Xia Ze reluctantly spent 6,000 achievement points and bought them all .

A huge flow of information poured into my mind , and all the basics were self-taught .

Keep the remaining 4,000 for the first time , and talk about it when you need it !

At the same time as closing the system store panel , the phone rang .

” Boss , we have arrived in the capital and just got off the plane !”

Cheng Xiao’s voice came from the microphone .

” Okay , I’ll pick you up right away !”

I drove to the old Les Leis and went to the airport in person by 640 , which gave the two of them enough face .

Then , gather with Zhang Yiming .

After the meeting , both parties were very happy .

Although they will meet once in Kyoto , these three giants all have a feeling of seeing each other late .

The previous life was the biggest opponent , and this life is the best friend !

After meeting , the first thing Xia Ze did , opened the eyes of the Big Three .

” Let’s go , I’ll buy you a suite first !”

Zhang Yiming and others also expected that the courtesy they received would not be bad , but they didn’t talk about Xia Ze’s direct enlargement .

Moreover , it is not as simple as buying a suite for them to live in .

Xia Ze asked them to sign the property deed .

Over fifteen million !

in Pudong New Area , with a safe community , a good environment , complete surrounding facilities and convenient life .

It’s a big deal !

While the Big Three were amazed , they were also more impressed by Xia Ze’s audacity .

Look at this pattern of people , it is the people who really do great things !

Although they have only just joined , the Big Three are already convinced that they are following the right person .

The house is an existing house that has been renovated . The original owner has not had time to move in , so he sold it for some reason and moved in directly .

Cheng Xiao and Su Hua from the previous life (cfdg) lived together when they first founded Kuaishou. The two good friends often communicated in their lives and sparked inspiration . Now with Zhang Yiming , Xia Ze looked forward to it even more .

After placing the luggage in the new residence , Xia Ze made a second big move , equipping each of the three with a car , each of which was close to one million .

The Big Three were so grateful they didn’t know what to say .

It ‘s too embarrassing for the boss to drive an old Rolls-Royce and drive a million-dollar new car .

On the day of moving into the new house , I simply had a meal in the room .

Afterwards, with a few beers and a plate of peanuts per person , they happily chatted about future plans .

This time, Xia Ze is not just drawing a big cake . He has acquired almost a complete set of basic theories of Internet and communication. He can freely play even professional topics , and he can easily talk about it and gain insight . It is also quite profound , making the Big Three even more admired .

It’s nice to be with a boss like that .

Generous not to say , but also approachable .

Many investors are high above , but look at others , drinking beer and eating peanuts with your back to each other , without the slightest bit of air , that is called a down-to-earth !

Considering that others are from a wealthy family in Kyoto , this is even more rare .

After a few people settled down , the next day began to get down to business .

Sanjuruo ! .Water , .Capital ;,” Source : Group ‘:”6:;”5:?;6!”6;!.1.”8;;8!:9;;6, For ” use ” ?.’?!., Turn ;'” Group !7!6’6:.:0:1?!8′:3″;2??0 heads focus on app research and development , while staff recruitment and other chores are paid for Borrow it for Xiao Yu and Yang .

As for Xia Ze Bay II actively prepares funds ]

The Che Jiuyi in hand ” It is definitely no problem to support the current operation of Xinguasi , but it is necessary to burn money for self-media platforms and short videos !

The major self-media and short video apps in later generations have done everything they can to attract users . There are all kinds of fast versions , watching videos to make money , watching news to make money , even walking to make money , and you can’t even breathe .

But this method of burning money is really immediate , especially since no one has thought of this model yet . As soon as it is launched , it can immediately gather a large number of users .

But this way , more money is burned .

more , what Xia Ze intends to do is not just Toutiao and Douyin .

virtual app is just the starting point of the network oligarch’s plan , far from the end !

Investing in other areas costs money .

+ A few hundred million is obviously not enough .

So what Xia Ze has to do now is to get more funds .

The more the better !

The way to make money came to mind during Chinese New Year in Kyoto .

The first is a bank loan .

Xia Ze is sitting on Vientiane’s fate 1: The two brands of Lao Huangpu and ” Four Squirrels ” are both potential stocks , and they can be regarded as having a certain net worth .

In addition, the background of the Xia family also has a certain bonus , and it is not a problem to approve + 800 million .

The second method is financing .

Release part of the equity of Vientiane Jiarun to set a sum of money .

In fact, even if the entire Vientiane Jiarun is sold , Xia Ze will not feel distressed .

and too difficult for the food industry to increase its size , and there are no top 500 companies !

However, as the first company to make a fortune , it has also invested a lot of effort , which is still very meaningful , so choose financing .

Two methods , two-pronged approach !

” Mr. Xia , please walk slowly !”

At the headquarters of ICBC in Magic Capital , President W Qian Jingzhong personally delivered Xia Ze to the door .

Now Xia Ze is a big customer and black gold VIP7 of their bank, and the treatment is extraordinary .

” Mr. Qian, please stay , goodbye !”

Xia Ze is in a good mood .

The loan negotiation went smoothly , the bank was very happy , and the money could be approved soon , and the amount should be satisfactory .

soon as I got in the car , my phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number , but it belonged to the magic capital .

Xia Ze answered at will : ” Hello , hello !”

” Hello , Mr. Xia !”

A very magnetic female voice floated out of the microphone, which seemed familiar .

Suddenly I remembered : ” Miss Lu Yina ?”

The voice of that mixed-race beauty is quite recognizable .

” Hehe , President Xia , it’s been a long time since I said that. I ‘m looking for you this time , and I hope we have a chance to cooperate !”

Lu Yina said straight to the point : ” Our Dingsheng Group is very interested in your company’s financing !”

the news was released , Lu Yina received the wind ?

As expected of the daughter of the chairman of the chamber of commerce, she acted fast enough !

Although Xia Ze was never willing to be Lu Yunsheng’s pawn , as long as the cooperation was negotiable , he would definitely not mind .

Besides , Dingsheng Group has deep pockets and might be able to negotiate a good price !

Lu Yina smiled and said , ” This time , I don’t think Mr. Xia will not welcome me, right ?”

” How is that possible , Miss Luina !”

Xia Ze groaned O

“To talk about Zhu Guiben on the phone , let’s find a quiet place and sit down and talk slowly ?”

” Okay , listen to you !”




Chapter 86 Anti-slash , the rhythm of people who are stupid and have more money ?

Xibu Beach , Waffle Hotel .

It is owned by Zengqiqi ; the Shanghai General Assembly , which specializes in odd pots and colors , is also one of the few outstanding buildings left in Shanghai .

It is rated as one of the first choice hotels by the world’s affluent travelers by authoritative travel magazines .

Lu Yina sat alone in the French restaurant PELHAMS attached to the hotel . The Huangpu River was outside the window .

The breeze gently lifted her beautiful flaxen hair , which also touched the hearts of many men .

A very British-style , personable man came over .

” Hello , beautiful lady , I’m Oliver from Yingguo , a senior designer of Burberry fashion , this trip to Xiaguo , I didn’t expect to meet such a noble and elegant little girl. Sister , do you have the honor to invite you to lunch ? ”

He’s confident , handsome , attractive , and works as a senior designer at a big fashion house , a pretty decent job .

Oliver thought that he would definitely be able to impress this beauty .

But goose … he overestimated himself .

” Sorry , Mr. Oliver , I have an appointment ! ”

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