Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 105 We girls are very innocent

It was getting late, Cui Jinqi said goodbye and left, and the three of them prepared to go to bed.

If living together in the guest room of the Cheng clan requires secretly locking the door and avoiding making noise, then there is no need to worry about it at home.

Wang Wanrou was still reading a book. The book was called "Odd Research: How to Deal with Annoying and Stupid Friends". Cheng Jinyang couldn't help but feel that it was implying something.

So he asked out of curiosity: "Wanrou, what are you reading?"

"Can't you see the title of the book?" Wang Wanrou asked him, raising the book in her hand.

"What is this book about?" Cheng Jinyang ignored her sarcastic tone and asked with a smile.

"Read it yourself." Wang Wanrou took out another book from the bedside table and stuffed it into his hand.

Cheng Jinyang saw the title of the book: "Wonderful Research: Why Men Always Like to Have a Harem".

Looking at the author again, good guy, it’s Sima Yi again.

"After Sima Yi became emperor, he liked to write books for a period of time." Xing Yunzhi said on the bed opposite. "I think I wrote more than a hundred books in the "Rab" series alone. I won't talk about the "Fantastic Research" series, most of them are absurd. Sutras and whimsical nonsense. He also laughed at himself and said that this is a stream of consciousness writing method. Anyone who understands understands it. If you don’t understand, there is no need to ask."

Well, this senior is also an old Riddler.

Cheng Jinyang opened the book and after reading a few pages, he understood why Ah Zhi commented so.

Senior, if you and people from another world are playing jokes about our era, can they understand?

"It's all nonsense indeed." Wang Wanrou nodded and said, "But there are also some interesting things, such as discussions on the three political systems of dictatorship, oligarchy and democracy."

"There is also the law of dynasty cycles." Xing Yunzhi said, "A founding emperor actually said that the dynasty he established would perish sooner or later. With this broad-mindedness and vision alone, wouldn't he be better than Qin Shihuang who thought that 'nothing will ever be easy'?"

"What a pity, 800 years later it's still the same?" Wang Wanrou sneered, "The periodic law of the dynasty is correct, but blaming the periodic law for the weakening of national power is just an excuse to cover up incompetence."

"What happened to the Wang family in Taiyuan?" Xing Yunzhi heard something in her words, "Has Wuchang contacted your father?"

"We had a big quarrel." Wang Wanrou chuckled, "We broke up on bad terms."

The person in charge of Long Xiang's army was Chu Zhong, the Duke of Wuchang County, who was Wang Wanrou's uncle. He and Wang Wanrou's father, Wang Maohong, were the main force in escorting the late emperor's clothes to the south. They were also the heroes who helped Taicheng rebuild the court in Kangcheng. Today, they are the founders of "the king and the horse share the world".

However, in the later stages, the cousins ​​turned against each other. Shiliu believed that it was because of the political discord between the two. Wang Maohong advocated moderate reforms and consolidated imperial power; but Wang Chuzhong believed that according to the law of dynasty cycle, Jin and Zuo were about to expire, so He should replace him and start over again.

As a result, the two cut off their friendship, expelled each other from the Wang family in Taiyuan, and now regarded each other as enemies.

Of course, Cheng Jinyang guessed that it was not entirely due to political discord, but also the role of ideological seal. According to the rules of the Wang family in Taiyuan, the previous generation of patriarchs should have given both of them the ideological stamp of "putting the interests of the family first."

Then Wang Maohong felt that retaining the imperial power was more beneficial to the family, and Wang Chuzhong felt that seizing the imperial power was more beneficial to the family. Driven by the indestructible ideological seal, didn't these two people regard each other as a stumbling block?

No wonder there is also a sentence in the ideological stamp: "Do not harm the interests of the family." If there were a madman with extraordinary talents who believed that "all things must die, it is better to die early than to die late, and it is for the good of the family to destroy it", wouldn't the Taiyuan Wang family be doomed?

According to what Wang Wanrou revealed: The more the content requirements of the ideological stamp are, the easier it is for them to conflict with each other, leading to loopholes that can be cracked; however, the fewer the content requirements, the easier it is for people to misinterpret and bypass them, or even vice versa. Go against the intention of the person who placed the stamp.

Therefore, this bloodline superpower is too demanding on IQ, and ordinary people cannot use it at all. Therefore, these smart people in the Taiyuan Wang Clan are messing with each other, like mind hackers, looking for loopholes and patching... …

"Then what did your uncle say?" Cheng Jinyang asked curiously, "If the negotiation with your father breaks down, will he attack Jiankang by force?"

"Sooner or later." Wang Wanrou said calmly, "It will be next month as soon as possible, and it will be at the end of the year as slowly as possible."

Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yunzhi were speechless.

In fact, as early as three years ago, Wang Chuzhong fought against Jiankang. At that time, the late emperor Sima Rui led his troops south to fight. After fighting for a long time, he still couldn't defeat him. In the end, he had to surrender to Wang Chuzhong and announced that he would be the prime minister, the governor of Jiangzhou, and the governor of Jiangzhou. Titles such as Mu and Wuchang County Duke.

Wang Chuzhong accepted it peacefully, but he did not enter Jiankang to formally accept the canonization. Instead, he swaggered back to Wuchang County. Then the late emperor died in depression, and the imperial power was completely sidelined. He was suppressed by the nobles and could not raise his head.

It was also during that rebellion that Jiangbei's defense was empty due to the imperial court's deployment of troops southward. Some demons successfully invaded Wujiang Town, causing Cheng Jinyang's parents and childhood sweethearts to be killed.

In other words, he is my enemy!

Cheng Jinyang sighed and cursed in his mind: What kind of bullshit is Wuchang County Duke? Judging from the appearance of this beast, he is obviously a rebel! The imperial court can no longer hesitate. It must strike hard and use nuclear bombs to send all these rebels to the sky!

"Then if Wang Chuzhong attacks again, will the court be able to defend it?" He couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Can't beat him." Xing Yunzhi replied.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Damn it, how did our country, the Jin Dynasty, become like this?

"That's not necessarily the case." Wang Wanrou said thoughtfully, "After Sima Shao succeeded to the throne, he used his relatives, the Yu family, to consolidate the imperial power, and economic production recovered. The gentry were mostly afraid of Jiangzhou and united under my father. The overall situation was better than three years ago. It’s so much better.”

"Uncle is calling. If Yu Yuangui and my father can reach a consensus, with the combination of the Shenwu Army and the Yulin Army, there will be no problem in defending Jiankang."

Just hold on? Cheng Jinyang was a little disappointed: "If the stalemate lasts for a long time, and then the northern demon takes the opportunity to attack again..."

"Then humanity is probably doomed." Xing Yunzhi said.

"It can't be over so quickly." Wang Wanrou said sarcastically, "If Nanjing falls, go to Lin'an. If Lin'an falls, go to Fuzhou. If Fuzhou falls, go to Duanzhou. If Duanzhou cannot hold it, go to Kunchuan. It's really no good. There are also Penghu, Qiongzhou, Luzon, and Australia. As long as the monsters can’t build ships, it’s okay to survive on the islands.”

"Why didn't you say that the earth can't survive any longer? We can still go to the lunar space station?"

"Ahem, the lunar space station 'Changgui Palace' is maintained by my Cheng family." Cheng Jinyang said seriously, "If the earth really can't survive, I will take you two to the moon."

Xing Yunzhi, Wang Wanrou:…………

Although it was supposed to be a joke, what was with this guy's serious demeanor and tone? Do you think you can coax us girls by saying this?

"Ahem, it's a bit late, go to bed." Xing Yunzhi turned her head and said.

"Well, I went to sleep." Wang Wanrou also agreed.

"Wait a minute, did I say something wrong just now?" Cheng Jinyang was confused, but Xing Yunzhi had already turned off the light with a snap.

"At least tell me what I said wrong!" he complained in the darkness.

No one paid any attention to him.

In the darkness, Wang Wanrou turned her back to him and slowly closed her eyes.

"Fool." She thought to herself, "At that point, will I still need your help?"

On the bed opposite, Xing Yunzhi couldn't sleep, staring at the ceiling silently with her eyes wide open.

"This idiot..."

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