Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 184 Arena Match! Star Wars Evolution Twin Monsters!

Xu Zian didn't know what Haitang had in mind.

He didn't ask.

I don’t want to ask either.

Always adhere to the six-character policy of a good man.


The two of them have arrived at the Evolutionist Association branch in the Chinese star system.

The Evolutionist Association branch of the Chinese star system is located on the largest and most prosperous planet in the Chinese star system.

On the heavenly star.

The reason for this name.

Very simple.

This heavenly star is a gaseous planet, not a solid planet.

But this does not affect the prosperity of this planet!

There are floating cities scattered all over almost the entire planet.

There are tens of thousands of floating cities alone.

Moreover, the area of ​​these floating cities is no smaller than any province on earth!

So you can imagine how prosperous this planet is.

Metal bases that are huge in size, comparable to large pieces of land, are suspended in the clouds.

And on the suspended metal base.

Then tall buildings are rising from the ground.

Even the top of the tallest building is already in space.

The whole thing looks like it is suspended in the clouds, just like the heaven in myth.

So it was named Tiantingxing.

The "350" Evolutionist Association branch of the Chinese star system is located in the Tianting City of the Tianting Star.

Tianting City, you can know it just by hearing the name.

This city is the core area of ​​Tianting Star.

The largest and most prosperous!

The floating metal base that supports it is so large that it is equivalent to the total area of ​​Asia on Earth!

With such a terrifying and huge city suspended in the sky, the visual shock is imaginable.

In addition, because it has a fairly high-end life support system and gravity support system.

Living on this floating city.

In fact, there is no difference from living on real land.

Moreover, many areas on the ground are covered with rock layers, soil layers, etc.

There are also a lot of green plants planted, even in the forest.

There are even a large number of wild animals living in the forest!


Under the civilization of the interstellar era of the universe.

Nothing is impossible.

The starship was driven directly to the landing pad of the Evolutionary Association.

Afterwards, he and Haitang walked off the starship.

it's here.

Naturally, there is no need to wear space armor.

Both of them were wearing very ordinary clothes, which were relaxed, comfortable and comfortable.

Needless to say the surrounding environment.

Maintained by high-end life support systems.

This is the most suitable place for human beings to live and survive!

It's just the environment that's special.


You can reach out and touch the clouds.

The rainbow is so close on a rainy day.

If it rains, you don’t have to worry about thunderstorms or anything like that.

That thing is so well-behaved in front of the life support system that it is impossible for it to appear.

It will only rain.

Xu Zian’s itinerary.

Naturally, people were paying attention the whole time.

He just showed up.

Immediately, a staff member came forward to guide him.

A place for fighting.

It is in a very large evolution factory of the association.

This evolution factory can even be used to evolve an immortal ship that is 10,000 meters long.

It's more than enough for competition.

The arena is located in the middle of the evolution factory.

It is divided into two parts in the middle, each with a set of equipment for evolving starships.

Xu Zian chose a direction as the arena for him to wait for.

The challenger will go to the area opposite him to challenge himself.

Surrounding the second, third and fourth floors.

They were all filled with densely packed people.

These people all came to watch it live.

Of course, ordinary people cannot come in to watch it live.

Either he is a member or staff member of the Evolutionist Association, or someone with connections in his family.

As for ordinary people...

It can only be viewed outside, through a very large virtual holographic projection.

Although looking at it this way, it may even be clearer than looking at it live.

But the atmosphere is obviously different.

It's like watching football or the Olympics.

The view on TV is definitely better, but where can I get the atmosphere of a live show?

As soon as Xu Zian arrived, the scene became more lively.

The shouts sounded like spectators watching a sports match.

However, after the official start, their voices will be completely blocked so as not to disturb the evolutionist's thinking.

"Ahhh! So handsome!!!"

"Indeed, Xu Zian is more handsome in real life than on the Dark Matter Network!"

"Oh my god... is this a monster-level genius? Star Wars just defeated the arrogant Hu Honghu in twenty seconds, and now he is the master of Evolution City Dahan again?"

"It's so powerful. The twin monsters of Star Wars Evolution are worthy of being the brightest stars of all time!"

"I heard that Xu Zian is still single, but I don't know if I have a chance!"

The noise in his ears did not affect Xu Zian.

His gaze.

Look towards the ten challengers in the preparation area opposite.

They all look like young men and women.

But how to say it.

In this era, one cannot judge a person's age by appearance.

According to the information Haitang told him on the way here, he learned it.

These ten challengers.

They are all in their forties.

Among them, there is also a second-grade evolution master!

Although speaking of an evolutionist, the higher the level, the harder it is to break through.

Sometimes the first and second grades in front of you break through quickly.

And there are not a few people who are trapped in the third level for their entire lives.

But anyway.

A second-grade evolutionist in his forties...

It's enough to be called a genius.

No matter how talented he is.

Xu Zian didn't care either.

Because no one is as talented as him.

Maybe when he is in his forties......

I'm afraid they are already fourth- and fifth-grade evolution masters, right?

Xu Zian has absolute confidence in this.

Xu Zian looked at them.

They also looked at Xu Zian.

Their expressions were very solemn.

As the saying goes, people are the shadow of famous trees.

They act as evolvers.

How come you haven’t heard of Xu Zian’s name?

I heard that Xu Zian's name was definitely not because of Mr. Xia.

At their level, they are not yet exposed to matters at Mr. Xia's level.

They know Xu Zian.

Simply because of media propaganda.

That's all.

in addition.

Xu Zian can be the champion.

In fact, it is enough to illustrate his strength.


I will never look down on Xu Zian or take him lightly just because he is young.

Including that second-grade evolutionist...

You will never think that you are better than Xu Zian just because Xu Zian is only a first-grade evolutionist!

Evolution Master Competition.

The competition is not just about the highest level of starship you can evolve!

Emphasis on comparison.

At the same level.

Whose evolution time is short;

Who has the lowest evolutionary cost;

Who has a high evolutionary focus;

Whose evolution quality is better!

This is the focus of the competition, and this is the only way to truly select the real geniuses.

He glanced at them a few times.

Xu Zian stopped reading.

Feel free to choose the left side as the arena.

Then wait for the game to start.

Twelve o'clock sharp.

The scene was originally noisy.

It was like the pause button was suddenly pressed.

Their voices were instantly blocked.

at the same time!

The voice of the Evolutionist Association's intelligent optical brain also sounded simultaneously.


The entire process will be set, supervised, and scored by an intelligent optical computer.

In these three aspects, no manual addition is allowed.

This will ensure the fairness and impartiality of the competition in all aspects.

"Please both sides be prepared."

"Earth Federation Evolutionary Association, the Young Evolutionary Competition is about to begin!"

"The defending party: Xu Zian."

"Challenge: Yu Cheng, why not be beautiful..."

"Now, randomly arrange the challengers!"

"Confirm the order!"

"Challenge rules: The defending team will accept the challenge from ten people."

“If the challenger fails, the winner of the challenge will serve as the new challenger and continue to accept challenges from the remaining challengers.

"If you succeed in defending, you will advance to the semi-finals."

"After each challenge, there is a six-hour rest period.

The intelligent optical brain tells the rules concisely and clearly.

Say it or not.

This rule is simply too simple and crude.

As the challenger, Xu Zian will accept the challenge of ten challengers.

Failure even once is equivalent to direct failure.

The winner shall be the winner.

Continue to accept the challenge of the remaining people.

3.8 If the last person succeeds in the challenge...

That would be equivalent to advancing directly to the semi-finals.

It’s such a simple rule!

However, in order to be fair to the defenders, there will be a six-hour rest period after each challenge.

But Xu Zian is definitely not needed.

With the sound of the intelligent optical brain falling.

The first challenge has also officially begun.

The intelligent optical brain creates questions and then gives a general framework.

After that, both parties can choose the evolved starship situation and so on.

It's relatively free.

The official start of the challenge.

Immediately, countless people watching the battle widened their eyes and watched nervously.

They just want to see...

It is said that the evolutionist talent is even more powerful than Xu Zian's Star Wars talent...

His level of evolution.

How on earth!

This news.

Is it true?

If Xu Zian's evolutionist talent is really more powerful than his Star Wars talent as rumored...

That is unimaginable.

Xu Zian’s evolution talent.

How powerful is it?

Must be like his Star Wars talents.

Suppress the contemporary era?

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