"My sister and I... were born in a subway station near Yanjiao."

"The food is mushrooms and tastes like mud. The water source...is deep seepage water from the soil. Although it has been filtered, boiled and condensed, it still tastes weird when you drink it."

"Such a small subway tunnel, with both ends blocked by landslides and only connected to the outside by an emergency fire escape. More than a dozen people were stuffed inside, avoiding...the demons who hunted and attacked them day and night."

"However, we couldn't escape in the end. Later, the demon attacked the subway station, and most of the people died. My sister and I escaped by chance. She said that the imperial court was in the south, and we had to run south in order to live a better life... No need A day of fear every day.”

"Actually, I don't remember much about the memories during the escape." Chu Debiao looked down at the two people below, "Anyway, during the last part of the journey, my sister was bitten by a puppet to protect me, and then we arrived at Jiankang. North, and was stopped at the entry epidemic prevention station.”

"At that time, my sister had already started to have a high fever and was discovered by the guards. They tried to kill us... But at that time, I had already awakened my powers, so I controlled the metal around me to resist... I happened to be killed by a soldier serving nearby. The Chu family officers found out and rescued the two of us."

This guy directly activates his abilities without any algorithm? Cheng Jinyang was speechless when he heard this. These northern refugees are really fierce.

"Okay." Chu Qingqing said sarcastically, "The children of the Chu family saved you, and this is how you repay the Chu family. It's really eye-opening."

"The days when I first entered the family were the happiest time in my life." Chu Debiao said frankly, "The unlimited supply of food and water, the spacious rooms and soft beds, and never having to worry about attacks by monsters."

"The genealogy test believes that I can reach the fourth rank, so the treatment given to me by my family is also very generous. Housing, luxury cars... everything I want is at my fingertips. I once forgot about my origin as a refugee in the north, and was obsessed with my status as a noble family. And I am proud, thinking that all this is what I deserve as a noble bloodline."

"...until my sister's health deteriorates again."

He looked down at Chu Qingqing and Cheng Jinyang and continued:

"I can't save my sister. Can you understand that feeling? Yes, I am a noble child of the Yangzhai Chu family of the fourth-rank family. I have the excellent talent to hit the fourth rank and a bright future. I have financial freedom. In life, I can drive a sports car to Jiankang Outer Ring Road every day for high-speed racing, and then go to the Renaissance Ginza Saga Hotel for dinner. The fine wines in my residence fill the entire wall of shelves, and all the watches are luxury brands. You can wear the heavy one for a month..."

"However, when I was driving recklessly on the highway, enjoying dinner in a well-dressed hotel, and comfortably tasting famous wines and appreciating famous watches at home..." His expression suddenly twitched, like a ferocious evil ghost, and his eyes stared straight. He stared at Chu Qingqing.

"I always remember with sudden horror that I have a sister who is suffering from the poison of a puppet in the depths of the special care ward of a hospital in the city." His voice was hoarse as if she had been tortured. It looked like it had been polished with sandpaper, "Those toxins are killing her from the inside out, slowly turning her into an inhuman monster."

"She shouldn't have been like this. She's about the same age as you, Qingqing."

Chu Qingqing did not answer, but raised his head indifferently, his eyes locked on Chu Debiao.

"So you hate me because of this..." she said slowly.

"No, what I hate is myself." Chu Debiao replied sadly, "I joined the gentry and indulged in the decadent life."

"Chu Debiao!" An angry roar came from the distance. Chu Jiye had already rushed into the factory with his family's secret guards, and joined Cheng Jinyang and Chu Qingqing. He looked at Chu Debiao on the roof warily, "What are you doing?!"

"Uncle Shi." Chu Debiao stood up on the edge of the roof, "I have always been confused. I hope you can help me understand: What is the meaning of the royal family, the court, and the aristocratic family, as the ruling class of human society, existing in this world? what is it then?"

"Shut up!"

"Did you rule well?" Chu Debiao opened his arms like an angry preacher. "Half the country has collapsed and fallen into the hands of demons. The remaining tens of millions of northern people are trembling in forts, tunnels and caves. , waiting for you to do your job as the ruling class, go to the Northern Expedition to regain the lost territory in the Central Plains, and save them in danger!"

"But what are you doing? When my sister and I were lingering in the dark subway station, you were enjoying yourself in the prosperous and peaceful Jiankang City; when my sister and I fled all the way south, we were surrounded by puppets and helpless At that time, you just let the army guard the Yangtze River so that you could continue to live in peace and contentment and continue to live your luxurious life!"

"If you had gone on the Northern Expedition earlier, my sister would not be in the state of death now! Countless northern people who died could have survived, instead of being chased and driven by demons like livestock, and then trampled to death! Die a little better No dignity either!”

He screamed at the top of his lungs until he was breathless and his shoulders slumped.

"So when Wang Anqi found me secretly, I accepted his ideological seal." In the end, Chu Debiao laughed hahaha, his body trembling, and he was overjoyed, "I gave him the secret technology of metallic hydrogen, and helped their people It was installed in the factory and transported the stored metallic hydrogen back to Wuchang."

"In this way, Wuchang County Duke will soon attack Jiankang and overthrow the decadent Sima royal family and you noble clans...all!" He shouted again with a fanatical expression, "The political situation in Jiankang City today is pathological. , the aristocratic families and the royal family are wrestling with each other, forming a stalemate balance. If the Wuchang County Guild breaks this balance, it will start a war, cleanly defeat you garbage, and then integrate all the internal forces to form a A powerful fist, thus launching an all-out Northern Expedition!"

"And my death today is the prelude to this war!" Chu Debiao suddenly raised his arm, holding something like a remote control in the palm of his right hand, "Use the remaining metallic hydrogen stored in the factory at my feet to explode this first A grand salute..."

There was a bang and the arm he held high was suddenly broken at the elbow. The broken arm fell backwards to the ground, and the body fell weakly downwards, hitting the ground heavily, and the pool of blood gradually spread.

Cheng Jinyang tilted his head in surprise and saw Chu Qingqing next to him raising his arm, the gun in his hand still smoking.

"We can't let him press the switch." Chu Qingqing put away the pistol and explained calmly, "Otherwise, once a huge explosion occurs, even if there are no casualties, the family will not be able to hide the matter from the outside world."

"But he probably said that on purpose in the end." Cheng Jinyang lowered his voice and frowned, "Since your father came here, he suddenly pretended to be cynical and deliberately said that there was a metallic hydrogen bomb below. It was obvious that he was a cynic. Beg to die! Use your hands to commit suicide!"

"That's not important." Chu Qingqing said coldly, "Cheng Jinyang, thank you and Xing Yunzhi for your help to the Chu family. Our contract with Tianluo... So far, it has been successfully concluded."

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