Xia En was really beaten by his own son , so it’s hard to explain . With Xu Yan’s personality , there must be a lot of trouble , even to the old man .

Father and Mother Egg Xu Yan , Xia Ze can’t .

He sneered and said : ” Auntie , before you ask the teacher to ask the guilt , why don’t you ask who made the first move ? Xia En provokes me first , but if I can’t beat me, I ask the bodyguards to join me , can’t I? Fight back ? ”

?You fart ! As far as your three-legged cat skills are concerned , my En’er and the bodyguards can’t beat them together ! ”

” Ask your baby boy !”

Xu Yan’s gaze turned to Xia En subconsciously , only to see Xia En lowered his head , it seemed that he had acquiesced .

She couldn’t help being a little startled .

really didn’t know the situation in detail just now. When I saw my son being beaten , my anger went into a daze , and after dressing Xia En, he came to the door .

Xia Ze used to practice martial arts with the old man for three days and two days of fishing . How could he be so strong that he couldn’t even beat bodyguards ?

Sun Ping came to reason .

” Sister -in-law , it seems that Xia En started it first . It was originally a fight between the children of the Xia family . You Xia En are still called bodyguards . Does this make no sense ?”

The Xia family has an unwritten rule .

If there is a conflict between the clansmen , a fight or something , unless it is to persuade the fight , the servants and bodyguards cannot intervene .

” Even if it’s like this !” Sun Ping said stubbornly : ( Wang’s ) ” He shouldn’t be so heavy , that’s on purpose !”

” Hehe , I start to shout again ?”

Xia Ze smiled .

” After Zhe called for bail, he followed up and wanted to get in trouble . If the loser in that fight was me , I might have to lie in the hospital to celebrate the New Year . I’m just breaking one of his teeth . Has been merciful ! ”

Xu Yan wanted to say something , but Xia Guofeng spoke up .

” Sister -in-law , your family’s Xia En provoked this matter first , and even encouraged the bodyguards to help the fist , it was his fault , you have to say a word of ‘ reason ‘ , please come back , if you have any opinions , you can always ask the old man or clan elder !”

His personality is calm and gentle , and he does not fight or rob , but when others bully his son like this , and the wicked sue first , Xia Guofeng is also angry .

” Okay , okay , cover up the evil son , Xia Guofeng , Sun Ping , your family can do it , but don’t be complacent , this matter is not over !”

Glancing at a few people fiercely , he dragged Xia En away angrily . .




Chapter 80 Xia Ze’s response is tough !

Watching the two go away , Xia Guofeng sighed and smiled bitterly : ” Ozawa , although Xia En did it first , you are still too impulsive , and you also know that your aunt has such a heart. Narrow , can’t rub a bit of sand in his eyes ! ”

Xia Ze asked , ” Dad , do you know why Xia En provokes me ?”

” Why ?”

” Because Ayu !”

” Xiao Yu ? What is this about Xiao Yu ?”

Xia Guofeng was a little curious .

Xia Ze did not hide it, and told the truth that Xia Guosheng found the old man today and wanted to call Xiao Yu back to Beijing to help Xia En .

Xia Guofeng listened , the more ugly his face became .

” Dad , the uncle encouraged the clan elders to hold a meeting , and let me be exiled from Beijing . Now that I have Ayu by my side to help me , and my career has improved , he can’t like it and wants to call Ayu . Back to Beijing , do you think I can bear it ? ”

” You have endured the uncle for so long , and you don’t fight for anything , but what did you get in return ? It’s the two fathers and sons who made great progress . Others won’t be grateful , but they think we are easy to bully !”

Xia Guofeng was silent .

Xia Ze’s words are indeed very reasonable .

” That ‘s right , Ozawa is right , Guofeng , he bullied us , forget it , and now he’s bullying his precious son , I ca n’t swallow this breath !

Don’t blame us for being unjust , Ozawa played well , mom supports you ! ”

Sun Ping was also angry .

Xia Guofeng’s gentle personality does not mean that she is also gentle .

Especially when she thought that her son was exiled to the capital because of Xia Guosheng , and the other party was so aggressive , she had to protect her son no matter what .

Xia Guofeng nodded , he was persuaded and decided to fight for something for his son .

” Ozawa , now you have made a career in the magic capital , or I will talk to the old man and let you go back to Kyoto !”

Sun Ping’s eyes lit up : ” Yes , son , if you really want to go back to Beijing , who would dare to say anything now !”

son is wandering in a foreign country . As a mother , how can he not worry about him and hope that he can return to his side as soon as possible .

” Ten million , Dad , Mom , I’ll just stay in the magic capital !”

Xia Ze categorically declined .

” Why ?”

Sun Ping was puzzled .

Although my son has some career in the magic capital .

However, this business is still far behind the huge industry of the Xia family .

As long as Xia Ze comes back and fights for a little bit , he can get more than that in the magic capital .

” Mom , think about it , even if I intend to fight with my uncle and Xia En , can I win against them ?”

Xia Ze shook his head : ” No ! And I really went back to the magic capital . If I want to do something , the uncle is very likely to interfere with it. It is better to stay in the magic capital and continue to start a business ! I am confident , just Even without the resources of the Xia family , I, Xia Ze, can make a breakthrough in the magic capital ! ”

” Okay , ambitious , worthy of my son !”

Xia Guofeng appreciated it .

” Ozawa , if you encounter any difficulties , tell your parents that your mother and I still have some savings over the years, and we have some connections in Kyoto !”

” Well , thanks dad !”

” Our father and son , what are we talking about !”

Xia Guofeng also figured it out .

Perseverance is not the way to go .

‘s really desperate , you have to fight back !

Seeing that Xia Ze was so persistent , and his words really made sense , Sun Ping could only helplessly agree .

Beating Xia En , Xia Ze naturally has his own ideas .

First of all , it is the opponent who provokes first .

The second is to call Xia Guosheng !

Old fox , I am in the magic capital , and you are still aggressive , trying to snatch Ayu away and play the underhand trick .

The brother has to respond .

Let you see how tough my attitude is ! I, Xia Ze , have never been a soft persimmon !

Xia family mansion , one courtyard .

” My son , look at how our son was beaten by that Xia Ze who killed a thousand knives. Xia Guofeng and Sun Ping are still protecting Xia Ze , you have to decide for us !”

Xu Yan cried .

Xia Guosheng’s face was ashen .

Hearing that Kang Zi was being beaten , he rushed home immediately after being in the entertainment industry .

Xia Ze , Xia Ze again !

” I, Lin De , complained to the old E. If the old man protects him , then call the clan elders to hold a clan meeting , and I will send Xia Ze to prison for the New Year !”

Xu Yan was hysterical , like a crazy tiger .

There are fights between ordinary family members , and if the situation is slightly serious, the police can be called .

But the Xia family is not an ordinary family . Xia Ze and Xia En had a fight and suffered some minor injuries . Even if Xu Yan called the police , JC would wait for the Xia family to coordinate and resolve it first , and then depend on the result. deal with .

Therefore , to send Xia Ze to prison , the family must first pass this decision .

(cfdg) Despite his anger , Xia Guosheng remained calm .

” En’er , did you do it first ?”

” Yes , Dad !”

Shane lowered his head .

” Tell me about the whole process and do n’t hide anything !”

In front of Father Yan, Xia En did not dare to lie .

After listening , Xia Guosheng fell into deep thought .

” Dad , what are you hesitating about , why do n’t you hurry up and call the clan elders to open a clan meeting !”

Yan is anxious

” This clan meeting can not be held !”

Xia Guosheng took a deep breath .

” Why ?”

” It was Xia En who made the first move , and the key was to call a bodyguard , breaking the rules !”

” I don’t care what the rules are , anyway , if En’er was beaten, Xia Ze will have to pay the price !”

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