” But it’s not the way to go on like this . Couples don’t see each other all day , and it’s easy to become unfamiliar with each other. Others will have the opportunity ! Don’t forget that Xia Ze has two female helpers by his side .

are all pretty and can work . You follow your fianc� every day , aren’t you worried that something will go wrong ? ”

( Wang’s ) Tang Zhiyan thought to herself, what qualifications do I have to take care of others , we are not a couple at all !

Tang Zhiyan was surprised when this idea came to the fore .

Because this is not a question of whether you are qualified to manage .

But she actually thought of taking care of Xia Ze .

In the past , this was simply impossible .

No matter what Xia Ze does , it doesn’t matter if he is flirtatious outside or flirting , as long as he doesn’t harass him .

I … what the hell is going on !

” Zhiyan , as I said , you have to take the initiative , such as asking Xia Ze to watch a movie or something . After living in the two-person world , no matter how busy he is, he still has a little time to spare, right ? You ? As long as you act like a spoiled brat , I promise Xia Ze will immediately put down the work at hand and come to accompany you to watch ! ”

Bai Mengru turned into a military advisor and gave advice .

In the past, she did everything possible to break up the two .

Now, they are doing everything possible to bring the two together .

It is really unpredictable to say ! .

Chapter 100: Bai Mengru’s Defense Was Completely Broken

” Don’t talk nonsense , I didn’t miss him !”

Tang Zhiyan couldn’t hold back her face .

” Zhiyan , you are just dying to save face !”

Bai Mengru criticized .

” I know , you didn’t like Xia Ze before , but you had no choice but to accept him later . But as the saying goes , love grows over time. Once this person has slept , he will have love !”

Tang Zhiyan fainted : ” Is there someone you understand Ji Jiushengqing so much ?”

” Don’t say it, that’s what it means !”

Bai Mengru is plausible .

” Even if you hate someone , you can do anything if you fall asleep . In order to not feel so uncomfortable , people will subconsciously look for the good in the other half , even if they are once hated . And after a while , it will be pleasing to the eye !

” What’s more , you have to admit that this guy Xia Ze does have some advantages now , although his mouth is still very cheap , although he still cares , but others have successful careers , and And looks handsome ! So you accept him completely , and it is normal to even miss him sometimes . I can understand . If it is me , I will accept him slowly too ! ”

Tang Zhiyan frowned : ” No , you can accept a man with a heart ?”

” That can’t be helped . If Xia Ze’s career can be as successful as Xia Ze’s and his face is still good-looking , even if he doesn’t go looking for women , there will be women who will embrace him . Is this manageable ?

Just have a look ! ”

Bai Mengru tilted her shoulders .

” Mengru , why do I think you’ve become so unfamiliar , I almost don’t recognize you !”

Tang Zhiyan stared .

” Everyone can change !”

Bai Mengru sighed : ” Just like you , you have n’t bowed your head to reality and finally accepted Xia Ze , and I will change too . It’s nothing strange ! I can only say that we are mature . ”

” Well , do n’t sigh about this first , let’s talk about you and Xia Ze , in short , I mean , now you have to be the active party !”

” I don’t want it !”

Tang Zhiyan refused .

” Then I can’t do it anymore , you continue to be unrequited , do n’t blame the sisters for not helping you out !”

Bai Mengru is not reluctant .

At this time, Xiangxiang trotted into the living room .

” Miss , my uncle is here !”

” Huo , you really said Cao Cao , Cao Cao will be here , but Xiangxiang , why are you so happy that Uncle is here ? You don’t like Xia Ze too , do you ?”

Bai Mengru joked .

” Meng , Miss Mengru , it’s nothing , I’m just happy for Miss . ”

Xiang Xiang’s face flushed to the base of her ears , and she stuttered when she spoke .

” Just kidding , you’re nervous !”

At this time, Xia Ze also came to the hall and sat down on the sofa .

” Hey , what are you talking about ?”

” Let’s talk about you , busy people ! We, Mr. Xia, are really busy , and we don’t even have time to accompany our fianc�e , which makes our Zhiyan feel unrequited love !”

Bai Mengru was outspoken , and when she met her, she just complained .

” Unrequited love ?”

Xia Ze looked at Tang Zhiyan .

” She’s talking nonsense , a ghost is unrequited love !”

Tang Zhiyan blushed .

” Okay, keep being reserved, and keep your mouth shut . If you do n’t want to say it , let me say it for you ! Xia Ze , I know you’re busy , but it’s been a long time since you ‘ve been with your daughter-in-law . No comparisons ? If the flowers are not irrigated for too long , they will wither ! ”

Bai Mengru accused .

” Bai Mengru , you have never been irrigated , so are you withered ?”

Xia Ze asked with a smile .

” You …”

Being suffocated by a word , Bai Mengru almost died of anger .

successful this kid is in his career , he is still as stubborn as ever !

She raised her head proudly and snorted : ” Sister is not an ordinary flower , even if no one is irrigating it, it can still bloom brightly !”

” I see , you must be a cactus , so you don’t need irrigation !”

Xia Ze stroked his palm and said, ” No wonder there are thorns all over his body , even a man dare not approach !”

” You have thorns all over your body , and your whole family has thorns !”

Bai Mengru was so adjusted that she directly broke her defense , she grabbed a pillow and threw it away .

” Are you blind , my sister is chasing too many people outside , and they are almost stepping over the threshold . That’s because my sister doesn’t look down on them !”

Xia Ze probed and grabbed the pillow hey hey smile .

” So , this is the so-called heart dagger Wu Gao , ” eyes are lower than hands ! Bai Mengru , you don’t look at your own conditions , can the best man look down on you ?”

” Why is the condition bad, sister ?”

Bai Mengru said angrily .

” Isn’t my sister beautiful , she is naturally beautiful ! Is my sister bad ? Her lordosis and her back are up ! Does she have no money , of course ! This is a proper white and rich beauty , is she a good goddess ?”

” Yes , you are a goddess … sutra !”

” If 😕 Water ,: Source ?; Source ; Group ?;,6’5;.,6.6.!1.!8″8;9″ 6.Prepare “.? Use “,!?.”, Turn ‘ Group ;7!6!!’6!’0′:;1″,;8;’;3!,.2: .0Push !”

Xiangxiang burst out laughing .

Tang Zhiyan is also Wan (cfdg) Er .

The word “goddess” is used in Bai Mengru, and it is awkward to hear it .

Although it is said that she is indeed a Bai Fumei .

The female nerve is quite appropriate .

” You guys are laughing !”

Bai Mengru glared at Tang Zhiyan and Xiangxiang again .

Where are you standing , and why are you still helping that kid !

Xiangxiang stuck out her tongue and quickly closed her mouth .

The little maid said that Miss Mengru has a hot temperament , and it is not easy for anyone to argue with her , but the uncle can make her shriveled every time .

a while , Bai Mengru also calmed down .

Her anger came and went quickly .

stealing the show , Meng Ru said in her heart that she had no unrequited love , but when Xia Ze came, she laughed happily , and she was still depressed before , this is not obvious Well .

For her good sister , she sacrificed herself .

” Anyway , Xia Ze , you have to stay with our Zhiyan , otherwise , I can’t spare you !”

” Okay , then hurry up and go !”

Xia Ze issued an expulsion order .

” You accompany Zhiyan , why do I have to go ?”

Bai Mengru was confused .

” Didn’t you say that women are like flowers , they won’t wither if you irrigate them more ?”

Xia Ze smiled and said , ” So I’m going to start irrigating , why are you still here ? Or do you want to be irrigated with your cactus ?”

As soon as these words came out , the three women who understood the overtones all blushed .

” Dead hooligan !”

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