Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 196 There is no day like this

Cheng Jinyang was shocked when he saw the princess sister again.

From the look of her, it seemed like she hadn't slept well for a long time.

"I must guard the equipment of the head of the Zheng family 24 hours a day." Seeing his concerned and questioning face, Princess Nankang explained, "Otherwise, if an accident occurs, the entire Jiankang City will be destroyed."

"Can't we arrange synthetic mercenaries?" Cheng Jinyang asked.

"Of course, the synthesizer itself does not have coding authority, so there is a risk of being hacked." Princess Nankang replied.

Then Cheng Jinyang remembered Xiao Yunlai, the housekeeper who had been hacked several times, and asked quickly:

"Then it doesn't matter if you don't sleep for 24 hours?"

"Use medicines and mechanical assistance to solve the problem." Princess Nankang yawned repeatedly, "Although it is easy to get sleepy, I can still hold on."

She calmed down for a moment and then said:

"You are now the patriarch of the Cheng family in the capital of God, right?"

"Yeah." Cheng Jinyang nodded.

"Next, go to the palace. Father will definitely meet you." Princess Nankang explained, "Don't be too afraid of him, but don't trust him either."

Can't trust the emperor? It feels a bit weird for Sister Xinnan to say this as his daughter. Cheng Jinyang thought to himself,

"You are the son of a teacher. My father may talk to you about this." Princess Nankang hesitated and said, "I said that I will wait until you reach the seventh level and have the ability to protect yourself. Tell you about your parents.”

"But my father will not have such worries, so no matter what he says to you, you must maintain a cautious and thoughtful attitude." She concluded, "Don't believe his words easily, think more."

Why did Sister Xinnan become the Riddler? Cheng Jinyang cursed in his heart and promised seriously:


After bidding farewell to the princess sister, Cheng Jinyang went down the mountain road westward again and set off for Taicheng.

At the east gate of Taicheng, he found the guard responsible for guarding the gate.

Unexpectedly, this guard turned out to be a synthetic man...or a highly mechanized soldier. All the exposed bodies were mechanical, which gave people a chilling feeling.

Cheng Jinyang remembered that this seemed to be called the "uncanny valley effect", which means that the closer a creature is to a human appearance, the more likely it is to arouse fear, but if there is no difference between it and a human being, the fear disappears.

After the other party confirmed his identity, he directly led him into the Tai Chi Hall.

Different from what is described in novels and TV series, this guard did not tell him any etiquette for "meeting the emperor", such as kneeling down, not looking directly at the emperor's face, etc. - he said nothing.

When Cheng Jinyang came to the imperial steps, he saw the emperor sitting on the throne a hundred meters away. The surroundings were empty. Only the light beams shining on the corridor from the skylight on the side wall gave people a mysterious and unusual religious ceremony. feel.

"Just play with His Majesty here." The guards stationed on both sides said in a mechanical voice, which meant that he could not get closer.

"Uh." Cheng Jinyang began to think about what he should say. He only heard the emperor's voice coming from a loudspeaker nearby:


"Are you Xie Guyan's son?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Cheng Jinyang replied.

"Xie Guyan." The emperor chuckled with unknown meaning, "Her death is a great loss to the empire. I warned her not to trust Cheng Qinghe too much, or even the Cheng family in the divine capital... but she refused to believe my warning."

"If she had chosen to stay in Taicheng at that time, she might not have died. The demon penetrated through the Chuhe defense line and attacked Wujiang Town, which was something no one expected." At this point, the emperor paused slightly, "But In that case, maybe you wouldn’t have been born in this world.”

Cheng Jinyang didn't know what to say. To refute the emperor? The heavily armed guards are still standing nearby! Echoing the emperor? Doesn't that mean that he doesn't want his parents to unite to give birth to him?

Fortunately, the emperor did not say much on this topic, but asked him:

"Jinyang, Wang Chuzhong should have sent someone to look for you, right?"

Cheng Jinyang was about to subconsciously say no, when he suddenly remembered the housekeeping robot Xiaoyun and replied:

"Yes, they seemed to have hacked into a housekeeping synth before..."

"Well, you destroyed it later, which is good." The emperor continued his topic, "Wang Chuzhong therefore judged you as a hostile party. Some time ago, he asked Shen Shiju to test you, but later I sent Princess Nankang to drive you away. .”

Cheng Jinyang broke into a cold sweat when he heard this. Good guy, Jin Yiwei’s ears and eyes are really all-pervasive! Fortunately, I killed Xiaoyun in time that day, otherwise if I aroused the emperor's suspicion and suspicion, I'm afraid there would be a lot of trouble later!

"If you were not so decisive at the beginning, for example, after listening to the other party's confusing theory, what would happen next?" The emperor seemed to see through his thoughts and continued, "Then Shen Shiju was not testing you secretly. Instead, I will take you out of Jiankang City directly."

"Then you will become part of the brainwashing community."

Cheng Jinyang was silent for a long time and said:

"Your Majesty, I, although I don't know anything about political affairs, I also know that one should be loyal to the emperor and patriotic. Since Wang Chuzhong has rebelled, I am incompatible with them and will definitely not surrender to them."

Only the second half of this statement is true. Now that Wuchang County Duke has obtained the lineage of Gravity's uncle, the value of the Cheng clan members who stayed in Jiankang City has dropped greatly. If Long Xiang's army really destroys the imperial court, then he will be at the mercy of the mermaids. Whether he lives or dies depends entirely on his mood.

But what can be done? Whether it is for the princess sister, or for Ah Zhi, Wanrou, Qingqing and the others, it is impossible for me to become a rebel.

"Speaking of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism." The emperor said calmly, "Have you ever thought about what the meaning of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism is?"

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

What? The emperor asked me why I am loyal to the emperor and patriotic. How should I answer this?

"Or let's change the topic." The emperor continued, "Emperor Gao Zuxuan once said that there is a type of people called 'social evolutionists' who advocate uncontrolled competition, advocate survival of the fittest, and the advancement of the fittest, and even claim that the country Basic subsidies to the people at the bottom should be stopped and the low-end population be naturally eliminated. What do you think?"

"Of course this is not possible." Cheng Jinyang replied immediately, "It is absolutely fallacious."

"Survival of the fittest, in the long run, is of course beneficial to mankind as a whole." The emperor said in a faint and authentic tone, "But what about the short term? If you want to eliminate others, will others be willing to be eliminated? So there will be high-intensity competition, or More extreme, war.”

"War is absolutely harmful to mankind as a whole, so this is the meaning of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism." The emperor paused and continued, "In fact, what mankind needs is not the emperor or imperial power, but a stable political order."

"Once the political order is unstable, competition will arise, and countless careerists will focus on my position. They will launch wars and involve almost everyone. The winner will work hard to get the position, and then be defeated by new competition. They will be overthrown until someone integrates most of the power, gains absolute advantage, and establishes a new political order. But before that, such turmoil will last for a long time."

"But will the demon give humans such time? I don't think so. In other words, if it really happens, no one can afford the corresponding price. The current empire must not have civil strife, and Wang Chuzhong chose exactly Such a turbulent path.”

"Even if he really defeats the imperial court and ascends to the throne, can he successfully conquer others? Wang Maohong won't talk about it. He can't conquer any of the remaining four families with the five surnames. Everyone can accept a weak Sima family The emperor is on the throne, but he cannot accept the reign of a high-level psychic from the Taiyuan Wang family, after all, the latter can brainwash people."

"So why should you be loyal to the emperor and patriotic? If you can achieve absolute strength, instantly defeat the court and subdue all forces, then you can take my position. But there is no such person, and all conspirators whose ambition exceeds their ability will eventually It has brought nothing but disaster to the empire."

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