After playing the game for a whole afternoon, the two reluctantly went offline.

Yang Wangshu had just taken off her gaming helmet and put her mask back on in the blink of an eye. Cheng Jinyang didn't even see her movements clearly.

You keep saying that you are a beautiful girl, but you don’t show your face and you don’t sing. How do you know if you have a snub nose, buck teeth, and a drake voice under your mask?

Thinking about it, I have to take it off after dinner.

Over there, Chu Qingqing has already brought out the dishes. This girl is worthy of coming from a meat factory, and she is very experienced in handling ingredients.

The griddle duck legs, crispy ribs, black fish and beef, braised lion's head, fried quail eggs with green onions, homemade tofu, stir-fried lettuce and mixed grains platter are extremely sumptuous, and the pretty chef's skills are really good.

There just seemed to be too many meat dishes.

Everyone sat down one after another, picked up their chopsticks, and the first thing they did was to grab the romaine lettuce—after all, it was limited to one plate, and you wouldn’t be able to eat it after you grabbed it.

"Hey, don't just eat grass! Doesn't the meat I cook taste delicious?" Chu Qingqing said it was difficult to understand.

"Who told you to only cook a plate of vegetarian food?" Cheng Jinyang said scornfully to her, "Do you understand that things are rare and valuable?"

"Then if I serve a plate of shit, why don't you all rush to grab the shit to eat?" Miss Qingqing said disdainfully.

Everyone immediately burst into laughter after hearing this.

Such vulgar words were uttered at the dinner table. Is this good? This is not good!

Xing Yuan Zhidang put down her chopsticks, said to Jin Yang, "Save some for me," and then went to the bathroom with her mouth covered.

So Cheng Jinyang helped her put some tofu and lettuce to keep. When he turned around, he saw that little sister Yang Wangshu had finished all the braised lion's head.

She is not very fast at dropping chopsticks, but she picks up one at a time, and eats so fast that she can fly up. The lower part of the mask can actually be opened, revealing the girl's unique cherry mouth, which is currently stuffing food into her mouth.

Chew, swallow, chew, swallow, gurgling.

After a few minutes, she put down her chopsticks: "I'm full!"

"You are a god!" Chu Qingqing exclaimed, "No dog in the countryside can eat as fast as you!"

"Human time is precious and should not be wasted too much on eating and sleeping." Yang Wangshu said seriously in an electronically synthesized voice. He turned around and ran to the living room to put on a gaming helmet and began to indulge in games.

At the dinner table, everyone looked at each other.

Cheng Jinyang sighed quietly. Look at the male protagonists in other people's novels. They all live with all kinds of beautiful girls who are gentle, cute, innocent, lively, charming and aloof. How come they are all a bunch of lunatics here?

Can everyone please be normal? Ok?

He finished his meal slowly and thoughtfully, and then he saw Xing Yunzhi coming out of the bathroom, and she had changed her clothes again.

Apparently he had just taken a shower.

She came to the dining table and sat down again, picked up the bowl Cheng Jinyang prepared for her, and slowly ate the lettuce and tofu in it.

Miss Wang slowly put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

Girl Qingqing, on the other hand, swept away the remaining meat on the table like a wind and a lingering cloud, and began to drink hot milk contentedly.

Yes, it's real milk.

Meat and milk combo, this girl must have nomadic blood in her ancestors.

"Come on, come on!" As soon as Cheng Jinyang sat down on the sofa in the living room, he saw Yang Wangshu turning around wearing a gaming helmet, accurately finding his position, pulling on his sleeve and saying, "Continue to level up! Experience during the event Double it, don’t you want to max it out?”

"What's the point of playing games?" Chu Qingqing stood up and invited him, "Would you like to go for a walk after dinner together?"

Cheng Jinyang hesitated.

"Why take a walk? Let's play with the fitness ring when we get offline later. Won't we make up for the amount of exercise?" Yang Wangshu actually heard what she said and retorted.

"If you stay at home and play with the fitness ring, can you breathe in the fresh air outside?" Chu Qingqing asked with a smile.

"There is no fresh air outside, only car exhaust." Yang Wangshu said.

"We walked along the Shiqi River and didn't take the highway. Where would the car exhaust come from?"

The two girls were talking to each other and bickering. Cheng Jinyang was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

It stands to reason that Yang Wangshu is young and new here, so he needs to work hard to win over the relationship. Otherwise, if the first impression is bad, it will be difficult to build goodwill in the future.

However, after all, Miss Qingqing has been with him longer and is the elder in the team. What would Chu Qingqing think if he sided with Yang Wangshu? Although she is usually careless, she is not stupid!

The two girls over there argued for a long time, and seeing that neither could convince the other, they both turned their attention to Cheng Jinyang to see who he would choose to be with.

Cheng Jinyang finally experienced the troubles of the harem... No, it should be said to be the troubles of the leader. After all, he is the core of the team. Miss Qingqing and Xiao Wangshu are both his subordinates. Now that there is a fierce dispute, it is up to him to wait. The decision has been made!

"Stop arguing!" Cheng Jinyang stood up and said decisively, "Listen to me!"

A few minutes later, except for Ms. Wang who did not like sports, Cheng Jinyang, Xing Yunzhi, Chu Qingqing and Yang Wangshu left the community and took a walk on the path along the west bank of the river.

Yang Wangshu walked in front with an expressionless face, holding the game console and clicking it randomly, as if he wanted to treat it like Cheng Jinyang was ravaging him and vent his anger.

Girl Qingqing's expression was subtle. But after all, she was deeper into the city, and she chatted with everyone with a smile.

"That's right." She clapped her hands and smiled, "I heard that someone in our family recently had a relationship with an underage girl. As a result, he was reported and the family law was publicly enforced."

"What kind of sharpshooting are you doing?" Xing Yunzhi said with a frown.

Miss Qingqing looked at her in surprise, wondering, is Yuan Zhi so pure?

"That's right." Cheng Jinyang also looked puzzled, "Aren't you just making up a joke?"

So Chu Qingqing was a little angry. It is true that she made up this paragraph casually, but this man pretended not to hear it, which was really shameless.

There was another rumbling sound overhead, as if some kind of attack had hit the mental force field shield.

So the three of them became a little worried again, thinking that war was just around the corner, and they didn't know how long this rare peaceful time could last.

Yang Wangshu in front was still playing games, and suddenly he cheered excitedly, waved his fist, and shouted:

"Okay, precious and rare materials have been dropped!"

Miss Qingqing looked at her back silently, thinking that she was indeed a child, haha, Wuyouyou didn't understand anything.

Thinking like this, she felt a little ashamed.

Why was I arguing with my little sister just now?

Humph, it was indeed that naughty man’s fault.

So Miss Qingqing walked forward with a smile on her face, bent down slightly, and asked her with a friendly smile:

"Rare materials? What game are you playing?"

Yang Wangshu said coldly:

"It's nothing, just passing the time. An elderly person like you, sister, won't be interested in this kind of game."

Chu Qingqing's smile froze on her face.

Well, there should be metal components in the game console, right? There must be some, right? I……

She was about to roll up her sleeves and rush over, but Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yunzhi quickly held her back from left to right.

"Forget it, forget it, she's still a child. Don't worry too much." Xing Yunzhi advised in a dumbfounded voice.

"That's right, don't be jealous." Cheng Jinyang also agreed.

Then he was stepped on hard by Miss Qingqing.

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