” If you can catch such a woman , wouldn’t you be able to fight for decades less !”

” Save it , do n’t daydream , can people like us see it ?”


During the rush hour , there were many class members in the Dawning Building, and the appearance of Yang Qian caused quite a stir .

Fragrant car beauties are always the most attractive to men .

Although she is not a vain person , it is a woman’s nature to like to be noticed . Yang Qian is still a little happy , but she seems to be a lot lighter when she walks .

picking up the car yesterday , before the two parted , Xia Ze gave Yang Qian the company’s address . This was her first day of work .

When the elevator was on , there were even a few male staff members scrambling to help press the elevator , which satisfied Yang Qian’s vanity .

Take the elevator all the way to the fifty-sixth floor of Shuguang Building , and find the company’s location according to the prompt .

Vientiane Jiarun Food Co., Ltd.

Seeing the signboard , Yang Qian muttered to herself .

Could it be that Boss is in the food industry ?

Walking into the office area , you will be greeted by the front desk .

A good-looking young lady greeted her : ” Hello , is this Assistant Yang ?”

She had been explained in advance and learned that Yang Qian came to report today .

” Ah , yes , hello !”

” Hello Assistant Yang , I’m Li Xiaoli , the front desk of the company , please take care of me in the future !”

The young lady has a nice voice , sweet smile , and a good image . It is easy for people to have a good impression . The front desk is indeed quite suitable .

That’s why Xia Ze selected her among the many candidates .

Although it is only the front desk , there are many people fighting for it , because the salary is 30% higher than the same position in most companies , and other benefits are also quite good .

Yang Qian hurriedly said, “You ‘re welcome , we are all colleagues !”

a casual chat , Li Xiaoli said , ” Assistant Yang , I’ll take you to see President Xia first , he’s already waiting there !”

” Okay , thank you !”

As Li Xiaoli came to the boss’s office , in addition to Xia Ze , she also met Cao Nianbo by accident .

” Assistant Yang , you are here , hurry up and sit down !”

At the company’s official occasion , there were other people present , and Xia Ze didn’t call him that nickname .

” Thanks Boss !”

Yang Qian was seated in an office chair , opposite Fatty .

” Assistant Yang , I saw that day when I saw that you and our boss are very destined , hehe , look , this is not a family !”

The fat man’s fat face was full of smiles .

That day, when Yang Qian was so drunk , Xia Ze took it away .

Can the boss of the duck to the mouth not eat it ?

You won’t believe it if you kill a fat man !

So he decided that Yang Qian was already Xia Ze’s woman .

Moreover, Xia Ze arranged for her to be the secretary and assistant , which can also explain a lot .

Boss and secretary , everyone knows it !

And it was the first time that Xia Ze valued the woman around him so much . He didn’t just play around like before , but also brought her into the company and let her participate in his own business , so Fatty’s attitude towards Yang Qian was a good one .

Yang Qian’s pretty face turned red all of a sudden , and she heard Fatty’s overtones : ” Mr. Cao is joking !”

” Don’t , don’t, Miss Yang , please don’t call me President Cao , I can’t afford it, Fatty , Xiao Cao , Abo are all fine !”

Xia Ze coughed dryly : ” Fatty , don’t talk nonsense !”

Li Xiaoli is still here. Although this young lady at the front desk is very smart and will definitely not talk nonsense , but now that she is the boss of the company , she still has to pay attention to her image and reputation , otherwise how can she convince the public .

” Yes , boss , it’s my words !”

The fat man quickly closed his big mouth .

Chapter Nineteen Philippine swine fever , a new opportunity to make money !

The lady at the front desk got tea and left with interest .

Xia Ze spoke again : ” Assistant Yang , Abo , have you watched international news these days ?”

Yang Qian nodded .

She used to work in securities, and the volatility of the stock market has a lot to do with social and political current affairs , so she is used to paying attention to the news every day , which has become a habit , and it has not changed since she resigned .

The fat man scratched his head and said embarrassedly, ” Boss , I’m just an ant citizen , and I’m not interested in these international events , you know !”

” Come on, I didn’t expect you to pay attention !”

Xia Ze rolled his eyes , then continued : “A few days ago , swine fever broke out in Feizhou !”

” Swine fever ?”

The fat man frowned and asked inexplicably, ” Boss , the swine fever in Feizhou has something to do with us ?”

Xia Ze said indifferently : ” If I said that the swine fever in the Philippines will not be long before it will break out in our country ?”

“What if there will be an outbreak in our country , we are not from the animal husbandry and epidemic prevention department . ”

The fat man was still confused .

Xia Ze couldn’t help scolding : ” You are a pig head , you will never be enlightened !”

Yang Qian’s eyes lit up : ” Boss means that the price of pork in our country will definitely rise by then , which is an opportunity for all food companies !”

Live pigs are also a type of futures .

Once a large-scale plague occurs , the index of hog futures will inevitably fluctuate greatly !

from the securities side for physical business can sometimes be used by analogy .

” Look at Assistant Yang , and I said it all at once , Fatty , you have to learn more from others , do n’t think about drinking and picking girls all day long , you won’t be able to make a lot of money !”

Xia Ze has a tone of hatred that iron cannot become steel .

Fatty is not liked by the family like the former owner of his body . There must be a reason, and he is indeed too incompetent .

However , since Fatty was to be his helper , he had to change slowly .

” Yes , the boss taught me that starting today , I must watch international news every day !”

The fat man made a military order .

Even the eldest brother has taken it all in . As a younger brother , I can’t hold back !

This major international event also happened in Xia Ze’s previous life .

Many pigs in Philippine farms have been wiped out , and a large number of them have been culled by the government .

When this news first appeared, it was like a pebble thrown into the sea , and it did not cause much response in China .

However, it didn’t take long for the plague storm to spread to the country .

The epidemic has occurred in a large number of areas , and the stock and production capacity of live pigs have dropped sharply , resulting in a surge in pork prices , and many people have made a fortune for nothing .

As a rebirth , Xia Ze would be an idiot if he didn’t seize this great opportunity .

Fatty excitedly said, ” Boss , is your news reliable ?”

Xia Ze smiled without saying a word .

The plague has not yet entered the country .

There isn’t any definitive news either .

However, relying on the information obtained in his previous life, he has an advantage over others .

The fat man understood .

Maybe this swine fever already exists in China , but the news has been sealed and it has not been made public .

But the boss is from the Xia family in Jingjing , and the Xia family has great powers , so it is not surprising to get some inside information .

The fat man said excitedly : ” So , as long as we stock up a lot of live pigs now , we will not be able to make a fortune !”

Xia Ze didn’t answer , but turned his eyes to Yang Qian : ” Assistant Yang , tell me what you think !”

Yang Qian pondered for a while : ” Boss , I think it ‘s not meat pigs that we should hoard the most !”

” Oh , why ?”

Xia Ze asked with great interest .

” Since swine fever may break out in China , then the magic capital may not be spared . In other words , the pigs we hoard may also contract swine fever . This is a very risky gamble . If you bet right , you will make a lot of money . Bet wrong and lose completely ! In addition , when consumers buy pork, they will also worry about whether they will buy venomous pork . ”

A fiery light flashed in Xia Ze’s eyes, and Yang Qian’s analysis coincided with his .

” Yeah , why didn’t I think of this !”

The fat man was annoyed .

” However , we can stock up on safer meat alternatives like poultry or seafood , which I prefer because seafood is expensive and people don’t eat it that often for health reasons . , chicken and duck are cheaper and healthier !”

Yang Qian said all her thoughts in one go .

Although it was the first time to analyze this kind of business , for some reason her mind was full of inspiration and her thinking was extremely clear .

” That’s right , it’s poultry we’re hoarding !”

Xia Ze rubbed his palms and laughed .

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