"Yao Guang! You lunatic! Psycho! I didn't mess with you!"

The dying demon fell to the ground, and its limbs had been cleanly cut off. The flesh and blood at the wound continued to squirm, and countless granules sprouted out from the sore, trying to regrow the damaged limbs.

However, the red demonic power lingering nearby continued to emit terrifying heat, recharging the flesh and blood that had grown out.

Yao Guang stood beside her silently and pierced the obsidian sword into her chest.

If Cheng Jinyang were here, he would definitely recognize that the sword holder was Su Lili.

In other words, it is a big demon with Su Lili's memory.

In other words, it was the big demon whose body was taken away by Su Lili.

In short, no one in the demon clan knows that her name is Su Lili, just like people don't remember the name of the bread slices they eat in the morning.

Everyone only knows her codename, Yaoguang.

However, Yaoguang herself remembers very clearly: how she died protecting Jinyang that night; and how she was devoured by demons. The memories of countless strangers were poured into her mind, completely erasing her self-understanding. .

And how she spent a long time relying on that little obsession to survive. In the end, it swallowed everyone's consciousness, suppressed the demon's own instinct, awakened and seized the initiative of this body.

She is Su Lili, but she is not Su Lili. Like Schrödinger's cat in a box, in an ambiguous superposition of "yes" and "no"... In fact, she cares more about how Jinyang sees her than the so-called metaphysical speculation.

And in the dream that night, the other party had already given the answer.

She is a monster.

The mortal enemy of mankind.

An extremely filthy race that should not appear in this world.

Yaoguang held down the hilt of Obsidian's sword. This large sword made of condensed demon power is nearly 2 meters long and is not suitable for thrusting. Her usual attack method is actually slashing, injecting Peiran's demonic power into it, thereby cutting everything it touches.

Yes, cut it open at the molecular level, severing the connections between all atoms.

The more stable the molecule, the more active the cut atoms are. For example, the nitrogen atoms that occupy nearly three-quarters of the air will react with other free radicals almost as soon as they appear, and release extremely violent heat.

Relying on the unparalleled but finely controlled demon power, she first cuts the opponent in two with one sword. The high temperature generated at the same time will cause extremely troublesome secondary serious damage. There are few demons that can resist her attack—— At most, you can only fight her with attack and deal damage to each other.

Yao Guang held down the hilt of the sword, a cruel look flashed in her eyes. The surging demon power was injected into the sword again from her hand. The extremely high temperature spread, and a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the dying demon:

"Wait! I have no grudge against you..."

Then she suddenly turned into a ball of fire.

The ultra-high-temperature flame burned the big demon completely, leaving not even ashes behind. It was all vaporized the moment it was ignited.

However, the concept of death of demons is different from that of humans.

After losing its physical form, the demon's demonic power will disintegrate and return to the dream, and will eventually be "reincarnated and reborn" in a puppet connected to the dream.

Then the process of accumulating demon power and awakening consciousness begins again.

Demons, these demons with consciousness, cannot be completely killed by just destroying the body.

The most it can do is destroy their memory and cognition.

Yaoguang let go of the obsidian sword inserted diagonally into the ground, and then slowly squatted down.

The many wounds caused by the previous battle with this big demon were still causing intense pain that tortured the nerves. She closed her eyes forcefully to expel the demonic power near the wound so that her scarred body could heal slowly.

So be it.

I will kill more monsters for you.

Until I, as "Su Lili", was killed by other demons.

In this way, the bond between "Cheng Jinyang" and "Su Lili" that still remains in me from the past you has been repaid.


The flames from the previous battle heated the air above the battlefield, and rain began to fall in the sky.

Yao Guang sat alone in the rain, holding her overly long sword and staring blankly at the end of the horizon within her sight.

Until her eyes were completely blurred by water mist.

Can't see clearly.

Can't see the future either.


Cheng Jinyang suddenly woke up from his coma.

His whole body ached, as if he had been fighting an extremely difficult opponent for a long time.

The hot towel slipped from his forehead. He subconsciously wanted to speak, but his throat was extremely dry.

"Here, hot water." Miss Qingqing handed the cup from the side.

Cheng Jinyang took a sip, and a sweet feeling spread between his lips and teeth.

Well, it’s brown sugar water. I never thought that I could also enjoy the treatment of girls in special period.

"How long have I been unconscious?" He sat up and asked slowly.

"Three to four minutes." Xing Yunzhi washed the towel with her own hands and wrung it out again. "If it takes longer, I will send you to the hospital for emergency treatment."

"Lie down." She ordered without any explanation.

Here, Miss Qingqing has re-padded the pillow for him, and Ah Zhi put a hot towel on his forehead.

The warm feeling soothed his exhausted spirit, giving him a comfortable feeling that he wanted to fall asleep.

However, he didn't dare to really sleep.

He was afraid that he would fall asleep and see Su Lili again. The other person stood in the burning rain, staring at him with a kind of miserable, desperate, and dead eyes, which gave him a strong urge to self-destruct.

His emotions and intuition told him that Su Lili would never harm him. The previous suspicion not only hurt Su Lili, but also hurt the close relationship between them that should be cherished and treated with care.

But his reason kept reminding him that "that might be fake." The emotions you feel are most likely caused by the demon deliberately exerting influence on you.

Of course, it doesn't matter which situation it is, because Su Lili has left and will not come back.

"Are you sick again?" Miss Wang's voice sounded at the bedroom door.

She picked up the hot towel and touched Cheng Jinyang's forehead:

"Fortunately, it's not burned out. With your current IQ, if you drop another level due to illness, I don't know how to communicate with you."

"Am I not the only color in this world to you?" Cheng Jinyang protested strongly against her dislike.

"It is one of the few colors." Wang Wanrou corrected, "Moreover, no matter how strong the emotion is, just like the paint smeared on the scroll, it will eventually fade."

Cheng Jinyang remained silent.

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