Huge fleets sailed in the universe.

In the cockpit of one of the Star Destroyers.

The disguise of appearing human has faded away, revealing the ugly and disgusting appearance of the four-segmented insect race.

The four body parts seem to be divided into four sections, with only a very thin section connecting them in the middle.

How to describe it......

Just like the wasp of the earth, the belly and upper part are connected.

But the wasp at least looks normal, the four-segmented bug-human race...

It looked misshapen and disgusting.

The most important thing is that it has human-like body parts, arms, legs, etc.

Anyway, it looks weird.

And at this time.

in front of him.

There are projection images of several people.

in the screen.

is a human being.

And this human being was also talking to another person projected in front of him.

This human being is middle-aged, and the human being projected in front of him is a young man!

The young man had a flattering smile on his face, and every time he looked at the four-segmented insect race, the flattery on his face became even brighter.

There's even a hint of fanaticism.

"The great Lord Oruzikson."

“Although our current location has moved a bit, we can be sure that it is still within this area.

"Because we are looking for traces of a group of interstellar pirates."

"It has not been found yet, and it is expected that the search will take at least three days."

"We will never move within three days!"

In the projection, the young man replied flatteringly and respectfully.

This four-segmented insectoid named Oruzikson said with an indifferent expression: "Yeah.

"You did a very good job."

"Our great four-section insect race will definitely give you the most generous reward!"

"The starship you need, and the evolution plan we specially prepared for you."

"There are also nano-star clusters, which will be placed in your secret residence for you in the future."

"keep it up!"

"When the time comes in the future, you will make greater contributions to us."

"Our great four-segmented insect race will specially accept you as one of us."

"Enjoy greatness with us!"

The young man suddenly felt as if he had been beaten with blood, and his face turned red with excitement.

He said with great respect: "The great Lord Oruzikson."

"I will definitely work harder..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet!

Then he saw the expression on Oruziksen's dead face suddenly change wildly.

Then he yelled at the top of his lungs: "Be careful!!!"

"There are enemies!!!"

"There's an ambush!!!"

"Damn it! Damn it!! It's a Star Destroyer!"

"The great insect god above is actually the damn federal army!!!"

"We were ambushed! We were ambushed!!!"

His expression instantly became extremely ferocious, and he looked at the confused young man in the projection.

The look in his eyes seemed to eat this young man alive: "Tell me! Is it you?"

"Damn it, did you frame us!!!"

The young man had long been stunned by this sudden change.

And didn't even wait for his answer.

The other party suddenly interrupted communication.

The young man stood there blankly.


An extremely bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Lord Oruzikson's fleet was ambushed!

And they were ambushed by the Federation Army led by a Star Destroyer!


They spent a huge price to finally sneak into the Human Federation.

If it was really discovered at that time, it would be impossible to take action now!

After infiltrating, the whole process was carried out in the unmanned sky, making it impossible to be detected!

After all, the universe is so vast, how can it be detected!

The most important thing is that they almost all use space jumps throughout the process!

Could it be that......

The young man suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be said that his identity has been discovered long ago?

The reason why he has not been exposed is because he is actually fishing?

The young man's expression suddenly changed.

But no matter what the reason is.

I absolutely cannot stay in this place any longer.

Absolutely not!

He didn't hesitate.

Launch the starship and prepare to escape.


His starship has just been launched.

A sigh.

A sound of contempt.

kept ringing in his communicator.

" turns out it's really you."

"Wow... I didn't expect you to be a traitor to our human race?"

"It's a shame, it's a shame for our special recruitment camp! It's a shame for our Feilong Pavilion!"

"It's really a shame for me to be of the same human race as you!!!"

The young man's expression was stunned.

Then he understood.



There is only one last way to go.

Listening to the disdainful voices and sighs in the communicator.

He suddenly looked crazy and yelled: "Why are you talking about me!"

"Why are you talking about me!!!"


"Which one of you was not born into a privileged person!"

"Since you were young, you have had good food and clothing, and have been provided with natural resources and treasures every day to stimulate your bioenergy!"

"As soon as you wake up, you can immediately bind tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, or hundreds of millions of starships?!"

"And me?!"

"My dad works part-time!"

"My mom doesn't even have a job!"

"And since I was little, my talent has been the best in the school!"

“But I don’t have your resources! None!!!”

"If I don't join the Insects and get a lot of natural resources, why should I join the special recruitment camp and have the same status as you so-called geniuses?!"

"Why do you look down on me? When it comes to looking down on me, I look down on you the most!!!"

He looks like crazy, looks like crazy.

Such as shouting these words hysterically, suddenly burst into laughter several times.

The words fell.

Without hesitation.

Pulling out the pistol from his waist, he pointed the muzzle at his temple with reluctance and resentment...


His purpose was obviously going to fail.

A stream of light flashed.

Both arms were broken at shoulder level.

"Come on, everyone!"

Block all roads for me!"

"No one can escape!"

"Deep space carriers and Star Destroyers, all taken away from the main battlefield!"

Liu Yuyu's voice seemed to have changed when he entered combat mode.

Although the sound is still so crisp and sweet.

But there is an invisible coldness and murderous aura.

With her order fell.

All the starships that were lying in ambush emerged one after another.

This is almost a one-sided battle without any disparity.

The Earth Federation, in terms of the human federation in the entire universe.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small place.

But how powerful the human race is!

Even the tiny Earth Federation cannot make waves with just a few Star Destroyers and deep space ships!

Look at the starships of the fourth segment of the Insect race.

As soon as they were attacked, they began to flee.

But they didn't flee in all directions.

Because they know it very well.

Fleeing in all directions, there is no other possibility except being defeated one by one.

Only by uniting together and attacking in one direction can the regiment break through the encirclement.

Just the response to this emergency is far from the combat thinking that those interstellar pirates can match.

What a coincidence they were.

Like a sharp arrow, it happened to choose Liu Yuyu's direction as the breakthrough direction -

Maybe they were confused by Liu Yuyu's pink-painted Star Destroyer.

Think it's best to bully.

The starship of the human traitor suddenly fell into panic.

In panic, he quickly followed the insectoid starship in front.

All of a sudden, all the enemy's starships rushed towards this side.

Behind Liu Yuyu.

All Federation starships are dispatched.

Even if they were faced with three Star Destroyers and five deep space ships, they would attack fiercely and not one of them would flinch.

The Brilliance was still parked in place, but its engine was started.

Xu Zian did not go up to cause trouble for the time being.

This level of war is now.

He did nothing but add to the chaos.

He is waiting for his chance.

Waiting for the enemy's Star Destroyers, Deep Space Ships, Cruisers, Destroyers, and Assault Ships to be pulled away...

The remaining frigates are his target.

Nine frigates in total!!!

Xu Zian was so greedy that his mouth almost watered.

Don’t say anything else.

Just take down these nine frigates.

There is absolutely no problem in translational evolution to frigate.


Instant explosion!!!

And Xu Zian.

The Terror of Star Destroyers.

Liu Yuyu's Star Destroyer, a golden energy shield, protected her Star Destroyer (Wang Zhao Zhao) inside.

Immediately afterwards.

Accompanied by the sound of ‘whoosh whoosh whoosh’.

A missile is launched at the speed of light or even at the speed of light.

He attacked the three Star Destroyers extremely bravely.

The chance of evading or intercepting a super-light missile is very low.

In less than a blink of an eye, it exploded on the equally golden energy shields of the three Star Destroyers.

One by one, nuclear-condensed hydrogen bomb warheads like the sun appeared suddenly like stars.

The terrifying power is enough to destroy half of the city——

The half city mentioned is a city equivalent to the size of a continent on Earth.


Such terrifying power only caused certain obstacles to the three Star Destroyers.

The energy shield has not been broken.

However, at least half of the energy of the energy shield has been consumed!

The main purpose of this missile is just to consume the energy of the enemy's energy shield.

What kind of effective damage can be done to a Star Destroyer by relying on a mere hydrogen bomb?

Almost the same as dreaming.


[There is a suggestion in the comment area to match the starship level with the captain level. Then I will post it to the relevant section of the work, and everyone can watch it by themselves! In addition, in order not to affect reading, the maximum is currently only posted to the Immortal Ship! I will add more when more powerful starships appear in the future! Thank you for your support!]

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