"There are too many manpower losses in Area A. There are metal manipulations on the opposite side. Requesting fire support!"

"Area B is under attack. There are mental shocks and physical activations on the opposite side. Please apply for the allocation of heavy weapons for concentrated bombing!"

"There are reconnaissance units in the air, where are the drone swarms?!"

"The fire control system has been hacked! The automatic defense equipment has been disabled!"

A large number of warning messages flooded the screen at the command center. A young man stood on the command platform, smoking a cigarette and raising his legs, ignoring the pleas for help from his subordinates on the screen.

"They would be really unlucky if they had you, Zhuge Yao, as their commander." Xie Yongye said calmly next to them.

"Those who have been brainwashed by the Duke will be treated as consumables." Zhuge Yao said nonchalantly, "Just make the best use of everything. How can there be any saying that it is bad luck or not?"

"That's all, let's not mention this." Xie Yongye rolled his sleeves and said displeasedly, "Please pay attention to the people on the other side and don't accidentally injure them."


"Wang Wanrou, the Duke's niece. If she is hurt, you and the Duke will take care of her."

"Is that Wang Wanrou who 'dare not steal the top spot'?" Zhuge Yao had also heard the rumors about the Hundred Flowers Book of the aristocratic family.

"Yes." Xie Yongye said, "The Duke once said that she is 'soft on the outside and beautiful on the inside, with a beautiful belly'. Although I ask you not to hurt her, the other side will definitely not hold back, and you must be careful not to capsize the boat."

"Is this little sister Wang Wanrou only in the ninth grade?" Zhuge Yao said thoughtfully, "Tsk, I have to wear soundproof earplugs to avoid being blocked by her lies."

"There are three more people." Xie Yongye said, "Cui Jinqi of the Cui family in Qinghe, Li Qingwan of the Li family in Longxi, and Zheng Qiupei of the Zheng family in Xingyang are all descendants of the five surnamed families. If they are trapped here, they may cause trouble for the Duke's subsequent plans. Come and cause trouble..."

"Good fellow, there are a total of eight people on the other side, half of them are from families with the fifth surname. How can I fight this?" Zhuge Yao rolled his eyes, "We might as well surrender."

"Surrender will have to wait until the scalpel plan is completed." Xie Yongye ignored his cynicism and said, "By the way, there is one more thing."

"What's up?"

"The one flying in the sky seems to be Xie Guyan's son back then." Xie Yongye said, "Shen Shiju went to see it secretly and said there was nothing unusual. But the prince meant it just in case. If he encounters it, he can kill him easily. die."

"It's hard to fight someone flying in the sky." Zhuge Yao said, "Unless you set a trap to lure him down."

"Surround the area for reinforcements?" Xie Yongye asked.

The two turned to look at the screen again. What is displayed above is Miss Qingqing's giant rotating blade.


"Hmm hum hum~"

Chu Qingqing hummed a song and controlled the rotating saw to move forward.

The indoor environment of the factory is small. Once the serrated blade with a diameter of more than 20 meters was turned, the surrounding gunmen had no place to hide, and the walls were cut off on the spot.

Then she stretched out her finger like a muzzle, aimed forward and said:


The metal sawtooth suddenly turned into a rapidly extending spear, directly piercing the two gunmen who were about to flee.

Seeing the metals still slowly wrapping up the gunmen, Xing Yunzhi couldn't help but frown and said:

"Give them a good time, there is no need to be too cruel."

"If we fall into their hands, I'm afraid it will be thousands of times more cruel than this." Miss Qingqing clenched her fist, and the liquid metal shrank inward like an iron maiden, and countless flesh and blood spurted out under the pressure.

"Too dirty." Xing Yunzhi said in disgust.

"It didn't get on you." Chu Qingqing said impatiently.

As soon as they finished speaking, the two girls heard a clicking sound coming from the front.

"What is that?" Xing Yunzhi suddenly asked.

Coming around the corner was a mechanical quadruped, a bit like a husky. It's just that there is a strange device installed on the metal back, which looks like some kind of focusing lens, surrounded by a large number of wires and conduits.

In an instant, the hair on both girls' bodies stood up.


A slender red light beam shot out from the device on the mechanical dog's back, and then pulled to the right. The huge wave of liquid metal surrounding the Qingqing girl was immediately cut into two parts from left to right, with red hot melting marks on the gap.

The moment he sensed the danger, Chu Qingqing had already pushed Xing Yunzhi to the ground, and the cutting laser passed right over the two of them. She lay on her back and pointed forward again, causing the metal spear to fly out.

The mechanical dog jumped back nimbly and dodged the spear thrust. It stood on the wall as if defying gravity, and then jumped up to the ceiling. Its four legs were still firmly attached to the concrete base, and the lens device on its back buzzed again.


In the blink of an eye, Chu Qingqing had already formed a giant fist out of metal, aimed directly at the wall on the right and slammed it, while she and Xing Yunzhi flew backward to the left with the force of the reaction.

The two girls hugged each other and rolled to the ground several times. The giant metal fist that remained in place was undoubtedly cut open by the laser, and then there was the sound of a mechanical dog running on the ground.

Like the hurried footsteps of death.

The light body technique was quickly applied, and Chu Qingqing quickly led Xing Yunzhi away from the scene, letting the metal stretch against the back with all its strength, while pushing itself forward.

The two people wrapped in metal crashed through the window and flew out, spinning rapidly in the air. Another laser shot from the window break, cleanly splitting the metal sphere into two.

However, at the moment of flying out, Miss Qingqing had already taken Xing Yuanzhi away from the metal ball, and deliberately threw it in the air as a bait, deceiving an attack from the mechanical dog.

The two of them landed in a hurry, using the light body technique to reduce the damage caused by the fall. The mechanical dog was about to jump out of the gap and jump in pursuit, but suddenly it became sluggish.

"The load exceeds the threshold?" Behind the screen in the command room, Zhuge Yao looked at the alarm in the command window and said with a smile, "Ah, it's Xing's quicksand field in Hejian."

He casually typed out a command: power overload.

Then the mechanical dog's hind legs suddenly exerted force, jumped out of the quicksand field despite the high gravity, and continued to chase the two girls who were escaping below.

Cheng Jinyang, who kept maneuvering in the air, of course noticed the changes below immediately.

The cutting laser range of the mechanical dog was so long that the two had to lead each other to frequently change directions and use complex terrain to escape the opponent's attack range.

This also made it difficult for Cheng Jinyang to provide fire support from high altitudes. After all, large-scale bombing could easily accidentally injure the girl running for her life in front, and it would be difficult for a precise strike from such a distance to hit a target that changes direction rapidly.

In other words, the only option is to lower the height.

"Don't go." Miss Wang's voice suddenly came from the communicator, "This is a trap for you."

"What should we do?" Cheng Jinyang asked quickly, his eyes locked tightly below.

"Keep your altitude and don't worry about it." Wang Wanrou replied, "In my calculations, there is a high probability that they will survive until I come to my side for help."

Cheng Jinyang was slightly silent.

"Sorry." He suddenly dived down, "I can't accept the small probability of accidents."

Quickly descending to a height of 50 meters, Cheng Jinyang fired several grenades again.

The grenade accurately hit the front and rear of the mechanical dog, blowing its body directly up.

The next second, he was surrounded by drones.

As if waiting for him to land a long time ago, a large number of drones ejected from the open skylights of nearby buildings, instantly blocking his path forward, backward, left and right.

It always feels like...it seems to work!

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