Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 149 Practical Teaching

“When it comes to shooting firearms: Which is more important, speed or accuracy?”

In the virtual environment developed by the brain, the princess sister who started class asked everyone.

"It should be accurate." Cheng Jinyang said uncertainly, "If the shot misses, what's the point of reacting quickly?"

"Wrong, speed is more important." Princess Sister denied his guess, "This is what we are going to talk about today."

"Big data on the battlefield has proven that in a surprise attack where the enemy meets on a narrow road, the survival rate of the former is much higher than if the enemy shoots with a burst of bullets, rather than aiming and then firing."

"The characteristic of modern technology is that spears are better than shields, and the power of offensive weapons is often superior to defensive equipment of the same level. There used to be a saying that 'offense is the best defense', but now it has become 'offense is the only one' Defense'. In other words, whoever hits the opponent first with a weapon wins."

"A common mistake that novices make is to pursue 'one-shot kill' and deliberately aim at the head or chest during combat. In fact, even if it hits an arm, leg or foot, a large-caliber bullet will immediately render the opponent incapable of combat. Deliberate aiming requires more time, and even 0.1 seconds at night can be fatal in a life-or-death situation."

"So, the ability you want to practice this time is how to shoot and hit the enemy as quickly as possible when the enemy appears. As for accuracy, you can ignore it for the time being at this stage, as long as you hit the target."

The girls were thoughtful.

"As for your opponent this time." Seeing that everyone had no objections, the princess sister calmly said something that made people unable to calm down:

"it is me."

Everyone:? ? ?

Before they could speak, an almost massive list of weapons and equipment stretched out in front of their eyes.

"You can use all the equipment and any tactics currently in the database at will." Sister Princess said, "There is only one goal, and that is to attack me."

"As long as you can hit me, today's training goal will be achieved. Of course, as part of the training challenge, I will not hold back on you." She pulled out a detailed rules menu, "You will not be killed by me. If there is pain, I will only enter a spectator state and wait for resurrection. The resurrection time is 30 seconds, and I will be reborn randomly within a range of 500 meters around me."

"Practical combat is the best teaching. So, are you ready to start?"

She showed a smile at the end. Although she looked charming and charming, she seemed to have some hidden murderous intent.


How strong is Her Royal Highness Princess Nankang?

Cheng Jinyang didn't know. But from the time Sister Xinnan dared to lead him into the Cheng clan land in the capital of God alone, and when a group of tribesmen cowered in front of her with guns and bullets and did not dare to take action, it can be seen that her strength is probably extraordinary.

Xing Yunzhi doesn’t know either. But from the scraps of information obtained from the underground network, it can be known that His Highness is the royal family's trump card, and his combat power is comparable to any third-level superpower. Even if it was limited to a one-on-one fight, no one could be her opponent except the head of the Li family in Longxi.

Chu Qingqing didn't know either. But judging from the murderous look in the other person's eyes when they first met, as well as her own sense of killing as a beast, her Highness probably already has a lot of human lives in her hands, and her actual combat experience is better than that of her "meat factory worker" "How much stronger is it?"

Wang Wanrou doesn't know either. Or maybe she actually knew it a long time ago, but deliberately pretended not to know, so no one would know.

All in all, after fighting against Princess Nankang for a whole day, everyone who had been wiped out several times finally realized the key problem:

It's not that we take it lightly and underestimate the enemy, but we really can't defeat it...

In the narrow corridor on the upper floor of an abandoned building, the young girl, covered in steel, flew forward rapidly under the influence of gravity. Her target was Princess Nankang, who had nowhere to dodge.

"Good terrain and tactics." Facing the rapidly growing ball of steel in her field of vision, Princess Nankang said lightly, "It's just..."

She turned sideways and raised her right arm high:

"How can you use the same move on the enemy over and over again?!"

His right arm suddenly slashed down like a blade. When it touched the ball of steel, a sharp blade really protruded from the edge of the palm to the outside of the elbow!

The steel ball that crashed into her quickly did not blow out countless thorns and thorns to penetrate her like the usual tactical rhythm. Instead, it suddenly split into two in front of her body. It narrowly missed the side and smashed backwards into the wall.

As for Chu Qingqing who was in it, when he came back to his senses, he had been killed on the spot by the princess and entered a ghost state.

The so-called ghost state means that people who are defeated and die in the brain development environment will enter a virtual perspective state where they can move freely and have no body.

In this way, they can directly observe how their companions and enemies who are still active on the field act and execute tactics.

After reluctantly flying around the Princess of Nankang, Chu Qingqing had to admit that his metal manipulation, which he had always had trouble with, was not actually an invincible power.

The complexity of the internal phase state of a metal determines the computing power required to manipulate the metal. For example, iron atoms are connected in a body-centered cubic lattice to form "pure iron", which has the simplest structure and requires almost no computing power to be manipulated.

However, in most cases, we are surrounded by "impure iron" mixed with impurity elements such as carbon, silicon, and manganese, so it requires a lot of computing power to drive it. In analyzing the unit cell structure of metal bonds, Chu Qingqing He has extraordinary talent, so he can manipulate metal much faster than the average Chu clan member.

However, Princess Nankang is obviously not ignorant of "metal manipulation".

When in close contact, Chu Qingqing noticed through her supernatural power that the metal structure of the alloy installed in the opponent's body was a specially designed "chaotic" form.

To be precise, it is extremely chaotic in a small area, and presents a strange orderly structure in a large area, which makes it have sufficient physical strength and makes it impossible to easily analyze the metal manipulation ability.

If you can't control the metal on the opponent's body, then you can only fight head-on... but if you can't beat the opponent head-on, then won't it just mean a complete defeat?

Chu Qingqing was thinking hard here when she saw the corridor in front of her suddenly collapsed.

Princess Nankang rushed towards the opposite side. As the floor under her feet collapsed instantly, she inevitably fell downwards.

The cause of the collapse was that Miss Wang had calculated the route in advance and asked Miss Qingqing to install bombs on multiple load-bearing columns under the corridor in advance, using the sudden landslide to delay Princess Nankang's attack.

Of course, it was just a delay. No one thought that the princess sister would fall to her death because of this landslide trap.

However, the back-up move against her was not just that... On the bottom floor of the building, Princess Nankang landed firmly on the ruins and saw Xing Yunzhi standing opposite. The peacock feathers behind her had spread rapidly, covering her entire surroundings in the attack. within range.

The violent torrent of metal instantly engulfed her figure, and all the tangible objects around her were blown to pieces by the dense high-kinetic energy projectiles.

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