Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 13 The First Experience of Gravity

Jiankang City, a huge technological city.

Even though Cheng Jinyang has lived here for more than ten years, it is still difficult to see its full picture.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, following Xing Yunzhi, we took Metro Line 2, got off at the "Xinjiekou" station, and turned left and right in the bustling underground commercial street of the complex. Cheng Jinyang couldn't help but ask:

"Azhi, why do you still wear a curtain hat even though you are underground?"

"Because the underground tunnel is not ventilated, there is more dust floating in the air, and the curtain can still block it." Xing Yunzhi said indifferently, "And if you dare to mention the word 'Azhi' again, I will kick you right away." Get under the subway tracks.”

After passing through various bustling shops, the two found a shop with a "Live Shooting Simulation" sign at the remote end of the underground street.

This store has a sparse entrance, and it's dark inside without any lights, making it look a bit creepy. There was a robot standing at the door. It was also the oldest model, and it kept saying "Welcome" repeatedly.

"I booked a shooting range this morning, and the fee will be deducted from my account." Xing Yunzhi approached the robot and pulled out half of the ID card from her breast pocket with her hand wearing white silk gloves.

"Welcome, Miss Xing, good evening." The robot that glanced at the ID card was still talking mechanically, and spit out a small ticket from its mouth.

Xing Yunzhi took the small ticket and motioned for Cheng Jinyang to follow.

After walking through a dark passage at the door and finding the scheduled shooting range, the room suddenly became bright and bright.

Various types of firearms and ammunition are placed on the shooting platform, and in the distance are four 25-meter target lanes. Xing Yunzhi pushed the firearm aside, then took out a bullet and said:

"Didn't you learn the 'Tie Shot' algorithm this afternoon? Now use your gravity to control this bullet to hit the target."

She adjusted the moving target to a distance of about 10 meters and signaled Cheng Jinyang to use his ability.

"Uh, how to use it?" Cheng Jinyang held the brass bullet and asked.

"Just activate the ability according to the formula." Xing Yunzhi said, "The essence of your Cheng family's gravitational ability is to adjust the direction of the gravity vector. Among them, the iron shooting algorithm has three formulas. You use the first formula to lock the bullet, and the second formula One equation reconstructs the direction of the gravitational vector, and the third equation adjusts the direction of the vector, and then aims at the frontmost target."

Cheng Jinyang did as he was told. After about 5 minutes, I really felt that the gravity of the bullet I was holding had changed, and I felt like it was about to be released.

There is a wonderful feeling of "reciting the law," as if as long as you have a thought in your mind, the reality will change accordingly.

Is this the so-called superpower!

He carefully let go of his hand and saw the bullet fly out at a natural speed, then land on the target, bounce a few times, and make a crisp sound.

"Very good, it seems that there is no problem with your bloodline." Xing Yunzhi said calmly, "At the ninth stage, you need to train your three abilities."

She held up three fingers: "Positioning range, ability accuracy, and duration."

"Positioning range, that is, the maximum positioning range of your ability. Beyond this range, you cannot lock the mass source; accuracy, that is, the precision of manipulating the direction of the gravity vector, which determines whether you can make the object accurately hit a farther designated target. It’s not about miss or deflection; duration refers to how long your power can remain on the object.”

"Wait a minute." Cheng Jinyang asked strangely, "Why is there no 'power' in the three elements? Having said that, doesn't the criterion for measuring a superpower depend on how lethal his superpower is?"

"Yeah." Xing Yunzhi was noncommittal, "So what do you think determines the lethality of your powers?"

"Uh... kinetic energy?"

"Yes, kinetic energy." Xing Yunzhi nodded and said, "Our mass effect, and your gravity, are used in military applications to cause damage by increasing the kinetic energy of flying objects, such as bullets and artillery shells. The kinetic energy of an object depends on to the mass and speed of the object."

"The heavier and faster the object, the greater the lethality it can produce. Since your ability is to adjust the direction of the gravity vector, you cannot essentially increase the magnitude of gravity, so you can usually only lengthen the acceleration distance."

"Imagine that if a vase falls from the second floor, you can usually catch it; if it falls from the twentieth floor, and you catch it with your hands, there is a high probability that both hands will be broken."

"That is to say: the longer the distance, the longer it is accelerated by gravity, the greater the kinetic energy the object itself has, and the greater its lethality."

"I understand." Cheng Jinyang nodded, "So if I want to use gravity to control an object to hit someone, I have to try to keep the distance as far as possible, reserve enough acceleration distance for the object, and try to increase its kinetic energy."

"That's right." Xing Yunzhi replied, "The distance is far, and whether you can successfully hit the enemy will test your ability accuracy and duration."

"The accuracy is not enough, and the object you control will easily miss the target after flying over a long distance; the duration is not enough, and the object's power will disappear halfway through the flight and fall down, so there is no need to talk about the issue of lethality."

"As for the positioning range, beginners are accustomed to touching with their hands and relying on body contact to locate the target. I suggest that after you become proficient in using the ability, you directly prohibit yourself from contacting the target, and instead establish a coordinate system in your brain with yourself as the base point. , to manipulate designated objects in the distance through calculation. In this way, the ability to activate and use will be more flexible."

"I see." Cheng Jinyang thought thoughtfully, "Speaking of which, if you want to increase the kinetic energy of an object, it's okay to ask Ah Zhi... to ask you to increase the mass of the object, and then I can control it to fly out and hit people, right? "

"Yes, if you only rely on the gravity of your Cheng family, you can only try to choose heavier objects. But if you combine it with the mass effect of our Xing family, then as long as the mass of any object is increased, the kinetic energy can be increased rapidly .”

Xing Yunzhi nodded, and then said: "This is why our Cheng and Xing families have been friends for generations, and there is a saying that 'the same spirit connects the branches'... After all, the superpowers of our two families cooperate with each other, and the qualitative change effect produced is very amazing. .By the way, if you dare to say the word 'Azhi' again, I will pick up a gun and shoot you to death."

Of course, this was a joke. Considering his special physique, Xing Yunzhi would not be willing to hit him even if he shot himself.

However, seeing the frosty look on her pretty face, Cheng Jinyang could only keep silent, thinking about what she should call her if she couldn't call her "Azhi".

Miss Xing? Miss Xing? I always feel a little bit weird. Yuan Zhi? Hey, how do you pronounce the word "Yuan"?

I remember that she initially reported her name as "yuan".

After scratching his head, Cheng Jinyang continued to try to activate his powers, trying to keep the three basic calculations firmly in mind.

Watching him continue to activate his powers with great interest, Xing Yunzhi folded his arms beside him and silently observed this guy's abilities.

The control accuracy is quite excellent. Being able to do this for the first time is like a shooting master who can shoot ten rings at 100 meters as soon as he touches the gun. Needless to say, he is talented.

The duration cannot be seen, but it is obviously not short. The gravity-twisting bullet has been pressed against the target surface for a long time.

Positioning range...well, he doesn't know how to establish a coordinate system yet.

But judging from the first two points, this guy's overall computing power is definitely not weak. Coupled with his physique that enhances bloodline strength, if he accepts brain development in the future...

Xing Yunzhi suddenly shuddered.

In this way, it seems that there is a chance to reach the peak of fifth grade?

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