Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 154 Heterogeneous Ice

Half an hour later.

Cheng Jinyang was knocked to the ground by Li Qingwan.

"Do you feel any pain?" Li Qingwan clamped his arm with both hands and said calmly, "Your arm cannot move in this cross lock. It hurts when you move it. If you try to break free, it will easily dislocate."

To be honest, the pain is not very obvious, but the touch of the beautiful girl's skin is quite obvious.

There was a soft, cold feeling coming from the locked arms. This girl must be very comfortable to hold when she sleeps on a summer night, right? No, what am I thinking...

Cheng Jinyang groaned, indicating that he was feeling pain, and asked Li Qingwan to release his arm.

It was Miss Wang's idea to let this girl teach her grappling skills as compensation for eavesdropping on the conversation between the two. The reason was that the Li family in Longxi established their family in martial arts and was the most immersed in close combat research among the family. Learning one and a half moves from Li Qingwan also helped him make up for his own shortcomings in combat effectiveness.

Of course, Cheng Jinyang couldn't refuse this reason. His gravity is good at long-range combat, but its weakness is that it is difficult to use when the enemy is close. In terms of firearms shooting, the princess sister has been teaching him recently, and he will naturally not suffer any disadvantages if he learns close combat.

It's just that Li Qingwan would agree to this request, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"You have to decide on the specific moves and positions." Li Qingwan demonstrated it to him again and asked patiently, "Do you understand?"

Cui Jinqi and Wang Wanrou were sitting on the sofa next to them, watching the two people practicing in the center of the living room.

"Wanrou." She asked cautiously, "When Qingwan finishes teaching, will you really let us go?"

"Otherwise?" Miss Wang asked back, "Kill you and bury you in the flower bed of the community?"

"Hehe." Cui Jinqi said with a silly smile.

Wang Wanrou looked at the two people again, staring at the information thrown out of the thought interface.

Pain, skin contact... the signal waveforms all changed, but there was no sign of connection with Li Qingwan.

Is it because Li Qingwan's character lacks heterogeneity?

Or is it because some unknown key condition is still not met?

Let’s collect the data here for the time being. Later, we will check with Yang Wangshu and make a few more samples.

Wang Wanrou looked away and yawned boredly.


On the Yangtze River Bridge, a taxi is driving forward.

If Cheng Jinyang were here, he would be able to recognize this middle-aged man wearing sunglasses as the driver who drove them before and who Wang Wanrou said was wrong.

He pressed the steering wheel silently and stepped lightly on the accelerator. Suddenly, he realized that there were no other vehicles on the road in front, back and on both sides.

His whereabouts and identity were discovered, so did he block both ends of the bridge?

It doesn't matter, several aristocratic families in Pukou District have already been in secret contact, and Xie Guyan's son has also met him. The next step is just...

A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and the entire taxi seemed to have been bombarded by a huge force in an instant. It flew directly sideways, crashed through the guardrail on the right side of the bridge, and fell into the Yangtze River below.

Immediately afterwards, centered on the landing point of the taxi, the ice surface rapidly spread around, and the river surface with a radius of nearly ten meters was completely frozen within a few seconds.

From the center of the ice, a certain figure slowly emerged. It looked like the middle-aged man who had just driven the taxi. His body was covered with thick white frost.

Princess Nankang stood on a lamppost at the edge of the bridge, with her hands in her coat pockets, silently staring at the man on the river below.

Shen Shiju of the Wuxing Shen Clan is a fourth-grade strongman with the bloodline power "Heterogeneous Ice". According to the information held by the royal family's internal treasury, the essence of its superpower should be to manipulate hydrogen bonds to force water molecules to condense into a solid state under normal temperature, thereby creating a large amount of ice with controllable shapes, similar to the "metal manipulation" of the sun. Zhai Chu family.

Inside a natural ice crystal, each water molecule is connected to the surrounding four water molecules by hydrogen bonds. However, through the capabilities and algorithms of "Heterogeneous Ice", the Shen clan can increase the number of water molecules connected by hydrogen bonds from 4 to 10. The "Ice-10" created in this way has many physical properties that natural ice does not have. For example...


A sharp spear made of ice suddenly sprouted from the ice under Shen Shiju's feet, extending diagonally upward for more than 20 meters in half a second. Its target was the Princess of Nankang on the lamppost.

The condensation speed is so weird that its effect is like a whaling harpoon gun. Its physical strength and impact are even enough to penetrate the protection of metal armor, so that the lamppost is instantly pierced, spread, and frozen by the ice. Then it exploded with a bang.

However, Princess Nankang on it had already jumped into the air. While avoiding the impact of the heterogeneous ice, the muzzle had already risen from the opening on the shoulder.

A high-power-density military laser beam suddenly shot out from the muzzle, directly penetrating several layers of ice walls rising in front of Shen Shiju, then grazing his shoulder and shooting into the river behind.

Shot empty.

By manipulating the different densities of multiple ice walls, does the laser beam refract before melting and penetrating the ice wall, thereby deviating from the original shooting trajectory?

Princess Nankang instantly understood the opponent's fighting thinking, popped out the electromagnetic rifle from her forearm, and fired at the ice fortress below.

The armor-piercing projectile once again penetrated the re-condensed ice wall, penetrated the river surface and stirred up waves tens of meters high. The ice surface that Shen Shiju was originally standing on was now completely broken into pieces, and the melted fragments slowly sank into the water.

Dead? Or escaped?

Princess Nankang quickly scanned the river, took out a spherical object from her waist, and threw it casually into the river - it was a small sonar detection robot, specially used to search for enemies hidden in the water.

As the detection data was transmitted back, Princess Nankang discovered a fusiform object moving rapidly upstream along the river bottom.

It turns out that heterogeneous ice is denser than water, so this guy made a crude vehicle out of the ice and achieved high-speed sneaking under the river through repeated condensation/melting.

In view of the opponent's superpower characteristics, it is quite dangerous to fight deep underwater, which means that the water around you may condense into deadly ice blades at any time.

Even being too close to the river surface would not work, as it would easily be attacked by the ice spikes rising from the condensation. Princess Nankang could only fly at a height of tens of meters above the river surface, and launch an attack on Shen Shiju hiding at the bottom of the river.

The armor-piercing projectiles shot downwards like a storm, and encountered huge resistance when entering the water. The surrounding river water instantly condensed into solid ice, so that the projectiles could only penetrate down to more than ten meters at most, and the kinetic energy was completely consumed. All.

According to built-in database analysis, the depth of the main channel of the Yangtze River in the Jiankang section is close to 30 meters. In other words, as long as the opponent hides at the bottom of the river, he can condense into a thirty-meter-thick ice armor at any time.

Moreover, even if these armors are shattered by cannonballs, they will melt into running water in the next second, restore their shape, and then condense into solid ice again, in an endless cycle... Can I be said to be worthy of being a fourth-level powerhouse? Under the environmental bonus of the river bottom, the actual combat effectiveness of the superpower is comparable to that of the third grade.

Princess Nankang finally stopped firing and watched the opponent go away gloomily, giving up the idea of ​​using more powerful strategic weapons. After all, the Yangtze River section here belongs to Jiankang City. Even if the aftermath hits the buildings on both sides, it will have a very troublesome negative impact on the royal family.

The Wuxing Shen family must be the southern wealthy family that has become famous recently. Shen Shiju has such strength, which is in line with the rise of his family. What a pity that we chose the traitor Wang Chuzhong?

Is the reputation of our Sima family really so bad now that the wealthy families in the south would rather be loyal to the traitor than rely on the royal family to join the ranks of scholars?

It's better to go back and ask your uncle.

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