Zian can also locate a certain senior and directly travel through a wormhole to bring him back. all in all!

This ability is so awesome.

But... (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For now.

It can only be a temporary relief.

To prevent identity exposure.

We can only improve the strength of our soldiers later.


It’s better to go to the Inhumans and execute the plan!

Try to let the Inhumans and Bugs beat each other's brains out. that time.

You can become famous yourself.

Think no more.

Timing is important now.

The locked starship fleet of the Inhumans is currently resting in its star system0..

Just like the Kenwude fleet at the beginning.

It just gave Xu Zian a chance.

Immediately, open the wormhole, take the girls, and go directly to[]


Half a month later.


Xi Baizhan in the star system.

The Xibai Battle Fleet is one of the main groups of the Inhumans, a very famous void fleet of the Xi Inhumans.

There are dozens of people in the fleet.

All void ship captains.

Very powerful in combat.

And no one knows... the current Xibai Battle Fleet.

It has already changed its appearance.

Perfectly replaced by Xu Zian and the Brilliant Fleet.

Xu Zian is now playing the role of Xi Baizhan, the captain of the

Xi Baizhan fleet. today.

It was already the second day since they completely replaced the Xibai Battle Fleet.

After everything is confirmed and there are no problems.

This time.

Xu Zian no longer fought first and then showed off his abilities like he did when he joined the Wude fleet.

Instead, he directly contacted the leader of the Xi Clan and the Inhuman Clan.

What I want to say is... the leader of the Xi Clan and the Inhuman Clan happens to be one of the invincible annihilation-level strongmen of the Inhuman Clan, and he also happens to be Xi Baizhan's uncle!

After confirming Xi Baizhan's usual living habits, speaking habits, etc. in his mind.

Xu Zian no longer hesitated.

Immediately through Xi Baizhan's optical brain watch, I contacted 1.7 with his uncle.

Communication was quickly connected.

A silver-white face with a metallic luster appeared in front of him.

Although the Inhumans are also very ugly.

But compared to the buggers, they are pretty normal.

"Bai Zhan, why did you suddenly remember to contact your uncle?"

The other party's steady voice came from the communicator, with doubts in his eyes.

So far, Xu Zian's disguise has not been found.

Xu Zian calmed down and said tremblingly in an extremely excited tone:" eldest, uncle"

"I, I, I seem to... seem to have awakened the ability to open the wormhole and travel!!!"

His expression was extremely excited.

The leader of the Xi tribe and the alien tribe was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, the pair of pupils that were also glowing with metallic luster suddenly burst out with incredible, exciting, and crazy colors!

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