Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 160 The Whole Clan Rebels And Shakes People Up Again!

A circular hole that was so blue that it turned black and the space was distorted, suspended out of thin air among the barren mountains.

The round hollow was filled with thick energy lightning flashes from time to time.

Xu Zian's eyes were dull and he stared blankly over there.

After a long time, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Worm, wormhole???"

Xu Zian felt that his throat was dry.

He thought about ten thousand possibilities.

I even thought about it...

Could those interstellar pirates be dressed up by the Ghanaians themselves?

Just to be able to create a strong man who belongs to the Ghana tribe.

But I never thought about it.

The first discovery of the secrets of the Ghana tribe………..

That's how shocking it is.


That is the Star Gate!!!

A stargate capable of space jumping!!!

Xu Zian would never think of it anyway.

Ghanaian people.

There is actually a star gate!!!

Although it is a super small star gate.

However, with its diameter, there is absolutely no problem with a 10,000-meter starship at a time!

I just don’t know if this star gate is natural or...

No! Definitely natural.

Perhaps it was a natural wormhole that suddenly appeared one day.

Because if the star gate is opened manually.

Let’s not talk about whether the technology is available to the Ghanaian people, and whether the terrifying cost is affordable to the Ghanaian people.

It is only said that whenever an artificial wormhole appears, it will definitely be discovered and locked by the detection equipment of the Universal Human Federation as soon as possible!

Only natural wormholes cannot be detected!

Therefore, we can be 10,000% sure that this ultra-small wormhole must be a natural one.

I just don’t know how long it has been there, let alone where it leads!


Since this natural wormhole appeared in the Ghanaian people, why didn't they report it?

Instead, they hide it and protect it so closely?

This discovery alone.

Xu Zian just needs to report it.

Welcome to the Ghanaian people.

Definitely genocide.

The human race of the universe.

It is indeed a very tolerant race.

Because among the three peak overlord groups.

Only the cosmic human race, Tuan and the orthodox human race have such a harmonious relationship!

Other Inhumans and Insects.

Their vassal races are all treated like servants.


The human race in the universe is very tolerant.

But it doesn’t mean that the humans in the universe are not ruthless!

How can a person gain a foothold if he is not ruthless?

If the humans in the universe are not ruthless enough...

How is it possible to become one of the three top dominant groups today?

Standing in the universe for countless years?

What’s more, so many vassal races are so shocked that they rarely betray the human race in the universe?


It is an absolutely insurmountable red line for the human race in the universe.

Whatever is discovered.

Leave no one behind!

That is to say...

Xu Zian reported the situation.

No matter what reason the Ghana tribe concealed this natural wormhole.

There is only one result waiting for the Ghanaian people——

The entire clan perished.

Whether it is the elderly or children.

Or men or women.

No chicken or dog left.

One ant raised by the Ghanaian tribe was not killed.

That all belongs to the great kindness of the human race in the universe!

Xu Zian's expression also became indifferent.

He also belongs to the human race, and he also belongs to the orthodox human race!

Enjoying all the safety and convenience brought to you by the Universal Human Alliance, you are also deeply aware of the evil of these races that betray the orthodox human race!

Ghanaians must die!

No matter what they want to do.

If this natural wormhole is not reported, it will definitely die.

Just when Xu Zian was about to contact Liu Yuyu immediately, tell her about the matter, and ask her to directly lead the federal army to pacify the Ghana tribe...


The pupils of his eyes contracted again!

See you!

In the wormhole, the energy fluctuations were greater and the space distortion became more obvious.

Xu Zian knew that this was a sign that someone was coming from the other side!


Not a moment later.

A strange-looking starship slowly flew out of it.

The moment I saw this starship...

Xu Zian felt like his breathing was stagnant——

Inhuman starship.

This is an Inhuman starship!!!

As an evolutionist.

And for those who have fought countless life-and-death battles with the Inhumans in Star Wars simulations.

Inhuman starship...

Xu Zian could not be more familiar.

Even with just one glance, one can recognize that this is the starship of the Motie Inhumans from the servant group of the Inhumans.


The biggest difference from the human race.

All aliens will transform their bodies.

Use various methods to transform your body into a stronger one.

You can even modify your genes, modify your talents, etc.

For example, this Motie alien.

Their biggest feature.

It means to replace all your internal organs, bones, and skin with parts made of black iron.

Except for the brain.

The rest of the body.

Almost all are made of black iron.

And the more powerful the Inhumans are, the more terrifying their transformed bodies will be!

He will even eventually use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to evolve his body.

Just like evolving a starship!

Xu Zian never expected it.

This Ghanaian tribe.

He actually had an affair with the Mo Tie Yiren clan.


Xu Zian thought about the genetic defect that the Ghanaian people were born with.


He understood something.

"That's it, that's it!"

A cold sneer appeared at the corner of Xu Zian's mouth.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed——

He saw it again.

One after another, drones began to spray paint around the Inhuman starship.


Although this Inhuman starship is still an Inhuman starship at its core.

But the exterior painting was specially painted to look like a certain logo——

The logo of the interstellar pirates!

See here.

Xu Zian understood it completely.

With murderous intent in his eyes, he glanced coldly over there.

No more hesitation.

Something moved in my heart.

It disappeared directly in place.

Appeared in his eldest wife’s brilliant account.

Because there is no need to continue exploring.

There is no need to go back to the little wife's brilliant account.

From the currently known information.



First, he pressed the private channel and said in a deep voice: "Pay attention."

“I discovered some conspiracy of this Ghanaian people.

"This Ghanaian has an affair with the Inhumans."

"Don't be angry or panic yet."

"Everything remains the same, but I have to cheer up 10,000 percent.

"I'm going to force you to come over and kill this Ghanaian tribe!"

"But it will probably take several days to arrive."

"These days, you must be careful and careful!"

Xu Zian’s words.

The three women were so shocked that their minds were in a mess and buzzing.

But what Xu Zian likes most about them is...

Carry out his orders unconditionally!


No one asked Xu Zian how he found it.

No one doubted Xu Zian's words.

He just listened to Xu Zian's words and raised his vigilance to the highest level with an extremely serious expression.

And Xu Zian warned them.

Without hesitation, he opened the communication group of several of their senior brothers.

Say nothing.

A group communication video was sent directly.

Liu Yuyu and Wu Le have been waiting for news about Xu Zian.

The call was answered immediately.

It just so happens that the senior brother and second senior sister seem to be free at the moment.

Seeing that Xu Zian sent a 497 group message, everyone answered it out of curiosity.


The virtual projections of the five brothers appeared on each other's optical brain watches.

Once connected...

Liu Yuyu was the first to ask excitedly: "Junior brother, did you discover anything about the Ghanaian tribe?"

Wu Le's eyes shone: "Junior brother, me, me, me, it's my turn this time!"

Second Senior Sister Qi Jingyi looked at the three of them in confusion and asked, "What are you talking about? What did the Junior Brother discover?"

Senior Brother Zhang Yuanhai's eyes moved slightly, and he said in a startled tone: "Junior Brother."

"You wouldn't have discovered another human traitor, or traces of the bug-human race, right?"

Several people were shocked and looked at Xu Zian, waiting for his answer.

Xu Zian shook his head and said solemnly: "Although no trace of the insectoids was found."

"But I have confirmed the fact that the entire Ghanaian clan has rebelled against the human race!"

"Furthermore, it is confirmed that the entire Ghana tribe has surrendered to the Inhumans!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The four senior brothers and sisters all looked startled.

An expression of astonishment and astonishment.

Frozen on the face.

Ghanaian people…….…

Whole clan rebellion?

Joined the Inhumans???

This, how is this possible!!!

The Earth Federation is extremely far away from the border.

Even if they seek refuge, where will they seek refuge? How will they seek refuge?

Even if he took refuge, how could no one find out after so many years???

Although intellectually I really don’t want to believe it.


They, their junior brothers, would never joke about something like this.

And look at the coldness and murderous intent in the eyes of the younger brother

That seems to be the case.

This matter is very close.

There's just one thing that makes them confused -

This Ghanaian people.

How did you avoid the heavy blockade of the human race and get in touch with the alien race?

And the entire clan betrayed him?


This is so weird!.

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