Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 116 He can’t be a mole

Wang family information secret library.

After her identity was checked, Wang Wanrou stepped inside and knocked on the bulletproof glass window.

The person on duty behind the window today is Old Man Wang, the oldest man in the family, who is said to be over 150 years old. It is not yet known whether cloning technology or mechanical parts will be used to replace aging organs. In short, although he used the royal family's black technology to hang himself, no one doubted his loyalty to the family.

After all, the entire clan has ideological stamps.

"It's actually Wanrou." Old Man Wang was a little surprised. This little girl is usually very lazy. It is rare to see her visit the secret library once a year. Why did she suddenly come here today?

"I want all the algorithms for the eighth and seventh grades." Wang Wanrou said.

"Oh, you are already in the eighth level, right?" Old Man Wang turned around tremblingly and began to search among the vast bookshelves.

"They're all here." A few minutes later, he slowly walked back with more than a dozen books in his arms, and pushed the books through the gap under the window.

Wang Wanrou silently took the book, put it on the trolley next to it, and pushed it away.

After leaving the clan, I took a taxi at the door and transported all the books to Cheng Jinyang's house upstairs, where they were arranged neatly in the cabinet in the study.

Miss Wang stood in front of the bookcase, silent for a moment, and scanned the title page of each book with her fingertips.

After giving an order and the other party agrees, a contract is formed, and it is immediately enforced and effective - this is the most superficial understanding of the ideological stamp by outsiders.

In fact, the essence of the ideological seal has nothing to do with the contract, and the name "thoughtful seal" itself is not accurate enough.

Its true core is the mutual influence between souls.

Through a variety of high-level algorithms, this psychic power can achieve almost a Swiss Army Knife-like effect. Such as hypnosis, communication, memory implantation, will strengthening, thought control...

Miss Wang could even say disdainfully that, except for the Zheng family, whose minds directly interfere with reality, all the effects of the bloodline superpowers of the spiritual family can be achieved by my Thought Seal - it's just that the calculations are a little more cumbersome than them.

Soon, she took out all the books related to "Psychic Connection" from the bookshelf and arranged them on the table in order of difficulty.

The one on the far left is "thought interface", another use of superpowers. It only needs to speak the command for the other party to hear it, and it does not require the other party's consent to take effect.

However, the role of the thought interface is different from that of the thought stamp. It cannot place any formal restrictions on the target. It is just as literal as it is: creating an interface on the surface of the target's mental body to create conditions for further exerting mental influence.

For example, psychic communication.

The cell phone on the table suddenly vibrated. Wang Wanrou took it over and saw that it was her father calling.

"I heard that you were promoted to Grade 8?" Wang Maohong asked directly as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Yeah." Wang Wanrou said.

"When did this happen?"

"Last week."

"It's much faster than your estimated speed of pedigree identification."

"That was originally an estimate." Wang Wanrou said lightly, "It's normal for it to differ from reality."

"Well, this is a good thing after all." Wang Maohong didn't ask much, "Are you still living outside?"


"When do you plan to come back?"

"It depends on the situation." Wang Wanrou chuckled, "Is it more dangerous for the Hui tribe now?"

Wang Maohong did not answer. However, silence itself is also a kind of answer, so Wang Wanrou immediately understood that her uncle had openly taken action against Jiankang.

Alas, there is another war.

After hanging up the call, Wang Wanrou sighed, put the books back on the bookshelf, and restored them one by one.

On the other side, in the southern part of Jiangning District in Jiankang City, there is a large and dense group of scientific research institutes and numerous colleges and universities. It is also the first choice for employment for college graduates from civilian backgrounds - although it is difficult for scientific and technical personnel in this world to make a fortune , but wages and jobs are very stable, and there is almost no risk of unemployment.

In the hospital in Jiangning District, Cheng Jinyang and Chu Qingqing successfully found the target ward, and saw Chu Debiao sitting silently by the glass window. Inside was the little girl who was fixed by a restraint belt and was still in a deep coma.

"Qingqing?" Chu De was a little surprised when he saw his cousin coming to visit, but he soon calmed down again.

"Cousin, let's see you." Chu Qingqing whispered.

"I'm interested." Chu Debiao smiled bitterly, nodded in thanks, and turned to Cheng Jinyang next to him, "This is..."

Cheng Jinyang introduced himself: a son of a noble family, from the Cheng family in the divine capital, and Qingqing's current boyfriend.

Chu Debiao nodded, but did not show any displeasure like Chu Qingqing's two brothers. He just said with some emotion:

"Oh, Qingqing is a nice girl, but there will be some resistance from the family. If you really make up your mind to be together, you will have to overcome many difficulties in the future."

Sure enough, people from poor families don't have the "superior" arrogance of children from aristocratic families, which made Cheng Jinyang's first impression of him very good. Recalling that I had rashly and unreasonably suspected that he was a mole, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty in my heart.

"How is your sister doing now?" he asked with concern.

"The situation is not good." Chu Debiao shook his head, "At present, we can only try to slow down the deterioration of her body."

"The poison of the puppet is not a toxin made of matter." Chu Qingqing explained softly, "It is closer to an energy field, which is difficult to observe and interfere with, and will gradually assimilate normal humans into puppets. Once infected Deep, it’s basically irreversible.”

"Hmm..." Cheng Jinyang thought of Su Lili again for no apparent reason.

If Su Lili was not directly swallowed by the demon at that time, but was just injected with poison...

Then maybe at this time, she will be like Chu Debiao's sister, imprisoned in a room with layers of guards that is more like a prison than a special care unit, relying on various instruments to maintain her life, on the verge of demonization Struggling to death.

And perhaps he, like Chu Debiao, comes here every day to guard her silently, outside the tempered glass window, helpless and heart-wrenching.

Too cruel.

"Well, thank you for coming to visit her." Probably because he was not in the mood to talk more, Chu Debiao stood up from his chair, "It's time for me to go back."

Is he going back? Cheng Jinyang quickly calculated that it took at least 40 minutes from the hospital here to return to the tribe. Ah Zhi had probably already searched his residence, so there was no need to hold him here.

"Jinyang." Chu Debiao came to the edge of the stairs, suddenly turned around and asked, "I remember that you also naturalized from a poor family, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Cheng Jinyang asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I'm just asking." Chu Debiao said with a smile, "After all, I am the same. The days before entering the aristocratic family were not easy..."

He turned around and walked down the stairs: "This is a bastard world. So many people are discarded so easily like garbage..."

Cheng Jinyang, who had been thinking about Su Lili just now, was made a little uncomfortable by his words (remembering Su Lili's death). After staring at the glass window for a long time, he let out a long breath.

"Don't take it to heart." Chu Qingqing said softly, "After all, he is a refugee from the north. He has suffered too much, and his personality is naturally a bit extreme. But after all, I, Mrs. Chu, have been kind to him, so I don't think he is a mole. "

As if to slap her in the face, Xing Yunzhi's phone call came quickly:

"Jinyang! There's something wrong with that Chu Debiao! We found the record of his contact with the Wuchang informant!"

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