Xia Ze saved one thing .

He slapped his forehead : ” Mr. Wu , I forgot , you haven’t had dinner yet !”

” Hehe , little friend Xia Ze , don’t bother , I have to rush back to the research institute immediately , just deal with it on the way !”

Wu Laozheng was excited , and he didn’t feel hungry , not to mention that he couldn’t wait to study this technique that might be a breakthrough in traditional Chinese medicine .

” If that’s the case , then I won’t stay !”

Xia Ze also knew that the academician had a tight schedule and did not force it .

After sending Wu Shangbai out of the gate of the villa , the two bodyguards were still waiting outside .

After standing for several hours , they were still tall and straight , and they were not tired . Xia Ze guessed that they were probably elite special forces .

Before leaving , Mr. Wu held Xia Ze’s hand tightly : ” Xia Ze , the country and the institute will never forget your selfless dedication , goodbye !”

” Old Wu , goodbye !”

530 watched Mr. Wu get into the car , Xia Ze couldn’t help but said: ” Elder Wu , wait a minute …”

window of the car fell , Wu Shangbai asked , ” Little friend , is there anything else ?”

Xia Ze hesitated , but finally said : ” Please pay attention to rest and take care !”

In his previous life, he brushed the disappearance of this academician on Douyin , which is about ten years away from now .

Seeing Mr. Wu in reality , Xia Ze could see at a glance that his body was a little weak .

Long-term research and exhaustion are eating away at his health .

However , even if Xia Ze has a strong inheritance of ancient medical skills , it is difficult to change the fate of Wu Lao .

Because he was overworked for a long time , his body was exhausted , and he died after running out of oil and light . Even a genius doctor had nothing to do with such a natural death .

Now that Mr. Wu is nearly 80 years old , the best way to prolong his life is to retire immediately and enjoy his old age in peace .

Wu Lao himself didn’t know his physical condition , but he could n’t let go of the medical research institute .

Therefore , Xia Ze also knew that his persuasion was just in vain , but he couldn’t help but talk too much .

” Hehe , little friend Xia Ze , I appreciate your kindness !”

Wu Lao heard the meaning of his words , but smiled heartily .

” I’m an old man , I have no children , I have nothing to worry about , I can do a little more for the country !”

Xia Ze was sad .

The academician devoted his life to the country’s traditional Chinese medicine research , and did not even marry a wife .

With such lofty style and virtue , who can not be respected !

After half a month .

– A piece of news shocked Xibu O

Xia Fu Medical Research Institute has developed a new first aid technique called ” Xia ‘s Cardiac Resuscitation Method ” . ” Resurrection ” o

This method has been verified by the World Medical Organization and has been hailed as a major progress in world medicine , and will be extended to all national medical departments as soon as possible to save more lives .

For a time , the medical community compared it with the well-known ” Heimlich ” first aid .

Only , this time it came from China , not a Western country .

As soon as the news came out , it caused a sensation all over the world , especially in the Xia Kingdom .

While Western countries respect Western medicine , they also despise Chinese medicine .

And ” Xia’s Cardiac Resuscitation First Aid ” is a good fight for traditional Chinese medicine , which can be said to be the glory of the entire Xia Kingdom .

What is even more surprising to the Chinese is that , according to Wu Shangbai , an academician of the Xia Guo Science Institute , this method was developed by a young man named Xia Ruo . ?6;1?8,?:8,.:9,??6,”! Backup ‘ use :,’?., transfer ? group “?7;'”6″:6;””0″.: 1,.8′,!3,’2;0 Selfless dedication .

For a while, there was a heated discussion among the people , and there were gossip media digging out the truth . Soon , a media from the magic capital set a target .

This young man turned out to be the behind-the-scenes boss of two food companies, Lao Huangpu and ” Four Squirrels ” .

His name is a One (cfcf) Xia Ze !

At the Summit of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs held by the Magic City Chamber of Commerce not long ago , this boss Xia was invited to participate and used this method to bring an old man with a heart attack back to life at the venue .

At that time , Dr. Feili, a famous foreign internal medicine expert who first rescued the old man , announced his death in public , but was slapped in the face by Boss Xia .

As soon as the news came out , the official websites and official WeChat accounts of Old Huangpu and the ” Four Squirrels ” were tragically blasted in an instant .

” Fuck , Boss Xia is the one who invented the ‘ Hai’s CPR ‘ , bullshit !”

” I suspect that Boss Xia’s business is a part-time job , and saving talents is a full-time job !”

” I have a heart attack . Maybe one day this method can save my life . Doctor Xia, please accept me !”

” I don’t care , the food company opened by Boss Xia must sell the healthiest things !”

“That’s right upstairs . After all, a genius doctor , I think Old Huangpu and the ‘ Four Squirrels ‘ !”

” Who dares to give a bad review to Lao Huangpu and ‘ Four Squirrels ‘ , I’m so anxious to tell him !”

Not only the official website and official WeChat , but even the consumers who bought the old Huangpu and the ” Four Squirrels ” on the online business platform , all praised this Boss Xia in all kinds of fancy ways in the product evaluation , and no one is serious about it . It’s really disgusting .

Not long ago, the old Whampoa donation craze receded , and it suddenly became hot again .

” Four Squirrels ” that are selling well , the production capacity is not enough .

Xiandi Clothing Co., Ltd. headquarters office .

A bunch of staff in the design department who are keen on current affairs , chatting around a Magic City Daily .

Although it is the Internet age , newspapers are eliminated .

The kind of force that takes the newspaper to read the news , the mobile phone cannot be compared .

The company also ordered some newspapers to give employees free time to entertain .

” Boss Xia is amazing , he has won glory for the country !”

” It doesn’t matter , from now on , I will eat ‘ four squirrels ‘ in the company, even if the monthly bonus is deducted !”

” Count me in , you must support Boss Xia !”

” I’m going to fight the president , this is an unreasonable request !”

” What did you say ?”

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind .

Just like the cold wind of winter , it makes people shiver .

turned around , he saw Tang Zhiyan standing behind him with a frosty face .

Shocked by this oppressive aura , the staff who had been impassioned before suddenly gave up .

” President , President …”

female president , who seems to have an inexorable feud with the ” Four Squirrels ” , also imposed a ban on eating the brand’s snacks in the company’s office .

As for other brands , it is not within the restriction .

For this reason , the staff did not even dare to mention those four words in the office .

It was not until this news came out that it became the topic of the office again .

The clerk holding the newspaper even subconsciously hid behind him . .




Chapter 61 Withdrawing the ban , Tang Zhiyan bowed her head !

Tang Zhiyan is both the company’s president and a senior designer . She has been so busy with several new designs these days that she does n’t pay attention to what’s happening on the Internet . However , just now she walked into the office of the design department and heard the words ” four squirrels ” , and some staff were planning to defy the ban .

For a few packs of snacks , are these people going against it ?

They seem to have said ” Boss Xia ~” or something .

Are you talking about him ?

Tang Zhiyan stretched out her hand : ” Take it ! ”

” President , President , we didn’t eat ‘ Four Squirrels ‘, really …”

All the staff laugh

He had the heart to blindly resist the tyrant female president , but he died before he was successful , and before he could resist the order , the signs were suppressed .

” I’m talking about newspapers !”

Tang Zhiyan snorted coldly .

She felt vaguely .

The uncharacteristic behavior of the staff should have a lot to do with the newspaper .

who hid the newspaper behind him had no choice but to hand it over .

Tang Zhiyan glanced at it, and her pupils shrank .

front page headline , that huge headline is too eye-catching , obvious .

Her stinky fianc� was hot , and it was news she never expected !

“The Institute of Medicine releases ‘ Xia’s CPR ‘!”

“The magical effect is certified by the World Medical Organization !”

” The glory of traditional Chinese medicine in the Xia Kingdom !”

” Side by side with the Heimlich maneuver !”

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