Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 185 I think you are trying to embarrass our big demon

Cheng Jinyang opened his eyes.

Then he saw Ye Ru sitting on the chair behind him in the small room.

What was hanging on her face at this time was not the cheerful, sunny, free and easy female smile she had before.

Rather, it was a dark, morbid, and chilling evil sneer.

"Cheng Jinyang, I want to play a game with you."

She whispered, teasing in her tone.

"Game?" Cheng Jinyang turned around, and at the same time his mind sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, Ye Ru is the demon, the owner of this memory.

"What do you think of the phrase 'those who are not of my race must have different minds'?" Ye Ru held her chin in one hand and raised a finger on her right hand, "Oh, wait a minute, do you know about this?"

"The origin of the original demons is humans."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge screen suddenly unfolded in the air in front of the two people.

The picture on the screen was monitoring the situation of Xing Yunzhi and four other girls from the sky above: They were scanning the surroundings with cautious faces at the same time, while protecting Yang Wangshu behind them.

Yang Wangshu clasped his hands together, and electromagnetic waves were constantly scanning the entire Taoist temple.

"You have very good companions." Ye Ru's lips curled up, "Of course, I do too."

"If reality can be like the previous dream, allowing you and me to meet in advance, maybe we can build a closer relationship. But unfortunately, now I am a demon, and you seem to be the kind of person who will arbitrarily judge good and evil because of your race. Evil people..."

She sighed sadly, then placed her chin in one hand and snapped her fingers:

"Then, if your cherished companion turns into a monster at some point, you will..."

"……How to do it?"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Jinyang saw Chu Qingqing suddenly grabbing his throat on the screen.

Before the girls could react, the pores on her body began to spray high-temperature steam outwards. She also hunched over in some weird posture, and her throat roared as if she was about to lose her mind.

"Demonize!" Wang Wanrou shouted in a low voice, her eyes unclear.

"How is that possible?! Didn't you drink the talisman water?"

Xing Yunzhi quickly protected the two of them and retreated. Only then did she suddenly realize that the two most powerful people in the team were gone.

Cheng Jinyang suddenly disappeared, and Chu Qingqing mutated inexplicably. Now she is the only one left. She has to protect Wang Wanrou and Yang Wangshu who have no fighting ability at the same time. Is this an impossible task on a hellish level?

Looking at Chu Qingqing, who turned her head with dull eyes, and the looming figure surrounding her from the porch in the distance, Xing Yunzhi gritted her teeth and reached for the pistol at her waist.

Behind the screen, Cheng Jinyang stared at the screen expressionlessly, and heard Ye Ru chuckle again and said:

"This way, the content of the game is very simple."

"Your companion, Miss Qingqing, started to be demonized for some reasons."

"Now let me tell you, after the demonization is over, she will remain sane and not eat people randomly like a puppet."

"However, I am a demon~"

"The demon said that the demon your companion turned into is harmless. Will you choose to believe me, or not?"

"Does it make any difference whether I believe it or not?" Cheng Jinyang asked rhetorically.


Ye Ru playfully clapped her hands again, and an additional button appeared on the screen, with 90 seconds counting down in the center.

"As long as you press it before the countdown ends, the other three girls will be teleported to a safe place."

"Then the monsters rushing in from outside will tear Miss Qingqing into pieces."

"Of course, you can also choose not to press it. Then if Miss Qingqing still retains consciousness after being demonized, she will fight side by side with the other three girls, and everyone can survive."

"But, if I was lying just now, then the unconscious Qingqing girl would be brutally killed."

"Of course, this is just a dream. No matter which scenario you choose, it will not cause substantial harm to them."

"So you can choose according to your heart. After choosing, I will send you away, and they will not know what you chose."

"What does this mean to you?" Cheng Jinyang asked in a deep voice.

"To be honest, it doesn't make any sense." Ye Ru leisurely raised one of her slender white legs, "If you hadn't shown any discrimination and hostility towards me when we first met, we wouldn't be able to communicate so peacefully now. .”

Cheng Jinyang remained silent.

He thought for a moment and discovered that this should be a variant of the "Prisoner's Dilemma" problem:

If what Ye Ru said is true, then:

Press the button: Girl Qingqing will die.

Not pressing buttons: Relying on Ah Zhi's quicksand field and Miss Qingqing's metal manipulation, there is a high probability that everyone will survive.

However, if what Ye Ru said is false, then:

Press the button: Girl Qingqing will die.

Not pressing the button: Azhi and the others will be killed by the irrational demon Qingqing, which means everyone will die.

In other words, if you press the button, you will sacrifice the girl Qingqing and ensure the survival of Ah Zhi and the others; if you don't press the button, you have to bet on whether Ye Ru's words are true or false, that is, whether the girl Qingqing, who has become a demon, can still maintain normal sanity.

The former cannot be the best, but it will not be the worst either; the latter is a psychological game with Ye Ru.

And since he didn't know Ye Ru at all, he could only see whether the demon was trustworthy in his heart.

If you want to eliminate risks, of course it is best to choose the former. Anyway, after the dream ends, it will not cause any harm to Chu Qingqing.

But... what if this is reality?

He looked at the screen in silence, watching Xing Yunzhi protecting Wang Wanrou and Yang Wangshu retreating to the corner, while Chu Qingqing collapsed to the ground and twitched. His skin began to become smooth and full of charm, and his bones and body curves began to mutate and optimize. , gradually transformed into a real demon.

Until the final time ran out, Cheng Jinyang never pressed the button.

There was a snap, and at the moment when the countdown was cleared, the screen suddenly went black.

"Why didn't you press the button?" Ye Ru stood up from the chair, "Are you choosing to believe my words, or are you simply unable to make a decision, or is it the result of rational calculation?"

"None of them." Cheng Jinyang replied.

"What does that mean?" Ye Ru narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

"Didn't you say that no matter what I choose in the dream, it will not really affect reality, so you let me follow my heart?" Cheng Jinyang smiled lightly, "This is my heart's choice."

Ye Ru was silent for a moment.

The next second, monstrous anger suddenly broke out.

When Cheng Jinyang came to his senses, he had been put down on the ground.

Ye Ruqi straddled him. Such an ambiguous posture could not make him have any charming thoughts, because one of the other party's hands had already strangled his neck, and the sharp nails almost penetrated his skin.

"If that's the case, then why did you exclude Xiao Qi?!"

She gritted her teeth and roared, her eyes as if there were erupting volcanoes: "Su Lili, she is so, so sincere to you... but you are only willing to save these women, but are stingy about giving her even a little of your ridiculous kindness. !”

"The reason is very simple." Cheng Jinyang said with difficulty as his breathing became increasingly difficult, "How can I trust someone I have never met?"

"But she's not..." Ye Ru just wanted to ask, but suddenly got stuck again.

She understood what Cheng Jinyang meant: in the dream, demons with higher levels of authority could manipulate everything the other party saw and heard.

This is just like why online dating is often unreliable, because what the other person shows in the virtual environment may not be exactly the same as in reality.

Because of this, he is more willing to believe what he sees in reality, which is of course understandable.

But Xiaoqi... Lili is a demon after all! How is it possible to sneak into Jiankang City, the largest technological city in the human empire, without alerting anyone?

I think you are making things difficult for us, the great demon!

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