Enough of the joke , Xia Ze put away his cynical smile , and a cold light flashed in his eyes .


” As long as you are willing to follow me, Ayu , who can’t take you away , do n’t worry , I’ll handle it naturally !”

The uncle wanted to recall Xiao Yu for two reasons .

First of all , he thought that my career in the magic capital was all made by Xiao Yuzhi’s help .

As long as Xiao Yu leaves , I can’t do it , so let’s take a salary from the bottom of the pot !

However , he guessed wrong and underestimated my true strength !

Second , he wanted to get Xiao Yu to Xia En !

Suddenly , Xia Ze realized that his current achievements were too small .

At least , it wasn’t enough to speak in the Xia family .

If it weren’t for the support of the old man , he would be very weak .

My biggest enemy may not be outsiders , but in this Xia family mansion .

Maybe one day, I will completely tear my face off with my uncle .

Before that , I have to get stronger ! .

Chapter 78 Provocation from cousin , beat Xia En !

Xia family mansion , one courtyard .

” Dad , how’s it going ?”

As soon as Tang Guosheng returned home , Xia En, who was waiting in the courtyard, couldn’t wait to ask .

He knows if his father is ?’. Water ” ; Zi ; , ‘ Source.:,Group?’;6:5!’6!;;6′!:1!!.8?8!9:?6:Preparation : Use :”:?’; .Turn ” group’7 .;6′:6:;’0″1″8”?3??2?:0 I’m asking the old man to ask Xiao Yu to return to Beijing , waiting here for the good news .

” It didn’t work !”

Tang Guosheng had a gloomy face .

” How come it didn’t work ?”

Shane was in a hurry .

He coveted Xiao Yu’s beauty with all his might .

And Xiao Damei is not a vase .

Whoever can get her will get a right arm .

” This kid is very cunning and deliberately sold miserably in front of the old man. I finally persuaded the old man to let Xiao Yu make his own choice , but Xiao Yu chose him !”

” How is that possible !”

Shane doesn’t believe it .

What is he Xia Ze ?

The Xia family’s recognized waste !

And I am the son of the president of the Xia Group, the future heir to the Xia family’s family business !

I came back from studying in anesthesiology and engineering , and he almost didn’t even get a college diploma !

No matter what , I am better !

Why !

If Fengyi is inferior to that kid , it is that he has a little white face that women like .

But that’s no reason !

25 Xiao Yu is not such a superficial woman !

Shane was very angry .

” I think this may be the meaning of the old man !”

Tang Guosheng pondered for a while before speaking .

” Dad , didn’t you say that the old man asked Xiao Yu to choose voluntarily ?”

Shane frowned .

“On the surface, this is the case , but Xiao Yu was sent by the old man to Modu . She must know the old man’s intentions . She has always respected the old man , so she chose Xia Ze !”

Tang Guosheng made the most reasonable guess .

” That’s right , it must be like this ! Dad , I don’t understand why the old man is always partial to that kid . What’s so good about him !”

En was not convinced . He felt that he should be the protagonist of the Xia family , who was loved by thousands of people .

” Don’t worry !”

Tang Guosheng patted Xia En on the shoulder : ” And you are my son , and you will eventually be the heir to the Xia family’s property . Dad will help you pave the way . Don’t try to hinder anyone . As for Xia Ze , he No matter how much tossing , there is nothing to worry about ! ”

” Dad , I got it !”

Shane nodded , but still held his breath .

Xia Ze , how old are you, you dare to compete with me for women , I want you to look good !

There was nothing to do during the day , Xia Ze took the time to visit Mr. Wu , and got to know some members of the Medical Research Institute by the way .

Wu Shangbai has already settled in Kyoto , but he has not been idle during the annual vacation . He and his colleagues are still working in the research institute . Xia Ze really admires the spirit of these medical research madmen .

having dinner with Wu Lao and others , and returning to the Xia family mansion , it was already dark .

Xia Ze walks and thinks about O

To : If you have more power , you must continue to make money and open up new careers at the same time .

Although Vientiane Jiarun has done a good job , the potential of the food industry is limited after all , and you cannot monopolize the market .

In the year before the rebirth , among the top 500 listed companies in Xiaguo , there was no food group at the top .

Internet companies , banks , insurance , petrochemicals , pharmaceuticals , electricity , drinks , etc. are king .

Therefore , just relying on one Vientiane Jiarun is definitely not enough .

I have to do something else .

is not easy to get involved in many industries , because they are all state-owned enterprises or have a deep national background , and the market in those fields has already been divided up. It is difficult for you to go in and drink some soup . Not to mention eating meat or even being the boss !

do , and the best thing to do , is an Internet company !

The age of rebirth is relatively late , Ah Li and Teng Xun have already formed , and there is no hope .

Including WeChat , Tengxun is already in the research and development of internal testing, and will be launched soon .

However , there are other opportunities !

This year is a very important milestone .

Several future Internet giants were conceived or born in this year .

At this time , I can enter the layout .

But the premise is that there are enough banknotes .

have more than 100 million , it’s not enough , I have to get some more money , and I have to get it as soon as possible !

to make money by speculating in stocks or the Philippine plague are not always available , at least Xia Ze can’t think of it in the short term .

Therefore, the funds can only be obtained through other means .

There are two ways that can be thought of at the moment .

The first is a loan .

Nothing to say about this .

The second is equity financing .

The current market valuation of Vientiane Jiarun is nearly 500 million .

put some equity out , you can also get a sum of money .

As long as it does not exceed 50% , Vientiane Jiarun is still in my hands .

Moreover , the money collected , used for other investment returns , is definitely worth it !

At this moment , Xia Ze made a decision and had a clear idea .

” Xia Ze !”

There was an unfriendly shout from the front .

Xia Ze, who bowed his head in thought, raised his head .

I saw a few people standing in front of me .

at the front was about the same age as himself , wearing a mink coat and gold-framed glasses , looking clean and suave .

Behind him are two muscular men in suits wearing sunglasses .

” Shaen !”

Xia Ze frowned .

Tang Guosheng’s son .

Although cousins are related , the two have been at odds since childhood .

” Listen , Xiao Yu is mine , I am the heir to the Xia family , you are not worthy , I will snatch her over sooner or later , you wait for me !”

Shane went down the gauntlet with a grim expression on his face .

” Go away ! ?

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