Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 116 Shake People! The Identity Of Fourth Senior Sister!

Xu Zian smiled.

It's just that the smile is a little cruel.

"What are you going to do?"

Xu Zian smiled coldly: "Of course we will kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

"The two of us...are definitely not enough."

"Not to mention anything else, just their apparent strength is beyond compare."

"Even if you can kill those two cruisers one on two, there are still so many destroyers, assault ships, and frigates."

"Not to mention, since the three four-segmented buggers have come, but the starship has not come... I don't believe it."

"Those three four-segment insectoid starships must be hidden somewhere."

"And if they dare to come here, they must be very, very powerful."

"Start with a battleship, maybe even a deep space ship, or even... a Star Destroyer!"

"It mainly depends on their purpose of lurking here this time to estimate their strength.

So...I'm ready to shake people. "

Listening to Xu Zian's talk, listening to Xu Zian in this situation.

Still calm and full of rational analysis, he analyzed the opponent's situation clearly.

What amazed and appreciated Haitang the most.

It’s Xu “Qi Er San” Zian’s observation and wisdom!

Even she didn't notice any problem.

The guard captain of Harbor Star also didn't notice any problems.

As soon as Xu Zian arrived, he started to peel off the cocoons from some very small details.

The entire line was clearly laid out.

The inner appreciation for Xu Zian is getting stronger and stronger.

"It won't be too late. I don't know who you will call over, but my suggestion is, don't call over those below the cruiser level."

Haitang said: "I will inform the school. What we have to do is to keep an eye on this fleet. It is best to find out what their conspiracy is!"

Xu Zian nodded.

No explanation either.

Just turn on the optical brain watch and start to connect.

He wants to contact...

Of course, my teacher Xia Lao is old.

Among the people he knew, there were not only the senior officials of Shenzhou Academy, but also his Star Wars mentor Zhan Wushuang.

There was basically no one else around.

I did get to know some big guys during my apprenticeship last time.

But I don’t have any communication friends with them.

What's more, I don't know their specific identities at all.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to inform your master!

As for my senior brothers and sisters...

In fact, Xu Zian doesn’t know who they are...

did not ask.

They didn't say anything either.

Xu Zian has never been a person who likes gossip.

When something urgent happened, An directly sent Master a video message.

Just when I was about to make a video call, I suddenly realized that there seemed to be something in my other hand.

Very soft and tender.

Look down.

It is an extremely long and slender hand.

And Haitang happened to think of this at this moment. The two of them looked down at the hands holding each other, and then looked up at each other.

With a slight cough, Xu Zian calmly let go of Haitang's hand.

Haitang's face turned even colder——

If he couldn't defeat Xu Zian, he would definitely not let him go so easily!


You can only pretend that nothing happened.

As a woman, I can't beat him as a man...

Quite reasonable, right?


Very beaver!

Master should be busy.

Xu Zian called many times but got no response.

After thinking about it, Xu Zian sent a message in the communication group of their senior brothers and sisters.

Xu Zian: Dear brothers and sisters, are any of you with Master? I can’t find him now, urgent, urgent!!!

Not a moment later.

There was an immediate reply.

In other words, they happened to not be busy at the moment and all responded.

The first is senior brother.

Zhang Yuanhai: What's wrong, little junior brother? What happened? None of us are with Master.

Then there is the third senior brother.

Wu Le: Junior brother, what happened to you? You can tell us, and we may be able to help you solve it directly.

Next is the second senior sister.

Qi Jingyi: Junior brother, are you being bullied? Tell us and we will help you beat him to death!

Finally, there is the fourth senior sister.

Liu Yuyu: Junior Brother, Junior Brother, is someone bullying you? Tell me quickly! I will go over and help you now! If you dare to bully Junior Brother, you don’t want to live anymore!

Seeing the replies from several senior brothers and sisters, Zi An felt warm in his heart.

They met only once.

But maybe it’s because of the same line of descent.

That feeling of closeness comes naturally.

Xu Zian: No, no, I discovered something very urgent!

Xu Zian: Today, I went out to hunt pirates with a... friend and came to a wandering commercial planet called Harbor Star.

Xu Zian: Then...


Xu Zian told everything he had discovered and what he had guessed.

I don’t know if others can believe it.

But his four senior brothers and sisters can be trusted 100%.

Besides, I can’t find my master now.

If you can't shake the master, then you can only shake the brothers and sisters.

After all it seems...

They seem to be very powerful too?

But Xu Zian doesn't know how powerful it is.

Anyway, I just know that these senior brothers and sisters are very awesome.

Then tell them.

Presumably they will find a way.


After listening to Xu Zian's well-founded analysis and narration.

The communication group immediately exploded.

Wu Le: Damn it!!!

Qi Jingyi: Heh...!!! Junior brother, your analysis is very reasonable. I think we should be inseparable!

Zhang Yuanhai: Wait! I will take people there as quickly as possible, it will not take more than ten days at most!

Zhang Yuanhai: But junior brother, you must pay attention to your own safety and be sure not to be noticed by them, otherwise you will be in great danger!

Liu Yuyu: Hahaha! Exciting and exciting! Junior brother is waiting for me, senior sister, I only need five days at most, I can be there in five days!

Liu Yuyu: I said, senior brother, we can do this kind of thing. Why don't you come over and join in the fun?

Liu Yuyu: You are here, we don’t even have to drink the soup. After all, the principal of Shenzhou Academy is a Star Destroyer captain, and several vice-principals are also deep space ship captains.0

Liu Yuyu: I can barely grab a bite of meat when they are here, but when you come, I can’t even drink the soup!

Liu Yuyu: You are not allowed to come! You are not allowed to come! If you dare to come, I will tell my sister-in-law that you are bullying me!

Zhang Yuanhai:

Zhang Yuanhai: No, no, let’s just say there’s no need to tell your sister-in-law about this, right?

Zhang Yuanhai: I'm not worried about my junior brother's safety...Okay, okay, I won't go, okay?

Wu Le: Haha, I'm going! I'm going! I'm single, Fourth Junior Sister, you have no place to complain!

Qi Jingyi: You have gone too far. Have you ever bullied the Fourth Junior Sister like this?

Qi Jingyi: Fourth Junior Sister, let me go and raid the formation for you. After all, I don’t know what the opponent’s strength is, right?

Liu Yuyu:………

Looking at their chat history, Xu Zian was a little confused.

It's because I didn't express myself clearly...

These three four-segment zerg races are most likely to be battleships, or even three Star Destroyers?


It could be even higher!


But how come all my senior brothers and sisters are like hungry wolves who have seen sheep?

Totally ignore the three Star Destroyers?

Of course, the possibility of three Star Destroyers is not very high.

But, deep space ships are also super awesome, right?


Isn't this a bit too contemptuous?

Xu Zian: Uh...calm down, brothers and sisters, calm down!

Xu Zian: My expression was wrong. I guess that these three four-section Zerg races may be the captains of battleships, or even three deep space ships, or even three Star Destroyers!

Xu Zian: So... why don't we see if it would be safer to call in some Star Destroyer captains?

As soon as these words came out.

The communication group was quiet for a moment.

Zhang Yuanhai: Haha, junior brother, blame us, blame us for not telling you our identity in 1.7.

Zhang Yuanhai: Actually, the main reason is that I am afraid that you will be under personal pressure.

Zhang Yuanhai: Well... As for the Fourth Junior Sister, you may think she looks quite young, but in fact she is... over four thousand years old.

Zhang Yuanhai: In addition, she has a total of two identities in your Earth Federation.

Zhang Yuanhai: The first identity is that she is the vice president of your Earth Federation Evolutionary Association.

Zhang Yuanhai: In her second identity, she is still your Earth Federation, deputy commander of the federal army.

Zhang Yuanhai: He is one of the few Star Destroyer captains in your Earth Federation!

Zhang Yuanhai: Oh, by the way, among the ten Star Destroyer captains, she ranks third in strength.

Zhang Yuanhai: The principal of Shenzhou University where you are currently studying is ranked second.

Zhang Yuanhai: So...even if there are three Star Destroyers, it won't be a big problem.

Look in the communication group.

Senior Brother Zhang Yuanhai’s explanation.

Xu Zian's expression slowly became dull.

Every explanation.

Xu Zian's mouth opened even wider.

Wait until Zhang Yuanhai finishes explaining the identity of Fourth Senior Sister Liu Yuyu...

Xu Zian.

Already silent.

Completely speechless. .

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